Related product I-Share

I-Share Annual Statistics

This page contains two sections with details on annual statistics for each individual I-Share Library, and a section on collective consortial statistics. See both below.

Annual Statistics for Individual I-Share Libraries

Reports in the I-Share Annual Statistics Package have been designed by CARLI staff and CARLI committees to provide the basic data necessary to meet many of the reporting needs, including some of the data requested for external state and national agencies.

CARLI staff run these statistical reports at the conclusion of each fiscal year (June 30) and they are deposited in each I-Share library's ftp account. The I-Share Liaison at each library has access to the ftp account. Report files are deleted from the ftp directory after 60 days.

For descriptions of the reports in the statistics package and suggestions about how to open, use, and interpret them, visit the I-Share Annual Statistical Package page.

Statistics included in the package include:

  • Collection Analysis (provides a snapshot of your collection at the time the statistic was created)
  • Circulation Activity (details transactions that occurred during the fiscal year, July 1 through June 30).
  • Automatic Fulfillment Network (AFN) Activity (details circulation activity where the Item and Patron are from different libraries). Note that this activity was termed "Universal Borrowing (UB)" in Voyager.

The Annual Statistics represent only a few of the I-Share statistics available to libraries. For more information on additional reports available to I-Share libraries, or to find out how to request a customized report, visit the Analytics and Reports section of the I-Share Documentation.

For Primo Analytics, see Analytics > Design Analytics (Primo) > Dashboards.

Consortial I-Share Annual Statistics

Current Statistics, FY 24

I-Share AFN Stat 1 FY 2024

I-Share AFN Stat 2 FY 2024

I-Share AFN Stat 4 FY 2024

I-Share AFN Stat 5 FY 2024

I-Share Collection Stat 8: Library Record Count FY 2024

I-Share Collection Stat 9: Unique Title Counts FY 2024

I-Share Electronic Stat 2: Electronic Collections Active in NZ FY 2024

Library Patron Record Counts FY 2024

Borrowing and Lending Comparison FY 2024

Circulation Transactions Comparison FY 2024

Reciprocal Borrowing to I-Share Patrons FY 2024

CARLI-Owned eBook Statistics--Coming soon.

FAQs & Documentation

I-Share Annual Statistical Package for Alma Data (2021)

Historical Statistics, FY 2003-2023

Note that Alma reports and Voyager reports are slightly different.
Years 2021 onward are Alma Reports. Years 2003 - 2020 are Voyager reports.
Details on interpreting the Voyager annual reports are included in the I-Share Annual Statistical Package for Voyager Data.

FAQs & Documentation for Voyager

About OPAC Usage Statistics for ACRL

Record Deletion in Your Voyager Database

I-Share Annual Statistical Package for Voyager Data (2002-2020)