Library Record Counts FY 2020

The Bib column represents the number of bibliographic records in your library’s database. The Bibs w/o MFHDs column is a subset of that count and represents bibliographic records without associated MFHDs or holdings. The MFHD column represents the number of MFHD (MARC Format for Holdings Data) records in your library’s database. The MFHDs w/o items column is a subset of that count and represents MFHDs without associated item records. These could feasibly represent electronic resource holdings (e.g., ebooks, ejournals) or serial holdings that do not have barcoded items attached. The Item column represents the number of Item records in your library’s database.

Data as of 7/1/2020

Institution Bib Records Bibs w/o MFHDs MFHDs MFHDs w/o Items Items
Adler University (ADL) 195,523 7 198,867 180,542 18,846
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (ALP) 119,112 10 134,161 147 149,560
Aurora University (ARU) 253,437 13 256,098 233,978 23,442
Augustana College (AUG) 135,585 8 140,514 9,064 151,518
Benedictine University (BEN) 373,047 4 378,703 274,634 125,384
Black Hawk College (BHC) 27,675 1 28,539 260 29,731
Bradley University (BRA) 335,397 156 346,428 43,391 379,825
College of DuPage (COD) 235,080 233 238,373 12,367 250,566
Columbia College Chicago (COL) 426,263 42 438,465 167,798 284,815
Concordia University Chicago (CON) 197,841 65 201,589 68,248 151,486
Carl Sandburg College (CSC) 28,050 0 29,014 1,246 29,740
Chicago State University (CSU) 575,317 2576 596,896 203,410 519,438
Catholic Theological Union (CTU) 152,951 4 155,844 35,254 162,925
Danville Area Community College (DAC) 24,259 20 24,513 36 48,720
Dominican University (DOM) 167,068 628 171,184 40,019 148,926
DePaul University (DPU) 754,739 240 790,675 121,548 1,000,288
Eastern Illinois University (EIU) 1,036,328 74 1,085,440 291,009 1,164,434
Elmhurst College (ELM) 556,441 240 649,484 460,585 215,861
Eureka College (ERK) 99,234 2194 104,679 23,699 113,844
Greenville University (GRN) 336,937 2 339,538 244,927 103,527
Governors State University (GSU) 652,402 0 713,490 422,746 328,621
Heartland Community College (HRT) 28,280 1 28,862 3,319 26,416
Illinois Central College (ICC) 192,707 5 201,803 164,008 41,540
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (IEC) 59,524 4 66,062 161 71,269
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) 698,838 120484 605,155 196,143 772,890
Illinois College (ILC) 128,388 3 131,737 8,335 142,744
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMS) 51,124 58 51,452 5,317 48,583
Illinois State Library (ISL) 1,117,060 1067 1,175,463 198,682 1,373,709
Illinois State University (ISU) 1,332,195 9 1,381,264 302,027 1,408,727
Illinois Valley Community College (IVC) 133,333 2 134,808 102,828 37,301
Illinois Wesleyan University (IWU) 392,325 4 397,288 188,947 256,449
JKM Library Trust (JKM) 225,563 1 240,166 22,888 288,969
Joliet Junior College (JOL) 72,926 2 75,767 26,085 55,588
Judson University (JUD) 95,851 143 97,142 193 106,118
John Wood Community College (JWC) 19,870 2 21,889 2,592 22,897
Kankakee Community College (KCC) 21,629 7 21,927 581 21,993
Kishwaukee College (KIS) 140,001 36 140,952 93,610 58,438
Knox College (KNX) 240,942 11 247,309 22,181 253,840
Lewis and Clark Community College (LAC) 44,040 51 45,494 2,518 44,692
Lincoln Christian University (LCC) 135,089 152 143,975 52,747 114,598
Lewis University (LEW) 98,140 0 99,849 13,653 98,081
Lake Forest College (LFC) 458,565 10 480,013 261,937 253,972
Lincoln Land Community College (LLC) 197,502 2 198,840 134,455 68,787
Lincoln College (LNC) 217,728 0 218,488 193,654 28,875
Moody Bible Institute (MBI) 188,547 622 245,593 301 268,712
McKendree University (MCK) 53,875 199 54,708 6,094 57,021
McHenry County College (MHC) 36,986 0 37,384 0 39,565
Millikin University (MIL) 372,360 6 378,226 197,153 202,695
Meadville Lombard Theological School (MLS) 23,324 46 23,957 121 26,838
Monmouth College (MON) 232,493 2 237,662 55,081 211,128
Morton College (MRT) 31,628 0 31,932 848 34,108
Northern Seminary (NBT) 32,231 372 33,128 958 34,896
Newberry Library (NBY) 1,133,233 30 1,149,324 196,552 954,355
North Central College (NCC) 210,378 347 215,562 98,188 137,800
Northeastern Illinois University (NEI) 659,451 1 680,960 198,714 559,896
Northern Illinois University (NIU) 2,614,307 93 2,701,885 926,242 2,364,874
National-Louis University (NLU) 326,975 5 335,182 248,201 93,210
North Park University (NPU) 254,676 30 260,424 41,155 248,478
Oakton Community College (OAK) 93,894 71 99,001 7,366 102,257
Olivet Nazarene University (ONU) 160,859 1 164,143 34,682 141,810
Principia College (PRC) 512,311 10 593,889 443,939 173,382
Parkland College (PRK) 132,335 1 135,177 49,616 89,722
Quincy University (QCY) 111,518 176 113,630 6,213 118,571
Richland Community College (RCC) 25,754 0 26,143 17 27,421
Roosevelt University (ROU) 291,477 200 299,043 92,023 216,566
Rush University (RSH) 59,415 16 60,310 42,784 23,141
Rock Valley College (RVC) 117,184 88 120,531 18,887 112,027
School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAI) 223,290 336 230,410 94,717 153,172
Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership (SCJ) 73,826 723 83,970 343 99,085
Southeastern Illinois College (SEI) 27,734 97 27,751 10,304 20,467
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing (SFM) 9,262 95 9,479 5,165 4,346
Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIC) 2,434,094 13 2,608,371 744,466 2,677,351
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIE) 588,365 453 615,594 95,524 609,745
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (SIM) 63,073 15 66,080 12,480 119,173
University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary (SML) 130,958 49 137,534 1,385 160,524
South Suburban College (SSC) 21,379 15 24,381 589 24,930
Sauk Valley Community College (SVC) 62,363 7 62,964 17,936 46,824
Southwestern Illinois College (SWI) 84,092 477 91,478 11,449 86,080
Saint Xavier University (SXU) 190,102 0 195,030 61,493 148,911
Trinity International University (TIU) 248,132 131 273,097 75,324 259,031
Trinity Christian College (TRN) 80,392 4 81,557 28,657 56,217
Triton College (TRT) 69,577 45 71,397 10,222 64,620
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) 3,464,589 4025 3,780,680 2,195,877 2,306,668
University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS) 700,424 350 712,155 259,595 687,657
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIU) 7,789,850 1213 8,889,056 1,770,145 10,877,550
University of St. Francis (USF) 106,528 12 110,722 36,866 78,234
Wheaton College (WHE) 642,679 220 723,832 250,165 556,334
Western Illinois University (WIU) 1,049,642 32 1,101,430 170,191 1,124,263
Harper College (WRH) 146,220 19 154,589 46,426 116,905
Totals 38,666,088 139,218 41,277,550 13,396,223 37,514,533

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