This webliography of preservation and conservation resources was compiled by members of the CARLI Preservation Committee to provide guidance to member libraries on curatorial and preservation issues. The resources listed below have been selected from the offerings of organizations involved in the conservation and preservation of information sources in all media. From gateway websites to small leaflets, all are freely available on the web.
Send comments and corrections to the CARLI Office. These links will be checked by the CARLI Preservation Committee for accuracy every twelve months. If you encounter any problems with listed links, please contact the provided e-mail address.
This webliography is for informational purposes only; inclusion of sites does not constitute an endorsement. This page was last updated December 2023.
Northeast Document Conservation Center Preservation Leaflets Comprehensive collection of informational leaflets on a wide variety of preservation topics, including planning, emergency management (water damage, mold, pests), and handling of specific types of materials. A sample of specific topics include The Needs Assessment Survey, Considerations for Prioritizing, and Collections Policies and Preservation.
Selection for Preservation Criteria from RLG, Cornell, and Harvard List of recommendations for reviewers when assessing materials that could be rare or valuable.
ALCTS Collection Assessment Resources is a bibliography from the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services.
Hiller, Steve. Applying Performance Metrics in Libraries: Current Use. Slides from NISO Webinar: Measure, Assess, Improve, Repeat: Using Library Performance Metrics, September 8, 2010.
A Year in the Life: AV/Media Preservation in Illinois: During 2015-2016, the CARLI Preservation Committee explored the issues involved in Audiovisual Preservation. This website encompasses the information learned and gathered throughout the year including inventories/appraisals of collections, assessment, care & storage, reformatting, disaster planning, grants, and a reflection of the year. The group identified resources both electronic and print that are useful for this topic.
ARSC Guide to Audio Preservation is a guide developed by the Association for Recorded Sound Collections that includes chapters on preserving audio, audio formats, appraisals and priorities, care and maintenance, description of recordings, preservation reformatting, what to do after digitization, the legal context, as well as disaster prevention, preparedness, and response.
Preservation Self-Assessment Program (PSAP): The Preservation Self-Assessment Program (PSAP) is a free online tool that helps collection managers prioritize efforts to improve conditions of collections. Through guided evaluation of materials, storage/exhibit environments, and institutional policies, the PSAP produces reports on the factors that impact the health of cultural heritage materials, and defines the points from which to begin care.
“CCAHA Online Media Preservation Video Series” is an online document with links to Vimeo online video versions of much of the information presented through their popular "A Race Against Time: Preserving AV Media" workshop series. Recorded segments include overviews from several preservation experts and highlight other important related programs and links.
Conservation On-Line(CoOL): Audio Preservation
National Archives Audio Guidance provides a description of audio format characteristics.
Preservation: Audio University of Washington Research Guide for audio preservation.
Sound Savings: Preserving Audio Collections (Proceedings from the Symposium), Association of Research Libraries Preservation Section
Association for Recorded Sound Collections A nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and study of sound recordings. Provides links to discussion lists and a directory of members and nonmembers who offer services, equipment, and supplies.
Care, Handling and Storage of Audio Visual Materials Succinct guide from the Library of Congress to handling, storage, cleaning, and packaging audio visual formats.
Association of Moving Image Archivists Links to guidelines and manuals on film and videotape preservation.
Care and Handling of CDs and DVDs: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists CLIR report that provides guidance on extending life expectancy for optical disc media by minimizing damage caused by physical handling and environmental factors.
International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives - Guide on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects.
Sound Directions: Best Practices for Audio Preservation From an NEH-funded project, this report indicates best practices for digitization as well as current and emerging standards. Provides information on two levels: for the general audience and for specialists (audio engineers and digital librarians).
Videotape Identification and Assessment Guide from the Texas Commission on the Arts.
AIC's Book and Paper Group Wiki has resources on many aspects of book repair and conservation.
A Simple Book Repair Manual From Dartmouth University's Preservation Services. Includes principles and practical instructions for identifying and performing needed repairs.
Book Repair Manual This manual was created for the Illinois Cooperative Conservation Program in 1984, and remains a standard for training in book repair.
Book Repair for Circulating and General Collections is a webinar presented by Marianne S. Hanley, Preservation Librarian for Syracuse University Libraries on November 8, 2022. Hanley introduces participants to basic book repair for circulating or general collections. Attendees learn how to repair common types of damage, such as hinge repair, tipping in loose pages, page mending, and spine repair.
“Conservation Book Repair: a training manual” by Artemis BonaDea, Alaska State Library. A training manual for libraries developed through a series of workshops for personnel within the state of Alaska.
Guide for Selecting a Conservator Guide provided by the American Institute for Conservation outlining what type of work conservators do and how to negotiate work with a private conservator. A link to a searchable database of private conservators for all fields is available at the bottom of the page at AIC Form for Selecting a Conservator.
Indiana University's Repair and Enclosure Treatments Manual includes Repair Treatments, Enclosure Treatments, Hand Tools, Shop Tools, Supplies and Materials, and Glossary and Appendices.
Syracuse University’s Conservation Manuals includes Conservation Recase, Molded Paper Spine, Thin Paper Spine, One-Piece Tuxedo Phase Box, Two-Piece Tuxedo Phase Box, Phase Box, Corrugated Cardboard Clamshell Box, Drop Spine Box, Windowed Drop Spine Box, and Encapsulation
NISO “A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections:” The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) created a broad view of the major parts and activities involved in digital curation. Includes good bibliographies on a variety of topics; summaries of different institutional-level digital preservation approaches; and guiding principles for collection building.
Digital Preservation at the Library of Congress: Digital preservation efforts at the Library of Congress including programs related to digital content packaging and ingest, monitoring and reporting of digital storage, sustainable digital file formats, metadata, and more.
Levels of Digital Preservation. The National Digital Stewardship Alliance created a matrix by Functional Area and Level. The Matrix should be used in association with the Working Definitions Document which gives further explanation on terms used within the grid.
The UK National Archives: Digital Preservation Succinct guidance notes provide advice on selection of file formats and storage media as well as care, handling and storage of media.
dPlan: The Online Disaster-Planning Tool A Free Template for Writing Disaster Plans is a free online program to help institutions write comprehensive disaster plans. It provides an easy-to-use template that allows museums, libraries, archives, and other cultural institutions of all sizes to develop a customized plan.
ALA Disaster Preparedness Clearinghouse Contains links to resources for disaster planning, collection valuation, collection preservation and recovery, and more.
Northeast Document Conservation Center The Northeast Document Conservation Center provides many resources on preservation, including disaster planning and emergency management.
Harvard University Emergency Preparedness This website from Harvard University provides many resources on emergency preparedness planning. See also: Wet Books in High Density Book Storage: What really happens and what can we do about it?, another PowerPoint from Harvard's Preservation Center.
Tips for Salvaging Water Damaged Valuables The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) and Heritage Preservation offer general recommendations for homeowners who have had family heirlooms and other valuables damaged by flooding. Includes information about finding a professional conservator and links to additional resources from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Emergency Preparedness and Response This website from is an excellent starting point for libraries, archives or other organizations wishing to develop a disaster plan document. Included is a workbook, disaster plan template, resource links and a disaster plan exercise which can be used to determine readiness and to train staff on handling materials during an emergency.
Disaster Recovery: Salvaging Books Guidelines for disaster recovery from the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts. Emphasis is on effective options for drying wet books. This organization has Salvaging Photograph Collections available as well.
Building an Emergency Plan: A Guide for Museums and Other Cultural Institutions by the Getty Institute provides a comprehensive outline to create an institutional emergency response plan.
A Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management and Response: Paper-Based Materials This National Archives Records Administration publication provides information on staff emergency response as well as procedures to salvage and pack archival and library materials.
Salvage at a Glance Western Association for Art Conservation's Salvage at a Glance includes handling, priority and drying methods in case of a water-based disaster.
This primer from the National Park Service discusses how to plan for, salvage, and care for paper objects in emergencies, suhc as fire, flood, and earthquake.
Disaster Preparedness -- YouTube Preservation Videos Annette Morris, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, recommends videos designed to help train staff and students in the preparation and recovery of a variety of emergency situations.
AIC Exhibition Standards and Guidelines Wiki. Detailed standards on every phase of the exhibit process.
Exhibiting library and archives materials. List of various resources on creating exhibit mounts and monitoring environmental conditions from Michigan State University.
Exhibition preparation. Recommendations from the Special Collections & Archives of Miami University Libraries Oxford Ohio on safely displaying archival material while on exhibit.
Protecting Paper and Book Collections During Exhibition from the NEDCC.
Protection from Light Damage from the NEDCC. Guidance on measuring light levels, different types of lighting, and how to control light damage, with a special section on exhibition lighting.
In 2004, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) supported Heritage Preservation in conducting theHeritage Health Index survey. This survey assessed the preservation needs of America’s cultural heritage institutions and provided a benchmarking tool for collections care practice. Ten years later, IMLS took a look at where collections care and management challenges and opportunities stood. The results from this 10 year follow-up were published in 2019 in the Heritage Health Information Survey from the data collected in 2014.
Conservation Online (CoOL) An excellent site, operated by the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation, for conservation professionals and those interested in conservation treatment of all types. Some of this site's offerings include:Audio Preservation, Digital Imaging, Disaster Preparedness and Response, Electronic Records and Digital Archives, Environmental Monitoring and Control, Library Binding, Motion Picture Film Preservation, Mold, Pest Management, Video Preservation
Collections Care A site from the Library of Congress, covering basic preservation procedures for multiple formats and materials. Includes (but not limited to) Care, Handling and Storage of Books; Care, Handling and Storage of Motion Picture Film; Care, Handling and Storage of Photographs; Care, Handling and Storage of Audio Visual Materials; Preservation Guidelines for Matting and Framing; and Care, Handling and Storage of Works on Paper.
Other resources available from the Library of Congress include Digital Preservation; What To Do If Collections Get Wet; Emergency Preparedness, Response & Recovery; Foundation Grants for Preservation in Libraries, Archives, and Museums; and Insurance/Risk Management.
Lyrasis provides a wealth of free Preservation Resources and Publications, including Funding Resources for Preservation, Preservation Budget Planning, Collections Care, Disaster Planning and Recovery, Digital, Environment, Vendors/Suppliers, as well as documents in Spanish.
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Preservation Pages
This is the index page for a wealth of preservation information furnished by NARA, both for preservation professionals and interested members of the public.
A sample of the resources available on the NARA site includes:
The Archives Association of British Columbia has the AABC Archivist’s Toolkit which “offers access to a wide range of on-line and published resources for archivists and archives workers on all levels.” The Toolkit includes topics such as Introduction to Archives; Establishing an Archives; Acquisition, Appraisal, & Accessioning; Arrangement & Description; Preservation & Emergency Planning; Access & Privacy; Automation & Digitization; Electronic Records & Digital Preservation Management; and more. The AABC publishes A Manual for Small Archives that is an overview of good conservation practices. 204 pages.
Canadian Conservation Institute Notes
More preservation/conservation oriented pamphlets on various topics. Pamphlets must be ordered from CCI but there are always sample pamphlets on view at the website. The CCI also has documents such as Basic Care of Books and Controlling Insect Pests with Low Temperature.
The CCI produces the Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network (BCIN), a bibliographic database of professional conservation literature.
From the National Park Service, Conserve O Grams "are short, focused leaflets about caring for museum objects, published in loose-leaf format. New topics are added as needed and out-of-date issues are revised or deleted. Semiannual supplements will be issued for an indeterminate period." (from website) Many relate to museum collections, the ones noted are on topics of interest to libraries.
Some of the topics covered:
Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) Some of their documents include:
Archival Products Newsletter A quarterly newsletter, published by the Archival Products company, for libraries. Articles cover a wide range of topics, including: pest control, disaster recovery, protective enclosures, book repair, moving and storage of collections.
Berkeley Library Bindery: Definitions of Common Terms The Berkeley Library Bindery has put together a helpful glossary of common library binding terminology.
Bookbinding and the Conservation of books: A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology by Etherington and Roberts. An excellent on-line dictionary (often illustrated) of bookbinding and conservation terminology.
CCAHA Glossary A glossary of paper conservation terminology.
Capitalize on Collections Care (Joint program between Heritage Preservation and IMLS on fundraising for Collections Care)
FAIC – Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation Grants and Scholarships to promote professional development, outreach to the public, publications, and conservation projects.
NEH Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions These grants, for up to $5,000, cover many of the basic preservation needs for smaller institutions, or even smaller collections within larger institutions. Funding is available for preservation assessments, preservation consultants, purchase of storage furniture and/or preservation supplies, purchase of environmental monitoring equipment, and education and training expenses.
NEH Grants A full listing of National Endowment for the Humanities grants in the area of Preservation Access. You will need to filter all grants available by Division/Office, "Preservation and Access Grants" and applicant type, "organization".
Preservation Directory Grants gateway site.
ARL’s Code of Best Practices in Fair Use: Code of Practice developed by the Association of Research Libraries looks at several issues pertinent to preservation including how Fair Use applies to digitization of special collections; digitization of at-risk material; and collection born-digital material.
Copyright Issues Relevant for Digital Preservation and Dissemination of Pre-1972 Commercial Sound Recordings by Libraries and Archives A 2005 CLIR report by June Besek that summarizes what libraries and archives are legally empowered to do to preserve and make accessible for research their holdings of pre-1972 commercial recordings.
Copyright and Cultural Institutions: Guidelines for Digitization for U.S. Libraries, Archives, and Museums Hosted by the Social Science Research Network, this 275-page PDF is provided under Creative Commons license. Originally written in Australia as “Guidelines for Digitisation” this version has been updated by Cornell’s Peter B. Hirtle based on American law and practice. Copyright fundamentals, duration, rights & infringement, and fair use are discussed; and how libraries and archives should consider and are impacted by copyright considerations.
Federal Historic Preservation Laws, Regulations, and Orders webpage from the National Park Service provides information on the laws, regulations, and orders that govern historic preservation work.
National Recording Preservation Act Text and explanation of H.R. 4846, which established the National Recording Registry (Library of Congress) for the preservation of sound recordings.
ANSI/NISO/LBI Z39.78-2000 Library Binding Standards The ANSI/NISO standard for commercial library binding.
Book Manufacturers’ Institute (BMI), which merged with Hardcover Binders International/Library Binding Institute (HBI/LBI), is the premiere information resource on library binding. It exists to ensure the highest standards in library binding and to create awareness that library binding is the best long-term collections maintenance preservation option.
BMI List of Member Binderies These library binderies, as members of the Library Binding Council adhere to the standards set forth in the ANSI/NISO standard for commercial library binding.
BPG Mold The AIC Book and Paper Group's Wiki on mold. Discusses what mold is, its identification, prevention, and treatment.
BugGuide One of the few on-line keys for insect classification as an aid in identifying pests caught in an integrated pest management program. Has its limitations, but an excellent quick reference for some species.
Collections Environment Infographic Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts provides an easy to understand quick reference guide that shows how storage environments impact collections, as well as ideal conditions for a range of materials.
Conservation Online's links to IPM This page provides links to various pest management topics for libraries including bibliographies and resources for fumigation.
Emergency Salvage of Moldy Books and Paper Northeast Document Conservation Center leaflet provides information to identify, remediate, and prevent mold outbreaks.
IPI’s Guide to: Sustainable Preservation Practices for Managing Storage Environments The Image Permanence Institute provides a detailed guide to help institutions achieve the best possible collections storage environment with the least possible energy consumption.
Integrated Pest Management Programs for Museums, Libraries & Conservation / Preservation Facilities. Harvard University Environmental Health & Safety.
Integrated Pest Management Working Group provides information on prevention, identification, monitoring and controlling pests.
Invasion of the Giant Mold Spore This is a great basic introduction to the topic of mold and its activities, includes a useful bibliography.
Managing Mold Contamination. Harvard University Library overview of mold with control strategies.
Mold Prepared by the Center for Disease Control, this site contains links to general information about mold and identification, remediation, and cleanup of mold.
The American Institute for Conservation has created a wiki focus on housing books and paper and another on photographic material.
The NEDCC has several leaflets for 'Storage and Handling' including: Storage Methods and Handling Practices; Storage Enclosures for Books and Artifacts on Paper; Storage Solutions for Oversized Paper Artifacts; Storage Enclosures for Photographic Materials
ACRL/RBMS Guidelines Regarding Security and Theft in Special Collections Prepared by the RBMS Security Committee in 2008 and approved by ACRL in 2009, this document guides collection managers in providing appropriate security and developing a strategy for responding to theft.
ACRL/RBMS Guidelines on the Selection and Transfer of Materials from General Collections to Special Collections (approved July 1, 2008) Prepared by the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of ACRL, this document guides collection managers in selecting and transferring items from general collections into special collections repositories.
Misperceptions about White Gloves A December 2005 article sponsored by IFLA that discusses practices for handling special collections materials, and why white gloves are no longer commonly used.
National Archives Preservation This page outlines the activities of the Documents Conservation and Special Media Preservation Laboratories and includes links to policies for Holdings Maintenance, Storage, Emergency Preparedness, Conservation and Special Formats.
Email Lists
Talas is a resource for specialized conservation, preservation, and restoration supplies.
Hollinger Metal Edge offers a wide range of high quality preservation and conservation quality materials, similar to other popular distibutors, but is particularly convenient for smaller institutions in that they sell most items by the piece or in small quanities. Offers many materials for housing and storing library materials. This company will additionally do custom-size boxes.
Gaylord Archival A division of the larger Gaylord Bros. Co offering a reasonable array of products at reasonable prices, especially if bought in quantity.
Archival Methods offers archival storage and presentation products including portfolios, boxes, albums, enclosures, board and papers.
Polistini Conservation Material LLC offers specialty products and tools for book and paper conservation. From their website, "Polistini Conservation Materials LLC is the brainchild of three professional conservators working in Washington D.C. They bring together over 50 years experience in book and paper conservation and bookbinding, including leading international courses on the topics for more than 10 years."
Collections Care Videos The Library of Congress has put together a list of past Collection Care webinars that you can access to learn more about different preservation topics.
Connecting to Collections Care Online Community provides free webinars, a discussion list, and resources.
Lyrasis provides distance education (webinars) and self-paced courses on many preservation topics including, "Mammoth Materials: How to Preserve Posters, Maps, and More," "Understanding Digital Photographs," "Audiovisual Preservation on a Shoestring Budget," and many others. CARLI members pay the nonmenber rate for classes.
NEDCC's free training presentations available on their YouTube page. The Northeast Document Conservation Center uploads some of their preservation training videos to their YouTube page. The topics range from fundraising for preservation to causes of deterioration.
Webjunction Illinois Homepage A resource for the Illinois library community. It contains information on all areas of librarianship.
Training Students -- YouTube Preservation Videos David Bell of Eastern Illinois University recommends YouTube videos related to training students and staff on the care of books.
The CARLI Preservation Committee sponsored a hands-on preservation workshop at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum on May 8, 2019. The workshop included a presentation by Tonia Grafakos, the Marie A. Quinlan Director of Preservation at Northwestern University, on how to choose commercially available protective enclosures to use and/or adapt locally with many examples for attendees to see. Bonnie Parr, the Conservator at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, walked participants through the steps to make book wrappers for thin/light weight materials from 10-point board; and Susan Howell, the Cataloging / Metadata Librarian, and Jason Blohm, Preservation Lab Graduate Assistant from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, led the second hands-on session as they taught participants how to construct boxes/book wrappers from 20-point board for thicker books.
The CARLI Preservation Committee sponsored a Burn Simulation and Recovery Workshop on June 13, 2018. Twenty-eight librarians from across the state were in attendance. Fire Investigation and Fire Prevention Training Program Manager at IFSI, Chief John High spoke at length regarding working with fire professionals. This discussion transitioned into classroom-based fire extinguisher training assisted by Tim Romine, IFSI Associate Field Instructor, followed by a hands-on fire extinguisher training for attendees. IFSI instructors prepared a burn simulation of donated library materials in their on-site training building. The salvage and recovery portions of the workshop were led primarily by Jennifer Hain Teper, Head of Preservation Services for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), with assistance from Quinn Ferris, Senior Specialist Collection Conservator for UIUC.
Bonnie Parr the Historical Documents Conservator at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (timing on the recording: 00:57-12:43) describes the "Environmental Monitoring Devices at the ALPLM." David S. Bell is a Reference Librarian and Booth Library Preservation Committee Chair at Eastern Illinois University. His presentation "Home-Grown Environmental Monitoring" (timing on the recording: 13:09-33:16) describes the system that has been developed at his institution to monitor the library's environment. And, co-presenters William Schlaack, a graduate assistant, and Miriam Centero, the Collections Care Coordinator in the Preservation Program in the University Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, provide information on "Pests of the Midwest: IPM at UIUC" (timing on the recording: 33:31-55:38). Recorded on June 17, 2014, ~ 65 minutes
Three panelists share information on different assessment models that libraries with various levels of expertise and resources may use to assess their preservation needs in preparation for preservation projects and/or grant applications to fund those projects.
Part I Collection Assessment for Preservation Purposes. Cason Snow speaks on an in-house process used by Northern Illinois University. Ross Griffiths, Director of Heritage and Legacy Collections at Illinois State University, introduces an assessment method used at his library. Recorded on October 8, 2013. ~35 minutes
II: Preservation Needs Assessment: a Self-Study Approach. Lorraine Olley, Library Director at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, describes a self-assessment project based on an update of the ARL Preservation Self-Study model. Recorded on October 4, 2013. ~ 23 minutes
At this workshop sponsored by the Preservation Working Group, librarians and staff learned how to identify mold in library buildings and collections, the risks that mold poses to human health and collections, and options for remediation. Presenters shared case studies from their careers in Illinois as well as post-Katrina Gulf Coast.
Mycology for Librarians: Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Fungus, presented by Amanda Rinehart, Data Librarian, Illinois State University
The Threats of Mold to Libraries: Books, Buildings, Bodies, presented by Ann Frellsen, Collections Conservator, Emory University
Mold Remediation in the University of Illinois' Rare Book & Manuscript Library: Our Successes and Compromises, presented by Jennifer Hain Teper, Head, Preservation & Conservation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mold Remediation on a Small Budget, presented by Julie Mosbo, Preservation Librarian, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Film Preservation for an Academic Collection (handout)
The Basics of Audiovisual Preservation on a Shoestring Budget, presented by Jimi Jones, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Audiovisual Preservation (handout)
AvSAP (handout)
Identification and Preservation of Photographic Collections, presented by Jennifer Hain Teper, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Identification and Preservation of Photographic Collections (handout)
AudioVisual Preservation Resource List (handout)