Training Events

Tue, Feb 18, 2025 / 9:30am to 11:00am

CARLI’s I-Share Resource Management Training series focuses on how libraries may manage collections and metadata in Alma effectively, with an emphasis on Alma’s functionalities for management of physical and electronic resources. This series will cover many topics that involve cataloging as well as the interaction of metadata with other library system functions, such as acquisitions, circulation, and discovery. Each session will highlight different processes and workflows for completing resource management tasks in both institutional and consortial perspectives.

Series content is aimed at those who are responsible for day-to-day work with MARC metadata and inventory data in an I-Share institution. Staff that are responsible for functions in acquisitions, fulfillment, discovery, or reporting may find the information useful as well. Primary emphasis will be on taking advantage of Alma functionality to complete tasks within resource management workflows. Limited discussion on broader cataloging practice and theory may be addressed as time allows.

Each 90-minute session will consist of 55-70 minutes of presentation, with periodic spaces for questions and exploration. Attendees will be encouraged to have examples ready for hands-on practice. 

Registration will be capped at 15 attendees per session, and sessions may be selected a la carte. Each session will be recorded and made available, and it is not necessary to register to receive access to the recording. Register here.

Session 1: Alma Inventory Models and Searching

This session will cover the basics of working with Alma Resource Management. Topics include the Alma repository zones and inventory models, and how zones and inventory relate to searching and selecting records for inventory. Basic procedures for adding inventory using the metadata editor and using purchase order lines will be described.

  • Alma Zones: institution zone, network zone, community zone
  • Alma inventory models: titles, physical inventory (holdings and items), electronic inventory (collections and portfolios)
  • Searching by zone and inventory
  • Search results (new UI) and record functions
  • Adding inventory via metadata editor
  • Adding inventory via purchase orders
Thu, Feb 20, 2025 / 11:30am to 1:00pm

In this first webinar of a two-part OER for Faculty Series, the CARLI OER Committee invites institutions to share with their teaching faculty this opportunity to attend a webinar to learn about open educational resources including open textbooks.

This workshop will identify:

  • what are open educational resources (OER);
  • benefits and motivations for using OER;
  • how to find and evaluate OER;
  • how to integrate OER into your class.

After attending, CARLI-member teaching faculty will be invited to write a short review of an open textbook in the Open Textbook Library.

Lauren Kosrow, College of DuPage
Evangeline Reid, Aurora University
Elizabeth Clarage, Michele Leigh, and Nicole Swanson, CARLI

Register to attend.

Learn more about session two in the OER for Faculty Series, "Open Pedagogy Workshop."

Sponsored by the CARLI OER Committee

Mon, Feb 24, 2025 / 10:00am to 11:00am

CARLI is taking a break from hosting the New Directors’ Institute in 2025. Instead, for CARLI orientation for new deans and directors, we are hosting two identical hour Zoom sessions on February 11 and February 24. All directors are invited to attend, even if you are not new. You’ll meet CARLI staff and learn about CARLI services.

Zoom connection information will be emailed to registered attendees before the meeting.

Mon, Feb 24, 2025 / 10:00am to 11:00am

CARLI is taking a break from hosting the New Directors’ Institute in 2025. Instead, for CARLI orientation for new deans and directors, we are hosting two identical hour Zoom sessions on February 11 and February 24. All directors are invited to attend, even if you are not new. You’ll meet CARLI staff and learn about CARLI services.

Zoom connection information will be emailed to registered attendees before the meeting.

Tue, Feb 25, 2025 / 9:30am to 11:00am

CARLI’s I-Share Resource Management Training series focuses on how libraries may manage collections and metadata in Alma effectively, with an emphasis on Alma’s functionalities for management of physical and electronic resources. This series will cover many topics that involve cataloging as well as the interaction of metadata with other library system functions, such as acquisitions, circulation, and discovery. Each session will highlight different processes and workflows for completing resource management tasks in both institutional and consortial perspectives.

Series content is aimed at those who are responsible for day-to-day work with MARC metadata and inventory data in an I-Share institution. Staff that are responsible for functions in acquisitions, fulfillment, discovery, or reporting may find the information useful as well. Primary emphasis will be on taking advantage of Alma functionality to complete tasks within resource management workflows. Limited discussion on broader cataloging practice and theory may be addressed as time allows.

Each 90-minute session will consist of 55-70 minutes of presentation, with periodic spaces for questions and exploration. Attendees will be encouraged to have examples ready for hands-on practice. 

Registration will be capped at 15 attendees per session, and sessions may be selected a la carte. Each session will be recorded and made available, and it is not necessary to register to receive access to the recording. Register here.

Session 2: Editing MARC Records

This training session explores the functionality of the metadata editor and best practices for working with MARC records in Alma. Functions for editing MARC records, templates, and rules will be described, and the relationships between institution zone and network zone will be demonstrated in context.

  • Navigating the metadata editor: record lists, menus, record types, record statuses
  • Editing bibliographic records: adding, editing, deleting, restoring, form editing
  • Institution Zone-Network Zone relationships: local extensions, locking and releasing records
  • Administrative metadata: publishing to OCLC, suppression, brief level
  • Editing Community Zone records
Thu, Feb 27, 2025 / 11:30am to 1:00pm

In this second webinar of the two-part OER for Faculty Series, the CARLI OER Committee invites teaching faculty to an online workshop on open pedagogy.

When you use open pedagogy in your classroom, you are inviting students to be part of the teaching process, participating in the co-creation of knowledge. In this workshop, you will learn the definition and context of Open Pedagogy, view innovative examples being applied in a variety of subjects and formats, and work with other attendees to create an assignment that you can use in your own class. 

Kelly Hallisy, DePaul University
Chris Sweet, Illinois Wesleyan University
Elizabeth Clarage, Michele Leigh, and Nicole Swanson, CARLI

Register to attend.

Sponsored by the CARLI OER Committee

Tue, Mar 4, 2025 / 9:30am to 11:00am

CARLI’s I-Share Resource Management Training series focuses on how libraries may manage collections and metadata in Alma effectively, with an emphasis on Alma’s functionalities for management of physical and electronic resources. This series will cover many topics that involve cataloging as well as the interaction of metadata with other library system functions, such as acquisitions, circulation, and discovery. Each session will highlight different processes and workflows for completing resource management tasks in both institutional and consortial perspectives.

Series content is aimed at those who are responsible for day-to-day work with MARC metadata and inventory data in an I-Share institution. Staff that are responsible for functions in acquisitions, fulfillment, discovery, or reporting may find the information useful as well. Primary emphasis will be on taking advantage of Alma functionality to complete tasks within resource management workflows. Limited discussion on broader cataloging practice and theory may be addressed as time allows.

Each 90-minute session will consist of 55-70 minutes of presentation, with periodic spaces for questions and exploration. Attendees will be encouraged to have examples ready for hands-on practice. 

Registration will be capped at 15 attendees per session, and sessions may be selected a la carte. Each session will be recorded and made available, and it is not necessary to register to receive access to the recording. Register here.

Session 3: Adding New Bibliographic Records

This session focuses on methods for adding new bibliographic records to Alma. Procedures will include immediate import options for OCLC services, Connexion and Record Manager, as well as Z39.50 import from WorldCat, and general information about bulk loading records through import profiles. Consortial policies and best practices for the network zone record requirements will be discussed along with appropriate uses for creating records directly in Alma.

  • Consortial Cataloging Policies and Best Practices
  • Direct Export from OCLC Services, Connexion, Record Manager
  • Direct Import via Metadata Editor/Z39.50
  • Evaluating record sources for import
  • Batch loading via import profiles: WorldCat Updates, vendor data, acquisitions EOD, Excel
  • Merge profiles
  • Creating local records: templates, record requirements, record limitations
  • Record relationships and bound-withs
  • Deleting bibliographic records
Tue, Mar 11, 2025 / 9:30am to 11:00am

CARLI’s I-Share Resource Management Training series focuses on how libraries may manage collections and metadata in Alma effectively, with an emphasis on Alma’s functionalities for management of physical and electronic resources. This series will cover many topics that involve cataloging as well as the interaction of metadata with other library system functions, such as acquisitions, circulation, and discovery. Each session will highlight different processes and workflows for completing resource management tasks in both institutional and consortial perspectives.

Series content is aimed at those who are responsible for day-to-day work with MARC metadata and inventory data in an I-Share institution. Staff that are responsible for functions in acquisitions, fulfillment, discovery, or reporting may find the information useful as well. Primary emphasis will be on taking advantage of Alma functionality to complete tasks within resource management workflows. Limited discussion on broader cataloging practice and theory may be addressed as time allows.

Each 90-minute session will consist of 55-70 minutes of presentation, with periodic spaces for questions and exploration. Attendees will be encouraged to have examples ready for hands-on practice. 

Registration will be capped at 15 attendees per session, and sessions may be selected a la carte. Each session will be recorded and made available, and it is not necessary to register to receive access to the recording. Register here.

Session 4: Managing Physical Inventory

This training session explores procedures for adding and updating physical inventory both with and without involving purchase order lines. Processes for managing the inventory data in MARC holding records and physical item records will be described for single items and for multiple item resources such as serials. The relationship between item record coding and fulfillment will be discussed.

  • Adding inventory for single items.
  • Adding inventory for multi-part items.
  • MARC holding record standards
  • Templates: holding records, item records
  • Using Alma shelf list functions
  • Receiving inventory for purchase order lines
  • Receiving serial items
  • Temporary locations
  • Item data and fulfillment
  • Relinking inventory
  • Withdrawing inventory
Tue, Mar 18, 2025 / 9:30am to 11:00am

CARLI’s I-Share Resource Management Training series focuses on how libraries may manage collections and metadata in Alma effectively, with an emphasis on Alma’s functionalities for management of physical and electronic resources. This series will cover many topics that involve cataloging as well as the interaction of metadata with other library system functions, such as acquisitions, circulation, and discovery. Each session will highlight different processes and workflows for completing resource management tasks in both institutional and consortial perspectives.

Series content is aimed at those who are responsible for day-to-day work with MARC metadata and inventory data in an I-Share institution. Staff that are responsible for functions in acquisitions, fulfillment, discovery, or reporting may find the information useful as well. Primary emphasis will be on taking advantage of Alma functionality to complete tasks within resource management workflows. Limited discussion on broader cataloging practice and theory may be addressed as time allows.

Each 90-minute session will consist of 55-70 minutes of presentation, with periodic spaces for questions and exploration. Attendees will be encouraged to have examples ready for hands-on practice. 

Registration will be capped at 15 attendees per session, and sessions may be selected a la carte. Each session will be recorded and made available, and it is not necessary to register to receive access to the recording. Register here.

Session 5: Managing Electronic Inventory

This training session covers processes for adding and updating electronic inventory and associated bibliographic records both with and without involving purchase order lines. Options for using community zone data or building and managing local electronic collections will be described. Management of individual portfolios in collections or as standalone resource will be discussed.

  • Activating Community Zone electronic collections
  • Activating local institution zone electronic collections
  • Adding or activating portfolios for selective collections: import profiles, portfolio loader
  • Activating portfolios for purchase order lines
  • Ex Libris auto-holdings integrations
  • Managing holdings data in WorldCat: Data sync or Collection Manager KB
  • Relinking inventory
  • Deactivating and deleting electronic inventory
Tue, Mar 25, 2025 / 9:30am to 11:00am

CARLI’s I-Share Resource Management Training series focuses on how libraries may manage collections and metadata in Alma effectively, with an emphasis on Alma’s functionalities for management of physical and electronic resources. This series will cover many topics that involve cataloging as well as the interaction of metadata with other library system functions, such as acquisitions, circulation, and discovery. Each session will highlight different processes and workflows for completing resource management tasks in both institutional and consortial perspectives.

Series content is aimed at those who are responsible for day-to-day work with MARC metadata and inventory data in an I-Share institution. Staff that are responsible for functions in acquisitions, fulfillment, discovery, or reporting may find the information useful as well. Primary emphasis will be on taking advantage of Alma functionality to complete tasks within resource management workflows. Limited discussion on broader cataloging practice and theory may be addressed as time allows.

Each 90-minute session will consist of 55-70 minutes of presentation, with periodic spaces for questions and exploration. Attendees will be encouraged to have examples ready for hands-on practice. 

Registration will be capped at 15 attendees per session, and sessions may be selected a la carte. Each session will be recorded and made available, and it is not necessary to register to receive access to the recording. Register here.

Session 6: Resource Management and Analytics

Alma includes several tools that enable the analysis of a library’s collection. Such reports may be used to summarize the depth of collections or to help identify issues in metadata.

The focus of this session will be on the retrieval of repository data through analyses and searches, on identifying the relationships between catalog data reporting data, and on identifying the scenarios and practices for using Alma reporting tools.

  • Analytics Roles and Responsibilities
  • Analytics subject areas and lifecycles
  • Alma Advanced Search and export options
  • Indication Rules
  • Deleted Repository
  • Duplicate Title Analysis
  • Overlap and Collection Analysis
