

Supporting Illinois’ Academic Libraries for more than 40 Years

CARLI is a membership organization for libraries, providing services at scale to Illinois academic and research libraries. CARLI provides value to members libraries and Illinois higher education by freeing dollars within each member organization—including each University of Illinois campus—to do mission-critical work. The University of Illinois System supports CARLI and reaffirms the central role that education and higher education can play in promoting the public good for the entire State of Illinois and beyond.

Find out more about CARLI!

CARLI Office

The CARLI Office is located at 1704 Interstate Drive, Champaign, IL 61822. The CARLI Office is staffed 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Central Time, Monday through Friday, except on national and University of Illinois holidays.

View the CARLI Office Contact Information and Staff Directory

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History & Governance

Illinois academic libraries have acted consortially for over 40 years. Since CARLI began operations in 2005, this collaboration has grown increasingly effective and coordinated, establishing CARLI as one of the premiere library consortia in the United States. Our 126 Governing member libraries–individually and collectively–are committed to meeting the information and research needs of their 700,000+ students, faculty and staff.

CARLI products, services, and programs include the I-Share integrated library system; E-resources licensing and subsidized core resources;digital collections; training and continuing education; statewide physical delivery; network, system, and database administration; and help desk/online problem reporting and resolution

Read about CARLI History and Governance

Mission & Values

The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois empowers our academic and research libraries to build and sustain an accessible, diverse, and responsive knowledge environment that promotes excellence and innovation in teaching, learning, and research. CARLI adds value for all member libraries by sharing costs, collections, expertise, programs, products, and services.

Read the Statement of Values

Strategic Priorities

The CARLI 2023 STRATEGIC PLAN outlines our organization’s aspirations and defines our understanding of the consortium’s focus. This plan—the third update since the foundational 2018 document—builds on the consortium’s many accomplishments since CARLI began almost 20 years ago, aiming to continue its growth and maintain its high level of excellence in member engagement and collaboration.

View CARLI's Strategic Priorities