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CARLI Counts Cohort 6

Congratulations to the CARLI Counts Cohort 6 participants! Their year-long journey begins in February with the first of two in-person immersive sessions. As with the previous five cohorts, all three CARLI member constituencies (public, community college, and private) are represented.

January 29, 2025
By: Michelle Haake

CARLI’s I-Share Resource Management Training series focuses on how libraries may manage collections and metadata in Alma effectively, with an emphasis on Alma’s functionalities for management of physical and electronic resources. This series will cover many topics that involve cataloging as well as the interaction of metadata with other library system functions, such as acquisitions, circulation, and discovery. Each session will highlight different processes and workflows for completing resource management tasks in both institutional and consortial perspectives.

January 22, 2025
By: Ted Schwitzner