The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois empowers Illinois academic and research libraries to create and sustain a rich, supportive, and diverse knowledge environment that furthers excellence in teaching, learning, research, and innovation in order to serve students, faculty, and researchers. As a collective, CARLI adds value to member libraries of all types, sizes, and missions by sharing costs, collections, expertise, programs, products, and services.
Since 2005, CARLI has established itself as a leader among library consortia in the U.S. And now, by giving to CARLI you can help ensure programs and services for member libraries.
Show your support today by contributing to the CARLI Scholarship, a scholarship awarded for the first time in 2020. The CARLI Scholarship provides financial assistance to current employees of CARLI Governing Member Libraries pursuing graduate studies leading to a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. CARLI established the scholarship in commemoration of our 40th anniversary of resource sharing by CARLI and its predecessor organizations.
Minimum donation is $5.
If you work at University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign, Chicago, or Springfield campus, and would like to make your gift through payroll deduction, please fill out and submit this linked form.
If you prefer to make your gift via check or money order, please make your check payable to “University of Illinois Foundation,” and include a short note (or memo on your check, "CARLI Scholarship Fund #19339503") stating the purpose or designation of your gift.
Mail to:
University of Illinois Foundation
P.O. Box 734500
Chicago, IL 60673-4500
For the security of your gift, please do not send cash.
For more information about giving opportunities, please contact Anne Craig, Senior Director, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI), 217-300-0375, Anne Craig
Through our 126 member Illinois libraries, CARLI provides services to 90% of Illinois higher education students. Our member libraries include all public universities; all community colleges; and 76 private college and universities, and research and special libraries.
Key CARLI services include I-Share, the library enterprise management system; the E-Resources Brokering Program; CARLI Digital Collections; CARLI continuing education; and the Illinois Library Delivery Service. CARLI relies on the power of services delivered at scale in these and other program areas in order to free members to focus on their own mission-critical needs.
Our continued success is due to our dedicated membership. We draw from a collaborative network of highly experienced, talented, and creative professionals who ensure that all consortium activities reflect our mission and values.
We are asking for your support in order to keep the costs for our member libraries low and the services provided to students, faculty, and staff at a superlative level. If you share our commitment to high-quality library services and programs, please let us know. Through your support, you can be involved with us in this immensely rewarding enterprise.
Minimum donation is $5.
If you work at University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign, Chicago, or Springfield campus, and would like to make your gift through payroll deduction, please fill out and submit this linked form.
If you prefer to make your gift via check or money order, please make it payable to “University of Illinois Foundation.”
Please also include a short note (or memo on your check, "CARLI Annual Fund") stating the purpose or designation of your gift.
Mail to:
University of Illinois Foundation
P.O. Box 734500
Chicago, IL 60673-4500
For the security of your gift, please do not send cash.
For more information about giving opportunities, please contact Anne Craig, Senior Director, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI), 217-300-0375, Anne Craig