Incoming ILL represents items borrowed by your patrons from other I-Share libraries. An On-site borrowing transaction is one in which your patron visits the other library and completes the circulation transaction there. A Remote borrowing transaction is one in which your patron requests an item, the item is sent to your library, and is charged at your library.
* The ILLINET Libraries numbers are considered as "remote" borrowing transactions, but because of the workflow that I-Share libraries must use to charge the items before they are sent, the stats fall into the "onsite" column.
Institution | On-Site Borrowing | Remote Borrowing | Total Borrowing |
GRAND TOTALS | 36,131 | 386,643 | 422,774 |
Adler School of Professional Psychology (ADL) | 64 | 1747 | 1811 |
Augustana College (AUG) | 19 | 5372 | 5391 |
Aurora University (ARU) | 86 | 2325 | 2411 |
Benedictine University (BEN) | 195 | 2166 | 2361 |
Bradley University (BRA) | 262 | 2905 | 3167 |
Carl Sandburg College (CSC) | 31 | 235 | 266 |
Catholic Theological Union (CTU) | 145 | 925 | 1070 |
Chicago School of Professional Psychology (CSP) | 50 | 989 | 1039 |
Chicago State University (CSU) | 394 | 2263 | 2657 |
Columbia College (COL) | 487 | 2574 | 3061 |
Concordia University (CON) | 139 | 1759 | 1898 |
Danville Area Community College (DAC) | 4 | 390 | 394 |
DePaul University (DPU) | 881 | 24469 | 25350 |
Dominican University (DOM) | 203 | 8157 | 8360 |
Eastern Illinois University (EIU) | 638 | 5066 | 5704 |
Elmhurst College (ELM) | 75 | 1554 | 1629 |
Eureka College (ERK) | 34 | 1688 | 1722 |
Governors State University (GSU) | 298 | 2056 | 2354 |
Greenville College (GRN) | 30 | 1870 | 1900 |
Harper College (WRH) | 73 | 1194 | 1267 |
Harrington College of Design (HCD) | 46 | 1541 | 1587 |
Heartland Community College (HRT) | 722 | 3777 | 4499 |
ILLINET Libraries (ILL) | 18537 | 0 | 18537 |
Illinois Central College (ICC) | 35 | 1785 | 1820 |
Illinois College (ILC) | 61 | 3439 | 3500 |
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (IEC) | 6 | 1579 | 1585 |
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) | 219 | 7015 | 7234 |
Illinois Math and Science Academy (IMS) | 41 | 405 | 446 |
Illinois State Library (ISL) | 94 | 1651 | 1745 |
Illinois State University (ISU) | 881 | 13583 | 14464 |
Illinois Valley Community College (IVC) | 42 | 1210 | 1252 |
Illinois Wesleyan University (IWU) | 331 | 4989 | 5320 |
John Wood Community College (JWC) | 54 | 881 | 935 |
Joliet Junior College (JOL) | 36 | 2049 | 2085 |
Judson University (JUD) | 40 | 4032 | 4072 |
Kankakee Community College (KCC) | 16 | 931 | 947 |
Kendall College (KEN) | 3 | 486 | 489 |
Knox College (KNX) | 22 | 6860 | 6882 |
Lake Forest College (LFC) | 508 | 6717 | 7225 |
Lewis and Clark Community College (LAC) | 34 | 832 | 866 |
Lewis University (LEW) | 107 | 2895 | 3002 |
Lincoln Christian University (LCC) | 204 | 3232 | 3436 |
Lincoln Land Community College (LLC) | 138 | 1416 | 1554 |
McKendree University (MCK) | 82 | 1284 | 1366 |
Millikin University (MIL) | 168 | 4535 | 4703 |
Monmouth College (MON) | 30 | 1998 | 2028 |
Morton College (MRT) | 14 | 175 | 189 |
National-Louis University (NLU) | 209 | 3182 | 3391 |
North Central College (NCC) | 145 | 3924 | 4069 |
North Park University (NPU) | 167 | 3975 | 4142 |
Northeastern Illinois University (NEI) | 542 | 8929 | 9471 |
Northern Illinois University (NIU) | 499 | 13936 | 14435 |
Northern Seminary (NBT) | 679 | 1872 | 2551 |
Oakton Community College (OAK) | 44 | 2722 | 2766 |
Olivet Nazarene University (ONU) | 152 | 3864 | 4016 |
Parkland College (PRK) | 575 | 1582 | 2157 |
Principia College (PRC) | 22 | 2744 | 2766 |
Quincy University (QCY) | 14 | 941 | 955 |
Richland Community College (RCC) | 56 | 354 | 410 |
Robert Morris University (RMC) | 24 | 325 | 349 |
Roosevelt University (ROU) | 513 | 5069 | 5582 |
Rush University (RSH) | 189 | 1672 | 1861 |
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing (SFM) | 13 | 78 | 91 |
Saint Xavier University (SXU) | 44 | 2956 | 3000 |
Sauk Valley Community College (SVC) | 20 | 810 | 830 |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago(SAI) | 760 | 11281 | 12041 |
Southeastern Illinois College (SEI) | 2 | 71 | 73 |
Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIC) | 269 | 28248 | 28517 |
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIE) | 245 | 8488 | 8733 |
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (SIM) | 9 | 551 | 560 |
Southwestern Illinois College (SWI) | 15 | 987 | 1002 |
The Newberry Library (NBY) | 4 | 1122 | 1126 |
Trinity Christian College (TRN) | 32 | 3086 | 3118 |
Trinity International University (TIU) | 1272 | 15112 | 16384 |
Triton College (TRT) | 54 | 1059 | 1113 |
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) | 1115 | 29441 | 30556 |
University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS) | 264 | 4758 | 5022 |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIU) | 1234 | 54481 | 55715 |
University of St. Francis (USF) | 39 | 986 | 1025 |
Western Illinois University (WIU) | 207 | 9101 | 9308 |
Wheaton College (WHE) | 124 | 9935 | 10059 |