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I-Share AFN Stat 2: Incoming ILL FY 2023

Incoming ILL represents items borrowed by your patrons from other I-Share libraries. An on-site borrowing transaction is one in which your patron visits the other library and completes the circulation transaction there. A remote borrowing transaction is one in which your patron requests an item, the item is sent to your library, and is charged at your library.

Institution On-Site and Remote Borrowing
Adler University (ADL) 178
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (ALP) 0
Aurora University (ARU) 423
Augustana College (AUG) 1432
Benedictine University (BEN) 204
Black Hawk College (BHC) 190
Bradley University (BRA) 823
College of DuPage (COD) 1228
Columbia College (COL) 482
Concordia University (CON) 345
Carl Sandburg College (CSC) 28
Chicago State University (CSU) 274
Catholic Theological Union (CTU) 396
Danville Area Community College (DAC) 119
Dominican University (DOM) 954
DePaul University (DPU) 2921
Eastern Illinois University (EIU) 1278
Elmhurst College (ELM) 828
Eureka College (ERK) 221
Greenville University (GRN) 133
Governors State University (GSU) 534
Heartland Community College (HRT) 708
Illinois Central College (ICC) 220
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (IEC) 288
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) 769
Illinois College (ILC) 1058
Illinois Math and Science Academy (IMS) 243
Illinois State Library (ISL) 598
Illinois State University (ISU) 5284
Illinois Valley Community College (IVC) 319
Illinois Wesleyan University (IWU) 1705
JKM Library Trust (JKM) 787
Joliet Junior College (JOL) 243
Judson University (JUD) 527
John Wood Community College (JWC) 84
Kankakee Community College (KCC) 217
Kishwaukee College (KIS) 76
Knox College (KNX) 1623
Lewis and Clark Community College (LAC) 140
Lincoln Christian University (LCC) 393
Lewis University (LEW) 503
Lake Forest College (LFC) 654
Lincoln Land Community College (LLC) 300
Moody Bible Institute (MBI) 1256
McKendree University (MCK) 472
McHenry County College (MHC) 143
Millikin University (MIL) 622
Meadville Lombard Theological School (MLS) 166
Monmouth College (MON) 361
Morton College (MRT) 61
Northern Seminary (NBT) 154
Newberry Library (NBY) 723
North Central College (NCC) 1434
Northeastern Illinois University (NEI) 2588
Northern Illinois University (NIU) 3277
National Louis University (NLU) 467
North Park University (NPU) 586
Oakton Community College (OAK) 426
Olivet Nazarene University (ONU) 888
Principia College (PRC) 1000
Parkland College (PRK) 295
Quincy University (QCY) 119
Richland Community College (RCC) 77
Roosevelt University (ROU) 332
Rush University (RSH) 247
Rock Valley College (RVC) 69
School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAI) 4162
Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership (SCJ) 55
Southeastern Illinois College (SEI) 2
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing (SFM) 9
Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIC) 3393
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIE) 1534
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (SIM) 83
University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary (SML) 130
South Suburban College (SSC) 15
Sauk Valley Community College (SVC) 101
Southwestern Illinois College (SWI) 315
Saint Xavier University (SXU) 367
Trinity International University (TIU) 4063
Trinity Christian College (TRN) 1073
Triton College (TRT) 193
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) 4959
University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS) 1314
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIU) 7052
University of St. Francis (USF) 229
Wheaton College (WHE) 2296
Western Illinois University (WIU) 1935
Harper College (WRH) 1468
Totals 81331

*Information for ILLINET Libraries

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