
Resource Sharing Committee Meeting: June 16, 2016

Conference Call

Members attending: Jeff Ridinger, chair (Illinois State University), Bryan Clark (Illinois Central College), Susan Duncan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Sandra Engram (Illinois College of Optometry), Kelly Fisher (Eureka College), Amy LeFager (National-Louis University), Sarah Mueth (University of Illinois at Springfield), Marcella Nowak (College of DuPage), Jennifer Stegen (Loyola University Chicago)
Members absent: None
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels

Resource Sharing Committee Meeting: May 19, 2016

Conference Call

Members attending: Susan Duncan (UIU), Sandra Engram (ICO), Kelly Fisher (Eureka), Amy LeFager (NLU), Jeff Ridinger (ISU), Jennifer Stegen (Loyola)
Members absent: Bryan Clark (ICC), Marcell Nowak (COD), Sarah Mueth (UIS)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell and Lorna Engels

Curriculum Mapping: A CARLI-sponsored IACRL Preconference

Marriott Chicago O’Hare, Thursday, March 17, 2016

For their 2016 Annual Project, the CARLI Instruction Committee decided to provide an outline and accompanying materials for the Learning Outcomes webinar and the Curriculum Mapping IACRL PreConference workshop. The information that follows was compiled by the Committee to provide information for instruction librarians who were unable to attend the events, or for those who would like to refer to the ideas shared during the events about implementing and assessing the Framework.

Learning Outcomes: From the Big Picture to the Classroom

For their 2016 Annual Project, the CARLI Instruction Committee decided to provide an outline and accompanying materials for the Learning Outcomes webinar and the Curriculum Mapping IACRL PreConference workshop. The information that follows was compiled by the Committee to provide information for instruction librarians who were unable to attend the events, or for those who would like to refer to the ideas shared during the events about implementing and assessing the Framework.

This outline is intended to assist librarians viewing the recorded webinar.

Instruction Committee- Conference Call

Scheduled conference call from 10am-noon; in-person meeting canceled.

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+1 888 983 3631 (Site1-Dialin-region)                            English (United States)  

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eBook Symposium - May 7, 2015

Location: I-Hotel
1900 S. First St.
Champaign, IL 61820

This program will provide background and information for those purchasing or wanting to purchase ebooks for their library's collection.

9:30-10:00        Registration
10:00-10:05      Welcome by Susan Singleton, CARLI Executive Director
10:05-11:00      Panel Discussion: Ebook Issues to Ponder

Instruction Committee Meeting: August 11, 2015

CARLI Offices, Champaign, Illinois

Members Present: Colleen Bannon, Frances Brady, Larissa Garcia, Michelle Guittar (phone), Christina Heady, Beth Mandrell, Lora Smallman (phone), Chelsea Van Riper, Anne Zald (phone)
CARLI Staff: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels

Instruction Committee Meeting- March 20, 2015

Conference Call

Members Present: Frances Brady, Michelle Guittar, Beth Mandrell, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Aimee Walker, Frances Whaley, Anne Zald
Members Absent: Molly Beestrum
CARLI Staff: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels

Instruction Committee Meeting- May 15, 2015

Conference Call

Members Present: Frances Brady, Anne Zald, Michelle Guittar, Chelsea Van Riper, Frances Whaley, and Beth Mandrell
Members Absent: Molly Beestrum, Aimee Walker, Lora Smallman
CARLI Staff: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels

Instruction Committee Meeting- February 20, 2015

Conference Call

Members Present: Michelle Guittar, Beth Mandrell, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Aimee Walker, Frances Whaley
Members Absent: Molly Beestrum, Frances Brady, Anne Zald
CARLI Staff: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels

Instruction Committee Meeting- January 16, 2015

Conference Call

Members Present: Frances Brady, Michelle Guittar, Laura Mondt, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Aimee Walker, Frances Whaley, Anne Zald
CARLI Staff: Debbie Campbell

eBook Symposium

Forum presentations and power points.

A Forum Sponsored by CARLI

Location: I-Hotel
1900 S. First St.
Champaign, IL 61820

Instruction Committee: Faculty Collaboration Webinar

Please join the CARLI Instruction Committee for a webinar dedicated to improved collaboration between academic libraries and program/teaching faculty on information literacy and library instruction.

The panel for the webinar includes:

Instruction Committee Meeting: December 19, 2014

Conference Call

Members Present: Molly Beestrum, Michelle Guittar, Laura Mondt, Frances Whaley
Members Absent: Frances Brady, Beth Mandrell, Lora Smallman,  Chelsea Van Riper, Aimee Walker, Anne Zald

CARLI Staff Present: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels


No decisions – lack of quorum

Instruction Committee Meeting: November 21, 2014

Conference Call

Members Present:  Molly Beestrum, Frances Brady, Michelle Guittar, Beth Mandrell, Laura Mondt, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Aimee Walker, Frances Whaley
Members Absent: Anne Zald

CARLI Staff:  Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels

Instruction Committee Meeting: October 17, 2014

Conference Call

Members Present:  Frances Brady, Michelle Guittar, Beth Mandrell, Laura Mondt, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Frances Whaley, Anne Zald
Members Absent: Molly Beestrum, Aimee Walker

CARLI Staff Present:  Lorna Engels
CARLI Staff Absent: Debbie Campbell

Instruction Committee Meeting: September 19, 2014

Conference Call

Members Present: Molly Beestrum, Frances Brady, Michelle Guittar, Laura Mondt, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Amy Walker

Members Absent:

CARLI Staff Present: Lorna Engels

CARLI Staff Absent: Debbie Campbell

Instruction Committee Meeting: August 22, 2014- Draft

Conference Call

Members Present: Molly Beestrum, Frances Brady, Michelle Guittar, Laura Mondt, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Frances Whaley, Anne Zald

Members Absent: Beth Mandell, Aimee Walker

CARLI Staff Present: Debbie Campbell

CARLI Staff Absent: Lorna Engels

Guests: NILRC Members - Amy Glass (Illinois Central College), Karen Becker (Kankakee Community College)

Instruction Committee Conference Call

Audio via phone:
+1 217 332 6338 (Site1-Dialin-region)         English (United States)
+1 312 994 8410 (Site1-Dialin-region)         English (United States)  
+1 888 983 3631 (Site1-Dialin-region)         English (United States)  

Conference ID: 5329472

Adobe Connect for shared documents:
