Related product I-Share

I-Share and OCLC’s PromptCat Service


A number of I-Share libraries have expressed interest in OCLC’s PromptCat service and have requested information on how PromptCat should be “profiled” for use within I-Share’s Voyager environment. This memo describes the I-Share requirements for PromptCat processing that will accommodate the specific needs of ILLINET Online. It is not intended to cover all of the profiling decisions that libraries must make when implementing PromptCat. Visit the PromptCat web site for complete information on the PromptCat service, including links to the documentation, order form, vendor list, etc. Additionally, libraries will likely need to consult with the ILLINET/OCLC Office and their materials vendors to determine all PromptCat profiling options.

NOTE: As of July 1, 2004, PromptCat will be included under the new OCLC “Group Services” pricing structure in Illinois. There will be no per record charge from OCLC for PromptCat transactions; however, there may be separate charges from your materials vendor.

The attached chart is a summary of responsibilities for completing OCLC’s PromptCat order form available from. Most sections of the order form are for information that indicates preferences of the individual library; other sections require information that the library and its various vendors must agree upon. Certain sections, though, will require information that is ILCSO-specific. Each of these sections is noted on the attached chart. Please use the text or decision indicated on the attached chart for those sections of the order form that are designated in the “ILCSO Required” column.

The I-Share Required information on the attached chart will allow for the automatic processing of the PromptCat bibliographic records. I-Share Data Services (formerly AITS) will receive the bibliographic records from OCLC via FTP. Individual libraries planning to use batch loading of the bibliographic records do not need to receive the bibliographic records. PromptCat cataloging reports and label files are available to individual libraries through OCLC’s “Product Services Web” and do not require an EDX or tape delivery mechanism. OCLC’s “Product Services Web” is available at: Access to Product Services Web is provided with your existing OCLC authorization numbers and passwords.

I-Share Data Services will use standard Voyager bulk import programs for adding PromptCat bibliographic records and creating MFHD/item records in each library’s Voyager database. Information on the attached chart for creating holdings (“Materials Vendor Data to Map”) is based on the assumption that the records will be formatted for “I-Share Express Mode.” If your library does not want holdings information to be created via the batch load process, you should establish your PromptCat profile to meet the requirements for “No Holdings Mode” or “No Holdings Replace Mode.” For information on the different “modes” in the ILCSO Voyager environment, see Using OCLC for ILLINET Online/Voyager Data Entry.

NOTE: The version of Voyager currently installed by I-Share (Voyager 2001.1) does not have support for “Embedded Holdings Mode.” Once I-Share is able to upgrade to Voyager version 2001.2 or higher, the Using OCLC document above will be revised, and libraries that wish to work with their vendors to supply PromptCat records in this format can do so.

After the library has completed their PromptCat order form, the library's I-Share Liaison or Library Director must file an online work request (WRO) to initiate the loading of PromptCat records into the local database. The WRO(s) are only required to begin the regular PromptCat load process; libraries do not need to file a WRO for each batch of PromptCat records received by I-Share.

Use the Work request type "Voyager bulk import." This WRO form contains fields that must be included, and a Notes field (on the screen after the pre-defined information) where additional information will be entered.

A separate WRO must be filed for each different kind of dataset that CARLI will be receiving for your library. PromptCat records are usually sent to CARLI by OCLC with all records from the same vendor batched together in one dataset. If the library is setting up a PromptCat order with a single vendor, then only one WRO is needed. If the PromptCat order is for multiple vendors, then a separate WRO is needed for each vendor/dataset.

In the WRO form, enter the following information:

Primary contact: indicate the name, email and phone number of the staff person whom CARLI Data Services staff can contact with any questions about the PromptCat records. A suggestion is to list the same person who submits the PromptCat order form to OCLC.

Click the Next button to display the other required fields.

Name of the bulk import data file: enter PromptCat

Bulk import rule code (case sensitive): enter the actual SysAdmin bulk import rule code to be used to process the PromptCat dataset. For example, enter EXPRESS or NOHOLD or NOHLDREP or PCAT (if the library is creating a special bulk import rule specific to their PromptCat data)

NOTE: It is the library's responsibility to make sure that the required SysAdmin data entry is in place and accurate before the WRO is filed.

OK to export field: select No (so that PromptCat bibs are not marked for backloading to OCLC).

One-time or recurring load field: select Recurring load.

Click the Next button to display the Notes field.

In the Notes field, indicate the vendor name associated with the PromptCat data.

Special note on PromptCat Data Records (PDRs): I-Share libraries must not select the option to receive PDRs at this time. PDRs are essentially brief, temporary records that OCLC can supply if a full bibliographic record is not available in WorldCat, or if the WorldCat record does not meet the library’s requirements (e.g., the bib’s encoding level is not as high as the library’s PromptCat cat profile will accept). The PDR control number is a simple accession number assigned by OCLC, so it cannot be used as a de-duplicating element when these records are loaded into the local Voyager database, and subsequently into the I-Share Universal Catalog. For example, if five I-Share libraries order the same book and no WorldCat record is available, five different PDRs would be created and loaded into the local databases although the content would be essentially identical. When these bibs are then exported to the Universal Catalog, they will not be de-duplicated at that level. These duplicate records could be confusing to patrons and staff alike, and will require manual cleanup at some point in time in the local database. Manual data entry in the UC is not recommended by Endeavor.

There is the option in Voyager bulk import to mark records as OPAC Suppressed when they are loaded into the local database. However, this option is not viable for PDRs because OCLC cannot supply PDRs in a separate dataset from “regular” PromptCat records. Thus PDRs would have to be bulk imported into a local Voyager database with the same rules as “regular” PromptCat records, which would not be processed as OPAC Suppressed.

There is the option in I-Share's implementation of the Voyager Universal Catalog to “Suppress from the UC.” However, this option requires that each bib to be suppressed from the UC contain an 049 $u with the text “nouc” to trigger this functionality. At this time, OCLC is not able to customize the content of their PDRs, which means a library cannot have their PDRs contain the 049 $u nouc, while their “regular” PromptCat records do not have this field added.

Because of the record duplication, manual cleanup and bulk import issues involved, CARLI Data Services will not add PDRs to the local databases. Should OCLC’s PDR options change in the future, this decision could be revisited at that time.

If you have general questions about the PromptCat service, please contact the ILLINET/OCLC Office at (217) 785-1532. For questions about I-Share requirements for loading PromptCat record into Voyager databases, contact the .

Revised May 10, 2004. Originally distributed October 21, 2002.