Alma Resource Sharing Library: FAQ

What is the "Resource Sharing Library" and do I need to configure it?

I-Share Libraries that are using the Automated Fulfillment Network resource sharing functionality in Alma should not make any edits to their institution's Resource Sharing Library's Alma configuration.

  • No library staff should be assigned circulation desk-related roles for the Resource Sharing library, such as Circ Desk Manager, Circ Desk Operator, or Circ Desk Operator-Limited, as staff will not need to perform actions when "at" the Resource Sharing Library's circulation desk.
  • The ONLY user role staff may need profiled to the Resource Sharing Library is that of Fulfillment Services Operator or Fulfillment Services Manager; these roles allow those with ILL/Circulation supervisory roles to review their patron's current I-Share requests in Alma, and to convert local request to I-Share Resource Sharing requests.

If your library wishes to test resource sharing functionality BEYOND the AFN that needs access to Alma's Resource Sharing Libray's funcationality, please contact CARLI support before making any edits to your Alma Configuration.

Answer updated 8/10/2020