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Acquisitions Roles

Alma provides a large set of user roles related to the Acquisitions area. Several are required for day-to-day work, while others have less frequent application. This page highlights the roles that may be selected and how they may be prioritized. We encourage you to review Ex Libris' document on Managing User Roles to gain more understanding on each role.

Acquisitions work in Alma is always done in the context of a specific operational unit. Some acquisitions activities are tied to a dedicated acquisitions or technical services department, which is part of a given Alma library. This means that user roles may need to be applied to users twice, once in the context of the library and once in the context of the institution.

Day-to-Day Work

1. Receiving Operator -- must scope to a library and to an acquisitions unit; this role is required for any user responsible for receiving physical materials, including serials check-in. This role includes work order functionality. Note: This role is required for anyone needing to select your library's "acquisitions unit" desk location.
2. Purchasing Operator -- add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library
3. Purchasing Operator Extended -- IF a user is allowed to delete PO lines: add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library
4. Fund-Ledger Viewer -- add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library
5. Requests Operator -- must scope to a library and a work order department; may also scope to a library and circulation desk. 
6. Invoice Operator -- add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library
7. Invoice Operator Extended -- IF a user is allowed to delete invoices: add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library
8. Purchasing Manager -- IF PO lines may be packaged and approved without further review: add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library
9. Invoice Manager -- IF an invoice may be approved and processed without further review: add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library

Periodic Roles

1. Vendor Manager -- scope to institution
2. Vendor Account Manager -- add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library
3. Ledger Manager -- add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library
4. Fund Manager -- add twice, once scoped to the institution, once scoped to a library

Administrative Roles

1. Acquisitions Administrator
2. Fiscal Period Manager

Optional Roles, depending on workflow choices

1. Purchase Request Manager
2. Purchase Request Operator
3. Purchase Request Operator Extended
4. Selector
5. Trial Manager
6. Trial Operator
7. Usage Data Operator