Related product I-Share

OCLC Gateway Export Integration for the Network Zone

Alma supports a direct import from WorldCat using a TCP/IP connection. In Connexion, this is commonly known as the "Gateway Export," and it allows a record to be exported from WorldCat. In Connexion client and Record Manager, Alma will reply to the service with the MMS ID of the record that was saved.

CARLI's Cooperative Cataloging Policies for I-Share establish that bibliographic records for member libraries' permanent holdings should be shared with the Network Zone. Each I-Share library should configure gateway export settings for the Network Zone as their primary destination for records. The settings documented here are applied to records only when the gateway export connection in an OCLC service is targeting the network zone. (E.g.,

CARLI staff manage the network zone configuration. These settings are provided for reference only.

The password for the network zone integration may be found in the "XYZ Credentials" folder for an institution's shared folder on Box.

Standard Connexion integration for the Network Zone
Setting Value
Target Format MARC21 Bibliographic
Normalization: Correct the data using Marc21 Bib Copy 019a to 035z
Validation: Check the data using MarcXML Bib Import
Serial Match Method Unique OCLC Identifier
Non Serial Match Method Unique OCLC Identifier
Merge Method CONSORTIUM NZ Overlay all fields but local for integration profile...
Do not override/merge a record with lower brief version Selected
Do not override/merge record with an older version Consider Originating System
Management Tags: Synchronize with External Catalog Publish Bibliographic Records
Authorization: Password *

An image of the Connexion integration settings for the network zone.