
Guidelines on E-Resource Access for CARLI Member Institutions Affiliated with Hospitals and Clinics

These guidelines apply to the provision of access to electronic resources licensed through CARLI. CARLI members that are affiliated with hospitals and/or clinics must be able to separate e-resource access for their educational programs from those of the hospital’s clinical programs. CARLI’s e-resource licenses do not extend to hospital and clinic staff unless those staff have current teaching or academic appointments. Content vendors consider clinical staff to be a different user group and pricing for them is based on a different model (i.e., student FTEs for academic institutions vs.

ProQuest LibCentral Overview Webinar

ProQuest Ebook Central’s librarian portal - ProQuest LibCentral™ - supports discovery, selection, acquisition, administration, and real-time usage and expenditure analytics for your ProQuest Ebook collection.

The session will cover:
- Searching
- Purchasing Methods
- Access Permissions & Mediation
- Alerts
- Custom Branding
- Reporting

ProQuest staff will also answer questions and let you know where you can find additional information, including training, help and documentation.

ProQuest LibCentral Overview Webinar

ProQuest Ebook Central’s librarian portal - ProQuest LibCentral™ - supports discovery, selection, acquisition, administration, and real-time usage and expenditure analytics for your ProQuest Ebook collection.

The session will cover:
- Searching
- Purchasing Methods
- Access Permissions & Mediation
- Alerts
- Custom Branding
- Reporting

We will also answer questions and let you know where you can find additional information, including training, help and documentation.

Introduction to ProQuest Ebook Central Webinar

A webinar for an overview of ProQuest Ebook Central which delivers a modern experience, with a simple interface, intuitive navigation, and user-centered design.

Introduction to ProQuest Ebook Central Webinar

A webinar for an overview of ProQuest Ebook Central which delivers a modern experience, with a simple interface, intuitive navigation, and user-centered design.

eBook Symposium - May 7, 2015

Location: I-Hotel
1900 S. First St.
Champaign, IL 61820

This program will provide background and information for those purchasing or wanting to purchase ebooks for their library's collection.

9:30-10:00        Registration
10:00-10:05      Welcome by Susan Singleton, CARLI Executive Director
10:05-11:00      Panel Discussion: Ebook Issues to Ponder

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eBook Symposium

Forum presentations and power points.

A Forum Sponsored by CARLI

Location: I-Hotel
1900 S. First St.
Champaign, IL 61820

CARLI FY 2015 Selection System Now Open

The CARLI Fiscal Year 2015 Database Selection Period is now open. The selection period will run from through May 30, 2014.

CARLI Seeking Proposals for FY2014 Research Subsidy Program

CARLI is seeking proposals for the FY2014 Research Subsidy Program. Funded by the CARLI Board of Directors, the research awards will support research projects in Governing member libraries. Projects should have the potential to impact libraries and the library profession positively, have the potential to provide a useful addition to the existing literature, and be of interest or use to CARLI libraries. Total funding for FY2014 is $25,000.

CARLI Digitized Book of the Month - November 2013

From: Catholic Theological Union

Decreta conciliorum Baltimorensium. (1865)








CARLI News September 6, 2013

Read the CARLI News for the latest information on CARLI events, new and ongoing projects, product and service updates and upcoming deadlines. Issues are sent to all subscribers of the “Announce” listserv. ​

Save the Date: 2013 Annual Meeting and Directors' Meetings

The CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on November 1, 2013 at the Hilton Garden Inn Conference Center in Champaign. The sessions will feature research findings based on CARLI information or from CARLI libraries. 


E-Resources Working Group Meeting: April 8, 2013

Conference Call

Attendance: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, John Blosser, Mary Konkel, Marisa Walstrum, Cindy Clennon, Stephen McMinn, Joe Mullarkey  


Tomorrow deadline for ebook RFI

E-Resources Working Group Meeting: May 13, 2013

Conference Call

Attendance: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, Denise Green, Mary Konkel, Steve McMinn, Jon Blosser, CM! Winters-Palacio, Joe Mullarkey, Cindy Clennon, Elizabeth Clarage, Mary Burkee

CARLI Strikes Deal with Alexander Street Press

Alexander Street Press, an electronic publisher of award-winning online collections and video for scholarly research, teaching, and learning, has forged a landmark agreement with the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) to provide perpetual access to academic online video collections for 124 of the group's participating governing member institutions.

FY 2014 Database Selection Period Now Open

The password-protected CARLI selection database is now available. The selection period will remain open until May 31, 2013. E-Resources Contacts and subscribers to the Collections and Content Group (CCG) email list should have already received a detailed announcement, along with instructions and a complete list of the products available and the vendors providing access.


  • April 22–May 31: Selections made online through the CARLI Selection Database
  • June 1–15:  Final subscription lists submitted to vendors
  • June 1–15:  Preliminary billing estimates sent to subscribing libraries for review
  • July 1: Service begins for FY 2014
  • After August 1: Final invoices sent to subscribing libraries

E-Resources Working Group Meeting: January 14, 2013

Conference Call

Attendance: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, John Blosser, Denise Green, Mary Konkel, Marisa Walstrum, Mary Burkee, Stephen McMinn, Joe Mullarkey

E-Resources Working Group Meeting: March 11, 2013

Conference Call

Attendance: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, Denise Green, Mary Konkel, Joe Mullarkey, Marisa Walstrum, and CARLI staff Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee. 


One new database proposal has come in and will be presented before the April EWRG meeting.   

E-Resources Working Group Meeting: February 11, 2013

Conference Call

Attendance: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, John Blosser, Mary Konkel, Marisa Walstrum, Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Stephen McMinn, Joe Mullarkey  


Alexander Street Press offer update
