Cataloging staff may need to move items from one holding to another for different reasons. For example, to merge the items of multiple holdings records, or to shift periodicals check-in history from unsuppressed to suppressed holdings.
1. Search the repository for the item to be moved.
2. From the results list, click Items for the bibliographic record with multiple holdings. The list of items will appear.
3. Select the item(s) using the checkboxes and click Change Holdings. The list of holdings appears.
4. Select the holdings to which you want to move the items and click Select.
5. To review, click the View all Holdings link.
6. To delete the holdings with zero items, select the actions menu button, click Delete Holdings, and click Confirm in the confirmation dialog box.
When holdings records are identical or nearly identical in the 852, you might find it helpful to temporarily change some part of the 852, maybe 852 $$t, to help distinguish between the destination holding record and the source records. Changing the 852$$t will allow the holdings to be modified as well.