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Hide RefWorks in Primo VE Dropdown Menu

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December 17, 2020

Objective: Hide the RefWorks option in the Primo VE dropdown Menu.  Institutions may wish to do this to unclutter this menu, or to focus use of the RefWorks option in the Record Actions only.

Before After
PVE_remove_refworks.png PVE_remove_refworks2.png

How to accomplish this: Please review the steps for working with the customization package and its files on the main Shared CSS and JavaScript Solutions page.  If you do not want to offer RefWorks options in Primo VE to your users at all, you can simply deactivate the RefWorks Record Action item on the Brief Record Display tab and that will also hide the RefWorks option in the dropdown menu (pictured above) automatically.  You do not need to install any custom CSS.

However, if you only want to remove the RefWorks option in the dropdown (pictured above), but you want to continue to provide the Record Action item on the Brief Record Display tab, you will need to edit the CSS file in the View's Customization Package.

This solution requires the following custom CSS code be added to the /VIEW_CODE/css/custom1.css file:

/* The following two entries hide the RefWorks link in the Primo VE dropdown menu */

.my-refworks-ctm {
   display: none;

.my-refworks-separator-ctm {
   display: none;

Download a text file with this custom CSS code for easy copying and pasting into your local custom1.css file.

See also Ex Libris documentation page on these RefWorks options.