Alma Zones
Zones in Alma
Searching in Alma
Combined Institution and Network Search Results
Searching Basics
- Including initial articles, such as “a,” “and,” and “the” is optional. Alma will display both direct and partial matches in the search results, but including the article may help with Ranked sort results
- Phrase searching is allowed by surrounding your search phrase in double quotation marks
- Be aware that phrase search functionality is limited to a single phrase in double quotation marks. Any other text in the search box will nullify the phrase search
- Special characters such as a hyphen, dash, slash, and so forth find strings both with and without the special characters
- Searching for a-b finds records that include either a-b or ab
- Spaces separate search terms
- Searching for a<space>b finds records that include both a and b anywhere (not as an exact phrase), but does not return ab
- One wildcard character is supported in Alma – the asterisk (*)
- Use an asterisk (*) at the end of the search string for many search criteria
- You cannot use a wildcard when the string already contains another special character
- Use standard English characters to search for characters in other languages with diacritics
- Alma saves the last 10 searches in the search history for title and inventory searches. The list is saved indefinitely and there is no way to clear the searches except by performing new searches
Search Types and Subtypes, Their Results, and Results List Actions
Please be aware that the search types are a fixed list of options and cannot be modified.
Please be aware that Results List Actions will vary based upon assigned location and permissions to individual users
Repository Searches: All, Physical, electronic
Any Alma user may search within the Alma repository and view bibliographic, holdings and item records. The main repository search types pertain to the types of inventory recorded in the selected zone.
All Titles: Use this search in any zone to find bibliographic records whether or not they have inventory. Searches apply to all indexed fields in all records, so you can enter an ISBN or other metadata in that basic search box.
- Search Subtypes: Keywords, Copyright Note, Creator, Description, Dewey Decimal Class Number, DOI - Digital Object Identifier, Edition, Government Document Number, ISBN, ISSN, LC Call Number, Local Notes, Medical Subjects (MeSH), MMS ID, MMS SIP ID, Names, National Bibliography Number, NLM-type Call Number, Notes, OCLC Control Number (019), OCLC Control Number (035a), OCLC Control Number (035a+z), OCLC Control Number (035z), Original Cataloging Agency, Other Classification Number, Other System Number, Public Note (Title), Publisher, Publisher Number, Record Format, Series, Standard Number, Subjects, Subjects (LC), Title, UDC, dc:identifier, dc:language
- Results List Actions (Institution Tab): Edit Record, Holdings, Items, Order, Request, Resource Sharing Request, Document Delivery, Add to Reading List, Push to MDE, Add Holdings, Add to Collection, Add Reminder, Add Representation, Linked Data
- Results List Actions (Network Tab): Edit Record, Push to MDE, Resource Sharing Request, Linked Data, Add Reminder
- Results List Actions (Community Tab): Order, Portfolio List (some items only), Resource Sharing Request
Physical Titles: Use this search in your institution zone only to locate bibliographic records that have physical inventory, which includes holdings and item records, as well as holdings records that lack items. Physical Titles searches do not return results if the search is scoped to the Network Zone or the Community Zone.
- Search Subtypes: Keywords, Accession Number, Acquisition Note, Action note – authorization, Action note – note, Barcode, Call number prefix, Call number suffix, Call Number Type, Control number (Holdings) Copyright Note, Creator, Description, Dewey Decimal Class Number, DOI - Digital Object Identifier, Edition, Government Document Number, Holdings note, Holdings PID, Internal note 1, Inventory number, ISBN, ISSN, Issue year, Item description, Item PID, Item sequence number, LC Call Number, Library, Linkage number, Local Notes, Location, Medical Subjects (MeSH), MMS ID, MMS SIP ID, Names, National Bibliography Number, NLM-type Call Number, Notes, OCLC Control Number (019), OCLC Control Number (035a), OCLC Control Number (035a) – Holdings, OCLC Control Number (035a+z), OCLC Control Number (035a+z) - Holdings, OCLC Control Number (035z), OCLC Control Number (035z) - Holdings, Original Cataloging Agency, Other Classification Number, Other System Number, Other System Number (035a) - Holdings, Other System Number (035a + z) - Holdings, Other System Number (035z) - Holdings, Pattern 1st level of enumeration, Pattern 2nd level of enumeration, Pattern 3rd level of enumeration, Pattern 4th level of enumeration, Pattern 5th level of enumeration, Pattern 6th level of enumeration, Pattern frequency, Permanent call number, PO Line, Public Note (Physical Item), Public Note (Title), Publisher, Publisher Number, Record Format, Retention Note, Series, Standard Number, Subjects, Subjects (LC), Summary holdings, Textual holdings, Textual holdings nonpublic note, Textual holdings public note, Title, UDC, URL, URL access status, URL link text, URL materials specified, URL method, URL non public note, URL public note, dc:identifier, dc:language
- Results List Actions (Institution Tab): Edit Record, Holdings, Items, Order, Request, Resource Sharing Request, Publishing Information, Push to MDE, Linked Data, Add Holdings, Add Representation, Add Reminder, Display in Discovery
Physical Holdings: Use this search to locate all holdings records for physical materials, including books, journal issues, maps, and any other physical format. The results view include library, location, call number, holdings ID, title, publishing information, and MMS ID. Physical holdings searches do not return results if the search is scoped to the Network Zone or the Community Zone.
- Search Subtypes: Keywords, Accession Number, Acquisition Note, Action note – authorization, Action note – note, Barcode, Call number prefix, Call number suffix, Call Number Type, Control number (Holdings), Copyright Note, Creator, Description. Dewey Decimal Class Number, DOI – Digital Object Identifier, Edition, Fulfillment Note, Government Document Number, Holdings note, Holdings PID, Internal note 1, Inventory number, ISBN, ISSN< Issue year, Item description, Item PID, Item sequence number, LC Call Number, Library, Linkage number, Local Notes, Location, Medical Subjects (MESH), MMS ID, MMS SIP ID, Names, National Bibliography Number, NLM-type Call Number, Notes, OCLC Control Number (019), OCLC Control Number (035a), OCLC Control Number (035a) - Holdings, OCLC Control Number (035a + z), OCLC Control Number (035a + z) - Holdings, OCLC Control Number (035z), OCLC Control Number (035z) - Holdings, Original Cataloging Agency, Other Classification Number, Other System Number, Other System Number (035a) - Holdings, Other System Number (035a + z) - Holdings, Other System Number (035z) - Holdings, Pattern 1st level of enumeration, Pattern 2nd level of enumeration, Pattern 3rd level of enumeration, Pattern 4th level of enumeration, Pattern 5th level of enumeration, Pattern 6th level of enumeration, Pattern frequency, Permanent call number, PO Line, Public Note (Physical Item), Public Note (Title), Publisher, Publisher Number, Record Format, Retention Note, Series, Standard Number, Subjects, Subjects (LC), Summary holdings, Textual holdings, Textual holdings nonpublic note, Textual holdings public note, Title, UDC, URL, URL access status, URL link text, URL materials specified, URL method, URL non public note, URL public note, dc:identifier, dc:language
- Results List Actions: View Items, Associate a PO Line, Delete, View, Edit, View Title, Push to MDE, Relink
Physical Items: Use this search in your institution zone only to locate item records for physical inventory, including books, journal issues, maps, and any other physical format. The results view includes location, call number and barcode. Physical Items searches do not return results if the search is scoped to the Network Zone or the Community Zone.
- Search Subtypes: Keywords, Accession Number, Acquisition Note, Action note – authorization, Action note – note, Barcode, Call number prefix, Call number suffix, Call Number Type, Control number (Holdings), Copyright Note, Creator, Description. Dewey Decimal Class Number, DOI – Digital Object Identifier, Edition, Fulfillment Note, Government Document Number, Holdings note, Holdings PID, Internal note 1, Inventory number, ISBN, ISSN, Issue year, Item description, Item PID, Item sequence number, LC Call Number, Library, Linkage number, Local Notes, Location, Medical Subjects (MESH), MMS ID, MMS SIP ID, Names, National Bibliography Number, NLM-type Call Number, Notes, OCLC Control Number (019), OCLC Control Number (035a), OCLC Control Number (035a) - Holdings, OCLC Control Number (035a + z), OCLC Control Number (035a + z) - Holdings, OCLC Control Number (035z), OCLC Control Number (035z) - Holdings, Original Cataloging Agency, Other Classification Number, Other System Number, Other System Number (035a) - Holdings, Other System Number (035a + z) - Holdings, Other System Number (035z) - Holdings, Pattern 1st level of enumeration, Pattern 2nd level of enumeration, Pattern 3rd level of enumeration, Pattern 4th level of enumeration, Pattern 5th level of enumeration, Pattern 6th level of enumeration, Pattern frequency, Permanent call number, PO Line, Public Note (Physical Item), Public Note (Title), Publisher, Publisher Number, Record Format, Retention Note, Series, Standard Number, Subjects, Subjects (LC), Summary holdings, Textual holdings, Textual holdings nonpublic note, Textual holdings public note, Title, UDC, URL, URL access status, URL link text, URL materials specified, URL method, URL non public note, URL public note, dc:identifier, dc:language
- Results List Actions (Institution Tab): Edit Item, Request, Resource Sharing Request, Work Order, Withdraw, Holdings, Display in Discovery, Items
Electronic Titles: Use this search in your institution zone to locate bibliographic records that have electronic inventory, which may include standalone portfolios and portfolios in collections. This search may also be used in the Network Zone to locate electronic titles provided by CARLI to all members.
- Subtypes: Keywords, Access Rights (Electronic Portfolio), Authentication note (Electronic Collection), Access Rights (Electronic Portfolio), Authentication note (Electronic Collection), Authentication note (Electronic Portfolio), Collection PO Line ID, Copyright Note, Creator, Creator Name (Electronic Collection), Description, Dewey Decimal Class Number, DOI - Digital Object Identifier, Edition, Electronic Collection ID, Electronic Collection Name, Government Document Number, Interface Name, Internal Description (Electronic Collection), Internal Description (Electronic Portfolio), ISBN, ISSN, LC Call Number, License ID, Local Notes, Medical Subjects (MeSH), MMS ID, MMS SIP ID, Names, National Bibliography Number, NLM-type Call Number, Notes, OCLC Control Number (019), OCLC Control Number (035a), OCLC Control Number (035a + z), OCLC Control Number (035z), Original Cataloging Agency, Other Classification Number, Other System Number, Portfolio License ID, Portfolio PDA ID, Portfolio PID, Portfolio PO Line ID, Public note (Electronic Collection), Public note (Electronic Portfolio), Public Note (Title), Publisher, Publisher Number, Record Format, Series, Service Authentication Note, Standard Number, Subjects, Subjects (LC), Title, Title Service PID, UDC, dc:identifier, dc:language
- Results List Actions (Institution Tab): Edit Record, Order, Portfolio List, Resource Sharing Request, Publishing Information, Document Delivery, Linked Data, Push to MDE, Add Holdings, View It, Add Reminder, Add Representation, Display in Discovery
- Results List Actions (Network Tab): Edit Record, Push to MDE, Portfolio List, View It, Resource Sharing Request, Linked Date, Add Reminder
- Results List Actions (Community Tab): Portfolio List, Order, Resource Sharing Request
Electronic Portfolios: Use this search in your institution zone to locate portfolios for your electronic inventory. Includes the specific coverage, services, and link information relevant for an electronic title. Portfolios may be defined as standalone entities or as part of an electronic collection.
- Search Subtypes: Keywords, Access Rights (Electronic Portfolio), Authentication note (Electronic Collection), Authentication note (Electronic Collection), Authentication note (Electronic Portfolio), Collection PO Line ID, Copyright Note, Creator, Creator Name (Electronic Collection), Description, Dewey Decimal Class Number, DOI - Digital Object Identifier, Edition, Electronic Collection ID, Electronic Collection Name, Government Document Number, Interface Name, Internal Description (Electronic Collection), Internal Description (Electronic Portfolio), ISBN, ISSN, LC Call Number, License ID, Local Notes, Medical Subjects (MeSH), MMS ID, MMS SIP ID, Names, National Bibliography Number, NLM-type Call Number, Notes, OCLC Control Number (019), OCLC Control Number (035a), OCLC Control Number (035a + z), OCLC Control Number (035z), Original Cataloging Agency, Other Classification Number, Other System Number, Portfolio License ID, Portfolio PDA ID, Portfolio PID, Portfolio PO Line ID, Public note (Electronic Collection), Public note (Electronic Portfolio), Public Note (Title), Publisher, Publisher Number, Record Format, Series, Service Authentication Note, Standard Number, Subjects, Subjects (LC), Title, Title Service PID, UDC, dc:identifier, dc:language
- Results List Actions (Institution Tab): Resource Sharing Request, Edit Portfolio, Order, View, , Link to Community, Create E-Activation Task, Test Access, Delete, Report to Ex Libris, Deactivate, Display in Discovery
- Results List Actions (Network Tab): View It, Resource Sharing Request
- Results List Actions (Community Tab): Resource Sharing Request, Activate, Linking Information, Order, Report to Ex Libris, Display in Discovery
Electronic Collections: Use this search to locate collection level records and sets of portfolios for your electronic inventory. This search may also be used in the Network Zone to locate electronic titles provided by CARLI to all members.Collections of electronic resources can contain packages (which include portfolios) or databases (which include URLs). Includes the service or vendor through which it has access to an electronic item. Keyword searches may retrieve collections based on matches to portfolios contained in the collection.
- Use the Electronic Collection Name index to locate collection level records by their own name.
- Using the Title index with the Electronic Collections titles search will retrieve collection records, matching titles may come from the collection name or from portfolios within the collection.
- Search Subtypes: Keywords, Access Rights (Electronic Portfolio), Authentication note (Electronic Collection), Authentication note (Electronic Portfolio), Collection PO Line ID, Copyright Note, Creator, Creator Name (Electronic Collection), Description, Dewey Decimal Class Number, DOI - Digital Object Identifier, Edition, Electronic Collection ID, Electronic Collection Name, Government Document Number, Interface Name, Internal Description (Electronic Collection), Internal Description (Electronic Portfolio), ISBN, ISSN, LC Call Number, License ID, Local Notes, Medical Subjects (MeSH), MMS ID, MMS SIP ID, Names, National Bibliography Number, NLM-type Call Number, Notes, OCLC Control Number (019), OCLC Control Number (035a), OCLC Control Number (035a + z), OCLC Control Number (035z), Original Cataloging Agency, Other Classification Number, Other System Number, Portfolio License ID, Portfolio PDA ID, Portfolio PID, Portfolio PO Line ID, Public note (Electronic Collection), Public note (Electronic Portfolio), Public Note (Title), Publisher, Publisher Number, Record Format, Series, Service Authentication Note, Standard Number, Subjects, Subjects (LC), Title, Title Service PID, UDC, dc:identifier, dc:language
- Results List Actions (Institution Tab): Portfolio List, Edit Collection, Descriptive Record, Change to CDI-Only Full-Text Activation, Delete, View, Order, Create E-Activation Task, Publishing Information, Edit Service, Edit Full Text Portfolios, View It, Report to Ex Libris, Add Reminder
- Results List Actions (Network Tab): Portfolio List, Descriptive Record, Add Reminder
- Results List Actions (Community Tab): Portfolio List, Activate, Descriptive Record, Order, Report to Ex Libris
Repository Searches: Authorities
Any Alma user may search within the Alma repository and view authority records, which are updated and maintained regularly by Ex Libris in the Community Zone; see vocabularies.
- Search Subtypes: Keywords, Classification Number, Classification Scheme, Corporate Name, Event Name, Meeting Name, MMS ID, MMS SIP ID, Names, Name Title, Originating System, Originating System ID, Personal Name, Subject, Uniform Title
- Results List Actions (Institution Tab): Edit Record, Push to MDE, Search Bibliographic Records Matching This Value
- Results List Actions (Community Tab): Search Bibliographic Records Containing This Value
New Titles Search_Interface - Coming in November 2024
The default view in the Physical Titles search is the record view. In it, you see three columns of information about the title, some buttons, and information about holdings below.

You can customize what is shown by selecting the gear icon in the upper-right-hand side > Records customization.
To view additional information about the physical holdings, select the Holdings link. To view additional information about the items, select the Items link.
You can switch the view to the tables view by selecting the icon that looks like a table in the upper-right-hand side.

In it, there is a row for each table with information in the columns. You can customize what is shown by selecting the gear icon in the upper-right-hand side > Table customization.
The IZ view in the All Titles search is similar to the Physical Titles search. To select NZ records, select the network icon in the upper-left-hand-side.

In it, you see two columns of information, some buttons, and a list of the institutions that have the item. You can select the link for the institution to view the availability of the item.

In a Physical Items search, you see three columns about the item plus some buttons. It hasn't changed substantially from the previous Physical Items search.

The Electronic Titles search results are very similar to the Physical Titles search results. Select Electronic Portfolios to view information about the holdings.

The Electronic Portfolios search is similar to the Physical Items search.

Specific Types of Searches
Call Number Searching in Alma