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CARLI Shared Reports: User Management

Finding and Copying Reports

CARLI's shared reports folder is found within the Shared Folders tree of your analytics catalog. 

Shared Folders > Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK

Some reports may be found in topic-specific folders.  


Any user with the Designs Analytics role may copy a report into your institution's shared reports folder.

  1. Open Analytics: Go to Analytics > Design Analytics.
  2. Click Catalog.
  3. Expand the Shared Folders down to the path of the report you would like to copy:
    e.g., Shared Folders > Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK > User Management Reports
  4. Locate the report by name in the list. When found, select More > Copy.
  5. Change folders into your institution's reports folder.
    e.g., Shared Folders > [institution name] > Reports
  6. Click the Paste button on the toolbar.
  7. Click Edit to do a test-run of the report.
  8. Return to Alma.

Shared User Management Reports

Users With Purge Dates of Current Date or Earlier

Path to Report: /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/User Management Reports
What it does: Identifies the users that could be purged if an institution runs a User Purge job on the current date. Columns include a column, "Days in the Past" that identifies the difference between the purge date and the current date.
This might be useful for: Identifying patrons that need updated purge and expire dates; identifying the purge job value for "Number of days after purge date."
Fields in the final report: Primary ID, user record type, user group, purge date, days in the past (calculated value).
Author: Ted Schwitzner 
Author's library: CARLI
Posted: 12/8/2020; revised 6/9/2022

Users with Purge Date that is less than Expiry Date

Path to Report: /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/User Management Reports
What it does: Identifies the users that have purge dates earlier than expiry dates. If an institution runs a User Purge job that would affect the user record, users that are still active may be removed from Alma.
This might be useful for: Identifying patrons that need updated purge and expire dates.
Fields in the final report: Primary ID, purge date, expiry date
Author: Martin Kong 
Author's library: Chicago State University
Posted: 6/9/2022

Count Users by Expire Year and Purge Year

Path to Report: /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/User Management Reports
What it does: Provides an overview of how many users have purge dates and expire dates in past and future years when preparing to perform a user purge. The report will also identify the number of users in your institution that lack expiry date or purge date, and if there are users where purge date and expiry dates are set too far apart. Report excludes deleted/purged users.
This might be useful for: Identifying counts of patrons that might be purged.
Fields in the final report: Institution code, expiry date year (calculated field), purge date year (calculated field), User Count (calculated field)
Author: Ted Schwitzner 
Author's library: CARLI
Posted: 8/31/2021

User Identifier has Leading or Trailing Blank Space

Path to Report: /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/User Management Reports
What it does: Identifies users that have extra blank spaces entered into an identifier value. When scanning or entering a user's ID or barcode, Alma tries to find an exact match for the scanned data; however, the extra blank spaces will cause the values to not match.
This might be useful for: Identifying patrons that need identifier data clean-up.
Fields in the final report: Institution code, Primary ID, Primary Identifier showing spaces (calculated value), identifier type, identifier value, identifier showing spaces (calculated value), last name, first name, preferred email
Author: Ted Schwitzner 
Author's library: CARLI
Posted: 8/31/2021