
Collections Working Group

CARLI Training Room, CARLI Office: 100 Trade Centre Dr., Ste. 303, Champaign, IL 61820

Connection Information:

Conference Call:

Toll-free: (866) 951-9521
Local:    (217) 244-9054

Meeting ID & Password:  2045

E-Resources Working Group Meeting: December 10, 2012

Conference Call

Attending: Chris Bulock (Chair), Jeanne Cross, John Blosser, Denise Green, Mary Konkel, Marisa Walstrum, Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Stephen McMinn, CM! Winters Palacio 


Cindy will distribute spring meeting dates for ERWG via email

Digital Collections Users’ Group Meeting: December 19, 2012

Conference call

Members present: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University); Chris Day, Chair, (School of the Art Institute of Chicago); Peter Hepburn (University of Illinois at Chicago); Benn Joseph (Northwestern University); Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University); Laurie Sauer (Knox College); Adam Strohm (Newberry Library); Julia Thompson (Western Illinois University)

Members absent: David Levinson (Lake Forest College)

CARLI staff present: Jessica Gibson, Amy Maroso (CARLI liaison to DCUG)

Collections Working Group

Montly Meeting of the Collections Working Group

Dial-in information

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 2045
Password: 2045

I-Share Instruction Team Unconference

Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington

Registration information to come.

Digital Preservation Joint Subcommittee

Joint Subgroup of Digital Collections Users' Group and Preservation Working Group

Virtual Meeting:

Collections Working Group

Monthly Meeting of the Collections Working Group

Dial-in information

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 2045
Password: 2045

Collections Working Group

Monthly Meeting of the Collections Working Group

Dial-in information

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 2045
Password: 2045

Digital Preservation Joint Subcommittee

Joint Subgroup of Digital Collections Users' Group and Preservation Working Group

Virtual Meeting:

Public Services Working Group

Monthly meeting of the Public Services Working Group

Virtual Meeting:

RDA for Everyone at I-Share Libraries

Nicole Swanson from CARLI User Services will give an overview of RDA and the rationale behind it.  Paige Weston from CARLI User Services will address the impact of RDA on the two I-Share public access interfaces, WebVoyage Classic and VuFind.  John Whisler from Eastern Illinois University will speak on “Heading conflicts: an old problem gets worse before it gets better.”

View recorded meeting.

I-Share Acquisitions & Serials Team

Monthly Meeting of the I-Share Acquisitions & Serials Team

Dial-in information:

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 5678
Meeting password: 5678

Preservation Working Group

Preservation Working Group Virtual Meeting

Connection Information:

I-Share OPAC Team

Monthly meeting of the IUG's OPAC Team.

Dial-in information

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 6834
Meeting Password: 6834

E-Resources Working Group

Monthly meeting of the E-Resources Working Group

Dial-in information:

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 4545
Meeting Password: 4545

IACQ Conference Call

Monthly Meeting of the I-Share Acquisitions & Serials Team

Dial-in information:

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 5678
Meeting password: 5678

DCUG Conference Call

Monthly meeting Digital Collections Users' Group conference call

Dial-in information:

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 9898
Meeting password: 9898

E-Resources Working Group

Monthly meeting of the E-Resources Working Group

Dial-in information:

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 4545
Meeting Password: 4545
