Almost 150 guests attended the CARLI Annual Meeting on November 18. If you missed the meeting or would like to view it again, for a limited time, you can view it online.
The recording will be available until December 17, 2016. Viewers will see a short advertisement before the video begins to play.
Please contact CARLI support if you have any questions.
CARLI is seeking feedback from those who attended or streamed the annual meeting, and those who were unable to attend. Your feedback will help in planning for the 2017 Annual Meeting.
If you attended the annual meeting or if you watched the live stream, please tell us about your experience by completing a short survey.
If you were unable to attend and would like to tell us about the factors that affected your decision, please complete this survey.
Contact the CARLI Office if you have any questions.
The CARLI Annual Meeting featured presentations about annual projects from six of CARLI’s committees. The full list projects for FY16 are:
Collection Management Committee: Collaborative Collection Development
Commercial Products Committee: Usage Statistics for Electronic Resources
Created Content Committee: CARLI Digital Collections Tumblr
Instruction Committee: Framing the Big Picture of Library Instruction: Implementing the New Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
Preservation Committee: A Year in the Life: AV/Media Preservation in Illinois
Public Services Committee: Productivity Tools List
Resource Sharing Committee: Open Access and Interlibrary Loan
SFX Committee: SFX and Integration with Other Products
Technical Services Committee: MarcEdit for Database Maintenance: A Select Primer
We encourage you to take a look at the projects and consider how they might be useful in your library. The efforts of CARLI committee members provide a critical service to the organization and to all Illinois libraries, and we offer our thanks and deep appreciation for their service.
The CARLI office will be closed from Friday December 23 through January 2 and will reopen on January 3. ILDS will not provide delivery service on December 23, December 26, December 30 or January 2. Business will resume on January 3.
Please send an email to CARLI support or call toll free 866-904-5843 to report any problems or concerns. Callers will have the option to page a tech support staff person to report a system outage or any other serious problem. CARLI staff will respond to all other issues and reports when regular business hours resume.
Do you think your library′s instruction program may need to change in response to changes at your institution? The CARLI Instruction Committee wants to help!
Our theme for this year is: "Evolving Library Instruction: Negotiating Change in Uncertain Times." Because of current trends and challenges in higher education, libraries are changing the way they do things so they can continue to provide quality service and meaningful instruction with different or fewer resources. We are planning a series of free webinars from librarians in the region who are taking bold steps into a new world.
We′ll kick off the series with: "Scaling Up: Rebuilding an Instruction Program with Limited Resources", presented by Amy Hall and Sarah Leeman, National Louis University, on Wednesday, December 7, 1:00–2:00 p.m.
National Louis University′s Library & Learning Support (LLS) unit has experienced significant changes over the past few years. Shifting trends in higher education, new university programs, a department reorganization, and university-wide resizing all continue to impact a variety of library services. In this webinar, NLU librarians discuss their plan to rebuild their instruction program, focusing on targeted outreach efforts and curriculum-embedded information literacy instruction that allows LLS to maximize student impact even in a time of limited resources.
To register, or for more information about the webinar and the presenters, visit the event page.
Mark your calendars now as we hope you can join us for this free CARLI event!
Following up on member interest, the CARLI Collection Management Committee is coordinating Collaborative Collection Pilot Projects in education, unique purchases, nursing, literature, and business this fiscal year.
The Committee has held conference calls with interested institutions for education (K-12 textbooks/curriculum materials) and unique purchases. The Committee is moving forward with discussions and planning for collaborative efforts in nursing, literature, and business. You can also find more information about these projects on our Google Group web page.
If you would be interested in joining any of these efforts or have questions about these projects, please contact either of the Collection Management Committee co-chairs: Kimberly Shotick or Deb Blecic.
All CARLI members are welcome to join this effort to strengthen collections within the state.
Plan now to attend the Collections Care Workshop to be held April 10th, 2017 at Illinois State University, Normal. The program will include an overview of simple techniques used to care for circulating collections. This will be a hands-on program, including the ″when, why and how″ of quick repairs.
Registration information will be available February 1, 2017. Space is limited.
This workshop is sponsored by the CARLI Preservation Committee.
CARLI is pleased to announce the addition of American Islamic College (AIC) to the list of ILDS participants. AIC has been added to the ILDS Label/Manifest system, and all documentation on the ILDS website has been updated to include them as a participant. Their official start date was Monday, November 14. Please join us in welcoming American Islamic College to the ILDS community!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding ILDS, please send an email to CARLI support.
Voyager Web Reports Beta, a new web-based reporting tool designed by CARLI IT staff, provides an easy way for I-Share library staff to run reports against their Voyager databases without the need to install the Oracle/ODBC client and Microsoft Access. A CARLI Voyager Oracle Account and a web browser are the only requirements to use Voyager Web Reports Beta. There are currently over 60 reports available on the site with more reports on the way.
You may view the current list of available reports. We encourage you to give the new tool a try.
A carefully crafted disaster plan relies on accurate and easy-to-access information. The plan itself will ultimately serve as a resource when the stakes are high. If you find yourself trying to figure out how to stop a gushing water pipe while looking for contact information for your preservation specialist, you may wish you had an easy and handy guide. This is one of the many important roles a disaster plan can serve. It will save you time, remove the need to think about where certain kinds of data are kept, and allow you to devote more of your mental and physical resources to the emergency at hand.
Before writing your plan, you will need to have a lot of information already gathered. Much in the way we all collect pay stubs, receipts, W2s, etc. before preparing our annual tax returns, having all of the information at the start of writing the plan will save time. With that in mind, there are three broad categories of relevant information: people, collections, and risks.
Learn detailed information on what to gather in order to create your disaster plan in the full article. You can find this as well as other Disaster Planning topics on the webpage for CARLI Preservation Committee′s yearlong project on Disaster Planning.
The Mortenson Center for International Library Programs has partnered with ALA on the IMLS-funded ″Project Welcome: Libraries and Community Anchors Planning for Resettlement and Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers″. Project Welcome is a one-year planning grant (May 2016–April 2017) that aims to learn about and articulate ways libraries can address the information needs of refugees and asylum seekers in order to support and empower them in their resettlement and integration process. We are assessing the information needs and gaps in library services by learning from US and international librarians, international and national governmental agencies, and domestic resettlement and social services to develop recommendations and an action agenda on information resources, services, training, and research needed to support the resettlement and integration of refugees and asylum seekers in the United States.
As part of the planning grant, we are holding listening sessions to learn from the library and information community: How can libraries better serve refugees and asylum seekers? The input will be incorporated into a thought paper, that will be used to provide background for the 2-day collaborative learning space/meeting to explore library and information solutions, including a 1-day public summit (February 6, 2017; Cambria Chicago Hotel).
If you have questions, please send Project Welcome an e-mail.
Project Coordinators: Clara M. Chu and Susan Schnuer, Mortenson Center for International Library Program
Project Partners: Michael Dowling and Jody Gray, American Library Association
The GMR Lake Effects Webinar ″Disaster Preparedness and Planning″ was recorded on Oct. 31 and is now available on YouTube.
University of Iowa Head of Preservation & Conservation Nancy Kraft spoke about how to formulate an emergency preparedness plan for any library, large or small. Below is an annotated list of Nancy′s talking points that link to the YouTube video.
2:03 — What is a disaster preparedness?
3:03 — Reasons for assessing risk
3:25 — Conducting a site survey/walkthrough
4:22 — Potential Hazards or threats
8:22 — Identifying key players
13:54 — Prioritizing your collection
15:20 — Collection environment/protecting
17:48 — Getting started with your plan
22:33 — Authority and Delegation
24:01 — Field Guide to Emergency Response, Salvage wheel
26:22 — Council of State Archivists Toolkit
27:21 —
28:29 — Trunk tool kits / React Pak
31:03 — Packing, air drying, and cleaning supplies
35:34 — Staff training and prep
37:50 — Packing wet books
39:38 — Funding sources and resources
45:36 — Generic public library collections?
If you have any questions about this webinar, please contact Bobbi Newman from University of Iowa for more information.
Minitex, a publicly supported network of academic, public, state government, and special libraries working cooperatively to improve library service for users in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota has published a new series of videos covering library concepts. This recent video called "What is Metadata", is just one of several that you might find useful. You can also visit their YouTube page, if you would like to learn more.
Mark your calendars for the 4th annual GLRSC: Harnessing the Winds of Change on June 8-9, 2017 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Oak Brook, IL.
This conference is an opportunity for individuals working in resource sharing to trade information and network with other colleagues. Do you have a new idea or success story to share? We are accepting program proposals through January 13, 2017 on any of the following topic areas:
Proposed presentations can take the form of either a break-out session (45 minutes in length) or a lightning talk (15 minutes in length each including time for questions).
Watch for updates on the conference website. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
December 23–Jan 3 CARLI Office Closed for the Holidays
January 16 CARLI Office Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
December 7 Scaling Up: Rebuilding an Instruction Program with Limited Resources Webinar
January 17 SFX Open Conference Call
December 2 CARLI Board of Directors Meeting
December 6 Commercial Products Committee
December 8 Collection Management Committee
December 12 Preservation Committee
December 13 Created Content Committee
December 15 Public Services Committee
December 19 Instruction Committee
December 20 Resource Sharing Committee
December 21 SFX Committee
January 3 Commercial Products Committee
January 5 Collection Management Committee
January 9 Preservation Committee
January 10 Created Content Committee
January 17 Resource Sharing Committee
January 19 Public Services Committee
January 25 Technical Services Committee
January 25 SFX Systems Committee
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to CARLI support. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.