CARLI News May 25, 2022

Illinois SCOERs Awards $494,000 in First Round Funding 

CARLI is pleased to announce Round One awards for the "Illinois SCOERs: Support for the Creation of Open Educational Resources" Subgrants, funded by the Open Textbooks Pilot Grant received from the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE) and the U.S. Department of Education. 

CARLI received excellent proposals to create open textbooks and ancillary materials in the focus area, "The Human Condition: Care, Development, and Lifespan. " Open textbooks are free to students and free to be remixed and reused by others. Books created by awardees will utilize 3D printing as a pedagogical tool and will be available for use in the summer 2023. The Open Educational Resources (OER) textbooks created through the subgrants will save Illinois college students the cost of the textbooks. 

Thanks to the generous grant funding CARLI received from the U.S. Department of Education, CARLI is able to fund nine innovative projects representing thirteen institutions across the state. Among the institutions are community colleges, state universities, and private colleges and universities. Two of the nine grants represent multi-institutional collaborations.

The nine Round One Illinois SCOERs Subgrant Awards totaling $493,902.55 are:

  1. City Colleges of Chicago, Olive-Harvey College, "Institutional Strategies for Increasing Student Success: Equity and Open Educational Resources," $60,000
  2. Illinois Central College, "Nurse Assistant Training OER," $59,572.80
  3. Morton College, "Diverse Approach to Language Development, " $23,220
  4. National Louis University, "Cultural Humility in Public Administration, " $58,922.23
  5. Roosevelt University, DePaul University, and Harper College, "Development and Implementation of Open-Access Problems and Activities for Health-Focused Chemistry Courses, " $59,961.60
  6. Southern Illinois University Carbondale, "Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Professions, " $59,254.20
  7. University of Illinois Chicago, "Advancing Open Educational ReSources and Visual Pedagogy for DIverRse StudEnts: ASPIRE, " $59,999.40.
  8. University of Illinois Springfield, "The Psychology of Exceptional Children, " $52,982.64
  9. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Carle Illinois College of Medicine) and Knox College, "The Female Reproductive System and Women's Health Through a Multidisciplinary Lens, " $59,989.68

Please join CARLI in congratulating the awardees for their successful proposals and stay tuned for more news about the projects and upcoming workshops related to OER creation and publications.

For questions about the Illinois SCOERs grant, contact .

2022 CARLI Board of Directors Election

The election and appointment process for the new members of the CARLI Board of Directors is now complete. 
Directors elected to 3-year terms are: Stephanie Davis-Kahl (Illinois Wesleyan University), Dennis Krieb (Lewis and Clark Community College), and Pattie Piotrowski (University of Illinois Springfield)
Jo Cates from Columbia College Chicago will fill the vacancy left by Rebecca Donald for a two-year term starting July 1, 2022.
Directors appointed to one-year terms are: John Pollitz (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Sharon Silverman (City Colleges of Chicago) and Anne Thomason (Knox College). 
All newly elected and appointed terms will begin on July 1, 2022.
Please join us in welcoming these new members of the CARLI Board.

CARLI Scholarship: Apply by June 30

The CARLI Scholarship helps to grow the profession by providing financial assistance to current employees of CARLI Governing Member Libraries pursuing graduate studies leading to a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Scholarships may be awarded for both on-campus and/or distance education programs. The scholarship amount for the 2022-2023 academic year (August 2022-May 2023) will be $1,000. For information, or to apply, visit the CARLI Scholarship web page

Give to the CARLI Scholarship Fund!

We would like to thank our donors for their generous contributions to the scholarship. You can give to the scholarship fund online. The minimum donation is $5.00. We hope you will consider supporting future librarians and help CARLI grow the profession with a contribution.

If you have any questions about the CARLI Scholarship, please contact .

Save the Date: CARLI Annual Meeting & Directors Meeting

Please mark your calendars for the CARLI Annual Meeting, to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 4, 2022 at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign. There will be a meeting of the CARLI Governing Directors preceding the annual meeting.

Registration information will be shared as soon as it becomes available.

Professional Development Alliance Events

The following programs from the Professional Development Alliance are currently on the calendar. Programs are offered on a wide variety of subjects. Check out everything the alliance is making available to our libraries!

May 26:  MARCEdit
May 26:  Peeling Back the Layers of an Independent Publishing House: DEIA, OA & Flexible Collaborations

June 1:    Learning with LOUIS: The Nuts & Bolts of Libguides part 2: "Embedding Media in LibGuides" and "Creating Eye-Catching Virtual Displays"
June 2:   Inclusive Leadership for Social Impact
June 2:    Embedding Social Justice within the First Year Experience Program at Winston-Salem State University
June 7:    Be Intentional, Not Identical: Creating DEI Strategies for the Library that Serves Your Community
June 8:    Learning with LOUIS: The Nuts & Bolts of Libguides part 3: "Managing the LibGuides System"
June 14:  Creating Healthier Productive and More Inclusive Workplaces
June 15:  Cultivating Antiracist, Antibias Workplaces through the Development of Cultural Competence
June 21:  The Power of Presentation: Enhancing Your Slides for Engagement

To register, visit the CARLI Event Calendar. Recordings of past CARLI-sponsored PDA events are available when permitted by the presenter. 

If you have a topic you would like to see as a continuing education program, send your idea to .

The Power of Presentation: Enhancing Your Slides for Engagement
June 21, 2:00–3:00 p.m.

Throughout your life you will, almost certainly, give presentations. We've all sat through presentations that were boring, confusing, and drab. How do you communicate your message most succinctly? What visuals will captivate and inform your audience the best? Is it only about your slide design or are there other techniques that leave a lasting impression? In this session we distill the magic that just might take your next presentation from bland to grand.

Jamie Nelson is Assistant Director of Emerging Educational Technologies at the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning. He drives innovation by helping faculty, staff, and students explore educational technologies that advance their teaching and learning goals. Jamie specializes in emerging technologies and playful pedagogies that impact student success, including virtual/augmented reality, 3D printing, drones, esports, the internet of things, and more. 

Please register for this event.

OER News

CARLI Virtual Course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources

CARLI is pleased to offer two sections of Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources, a 3-week synchronous and asynchronous virtual course on open educational resources in June 2022. 

•    Option 1: Live Sessions on Tuesdays: June 7, 14, and 21 at 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
•    Option 2: Live Sessions on Wednesdays: June 8, 15, and 22 at 2:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. 

Registration is available until May 31 for Option 1 and June 1 for Option 2.

This virtual course is designed to help the novice person learning about open educational resources to apply the information from this program to building their own local programs and workshops. The program is open to all CARLI members and is offered multiple times throughout the year. 

Please contact if you have questions.

CARLI-OER Email List

CARLI has established an email list for CARLI members to discuss and learn more about Open Educational Resources. Any person from a CARLI institution may subscribe to the email list. 

Alma Primo VE Update

With the end of the academic year, and soon the end of the July-June fiscal year, it's time to think about any changes or updates you may need to make to Alma and Primo VE to keep your data current. If your institution has opted to add or drop any e-resource subscriptions as of July 1, please be sure that any subscription changes are communicated to the person(s) that manage your e-resource activations and authentication.  

Summer could be a good time for your library to work on setting up SUSHI in Alma (Standard Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative, a standard for collecting e-resource usage data). A SUSHI "harvest" will automatically load COUNTER compliant statistics from available vendors into Alma Analytics for reporting purposes such as collection development and reporting to IPEDS.

If you missed the April CARLI Alma Office Hours presentation on SUSHI, the webinar recording is now available. We've also created a new resource for information on Alma and SUSHI.

If you missed the online ELUNA (Ex Libris Users of North America) Annual Meeting this month, you can still sign up and view the recorded sessions. Each session is free and includes presentations by Ex Libris customers and staff.

The next scheduled Alma/Primo VE monthly software update will be June 5. As we reported last month, Ex Libris has changed their monthly Alma/Primo VE updates so that new functionality is now only introduced quarterly while the intervening months will focus on resolving known issues. June and July of 2022 will be known issue releases and the next release with feature updates (and known issue resolutions) will be in August.

CARLI's popular series of open webinars will continue over the summer. The next Tech Services Q&A session will be May 26 at 10:30 a.m., the next Alma Primo VE Open Office Hours will be June 9 at 2 p.m., and our next Let’s Talk about Fulfillment session will be June 10 at 2 p.m. Please watch for email announcements with dates, and/or check the CARLI Event Calendar.

Other Library News


Please join us in congratulating Alex Cabada on receiving the 2022 Library Journal Movers and Shakers Innovators award. Alex, who is working with us on the Illinois SCOERs project as our 3D Printing Specialist, was one of 41 impressive librarians awarded the distinction this year. 

Along with serving on the Illinois SCOERs project, Alex is currently the interim head of the Mathematics Library, director of the Grainger Engineering Library IDEA Lab, medical and bioengineering librarian, assistant professor for the university library and the university's Carle Illinois College of Medicine (CI COM), 3-D printing project coordinator, and Health Maker Lab mentor and node manager. 

For more information, please visit the Library Journal to see all the individual award winners.

Upcoming CARLI Events and Meetings

Important Dates

May 30         CARLI Office Closed for Memorial Day

June 5           Alma Monthly Release
June 12         Alma Release Update
June 17         CARLI Office Closed for Juneteenth

July 3            Alma Monthly Release
July 4            CARLI Office Closed for Independence Day


June 1         Executive Committee 
June 7         Resource Sharing Committee
June 8         Discovery Primo VE Task Force
June 10       CARLI Board of Directors
June 13       Preservation Committee
June 15       Collection Management Committee
June 15       Public Services Committee
June 16       Governing Directors Check-In
June 16       OER Committee 
June 16       DEI Task Force

Webinars, Forums, Workshops and Training

June 1             Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources – Option 2
June 7             Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources – Option 1 Live Session 1
June 8             Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources – Option 2 Live Session 1
June 9             Alma Primo VE Open Office Hours
June 10           Let’s Talk About Fulfillment (I Mean Alma Not Life’s Purpose)
June 14           Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources – Option 2 Live Session 2
June 21           Let’s Talk About Fulfillment (I Mean Alma Not Life’s Purpose)
June 21           The Power of Presentation: Enhancing Your Slides for Engagement
June 21           Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources – Option 1 Live Session 3
June 22           Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources – Option 2 Live Session 3

July 14            Alma Primo VE Open Office Hours
July 19            Primo VE Showcase

Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.

Contact Us

Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to . Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.