CARLI News August 25, 2021

Save the Date: CARLI Annual Meeting and Governing Directors Meeting

The 2021 CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 10, at 10 a.m., via Zoom. Staff at any CARLI member library is invited to attend. 

The 2021 CARLI Annual Governing Directors Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 4, at 10 a.m., via Zoom.

Registration is now available for both of these events. The meeting agendas will be added as soon as they are available.

CARLI Counts Cohort 3 Set to Begin This Fall

Please join us in extending our congratulations and support to the newly chosen CARLI Counts Cohort 3! The Project Staff is currently working on the curriculum that will be offered starting this fall to the 27 new participants.

CARLI Counts is a continuing education library leadership immersion program that prepares librarians to make effective use of research findings on the impact of academic libraries on student success for the twin purposes of service development and library advocacy. Program participants will learn how to use local library data analytics in alignment with institutional data, goals, and strategic priorities to improve their services and demonstrate their value. 

As a result of shutdowns related to COVID-19, IMLS has granted CARLI a one-year, no-cost extension to the CARLI Counts award. This extension means that CARLI can offer an additional cohort (the program was originally slated to include two cohorts). Cohort 3 will meet exclusively via Zoom, with team presentations at the 2022 CARLI Annual Meeting

New CONTENTdm Project Client Available for Libraries Using CARLI Digital Collections

For CARLI member libraries using CARLI Digital Collections/CONTENTdm, OCLC has released an updated version of the CONTENTdm Project Client called Project Client 7. There is no new functionality or major changes in the new client—it was updated to be more compatible with Windows 10 and the latest versions of the Windows .NET Framework. You will need to uninstall the CONTENTdm Project Client 6.x version and install the new Project Client 7 before December 31, 2021. 

Project Client 7 should retain all projects and project settings so they will be available after you install the new version. The current Project Client version 6.x will continue to work and connect to the CONTENTdm server until December 31, 2021.

Please see the directions on how to uninstall the old version of your Project Client and install the new version. You will no longer need a license key to install the Project Client. CARLI no longer has a limit of one free copy of the Project Client per institution so you may install copies on multiple PCs if needed.

It is strongly recommended that you upload any items you have in projects to the server and approve/index them prior to uninstalling the version 6.x Project Client and installing the new version 7 Project Client. Although the new version should retain all projects and items within them, it is best practice to upload anything just in case! If you are actively working on a project and wish to install the new Project Client 7 later or need to schedule your IT department to install it for you, you may do so. Again, the current Project Client 6.x versions will continue to work until the end of the year.

Please email  if you have any questions or problems.

E-resources News

Fall Selection Cycle

The calendar year 2022 selection system is planned to be open from October 11 through November 5. There will be no new vendors, as many of our current vendors require a contract renewal this year. Several vendors are not raising prices, including AAAS, American Mathematical Society, Duke University Press, and Project Muse.

We are currently discussing with stakeholders whether CARLI will participating in ACM Open, which is ACM's transformational agreement towards open access publication. We expect a final decision in the next couple of weeks, and will inform our e-resources contacts listserv the status of our ACM contract.

JSTOR Free Access

JSTOR has extended free access to all journal collections until June 30, 2022. If your library has at least one subscription to a JSTOR journal collection, you have access to everything in JSTOR journals though June, 2022.

If you are interested in adding JSTOR to your collection, please reach out to and we can get you pricing. Price will be prorated for the remainder of 2021, and we can spread out the initial archive capital fee over several years (this fee is waived for community colleges).

Alexander Street Video Access Fees

In 2013 and 2015 CARLI offered a program to purchase perpetual access to select Alexander Street Press collections for member libraries, and CARLI paid for 10 years of access fees. Access fees will transition to member libraries in FY24 (July 1, 2023) and FY26 (July 1, 2025) respectively. Directors and e-resource liaisons at member libraries with fees coming due in FY24 should have received an e-mail with information about their specific collections.

Immediate action is not required, but we are notifying libraries now so that you can plan for additional budget expenditures, should you choose to maintain access to some or all of these collections. Additional reminders and information will be sent as we approach the FY24 cycle.

Any questions can be sent to .    

CARLI Ebook Program Updates

Thank you to CARLI members that purchased perpetual consortial access to ebooks from Oxford University Press, OUP’s Partner Presses, and Wiley etexts (titles that Wiley reclassified from “online book” to “etextbook”).

CARLI is working on the consortium and member purchased perpetual access lists of over 3,700 titles. The most up-to-date lists are available via a Google sheet. You cannot edit the sheet but you can download to your own computer. 

MARC Access: Wiley Etextbooks, Oxford University Press Ebooks (nine subject collections with publication dates 2018-2022), and Purchased Content from Wiley/Oxford/Partner Presses

I-Share Members: CARLI staff will be adding records for all consortial content and purchased perpetual access to the Network Zone for access in Primo VE in September. I-Share members do not need to do anything to add the MARC records for this content. CARLI will update members when this work is complete.

For Non-I-Share libraries: CARLI staff will be sharing new collections with members through OCLC Collection Manager in September.

Open Access Ebook Titles from Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press has informed CARLI that ten of the titles that were selected for perpetual access are now available Open Access. OUP will be confirming if additional titles are available Open Access. The Google Sheet reflects this information and will be updated when alternative titles are selected. CARLI has provided access for I-Share members to titles in the OUP Open Access Ebook Collection. CARLI members who are not part of I-Share may wish to add access to this collection to their catalog. 

The OCLC Knowledge Base Collection information is:

Collection Name: Oxford University Press Open Access Books
Collection ID: OUP.openAccessbooks

ELUNA Learns Webinars

As in 2020, CARLI has purchased a block of registrations for the 2021 Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) online webinar series, ELUNA Learns. These sessions will be recorded, and the recordings will be available for a year to those who register. These sessions are normally $25 per person; the CARLI block will be available free to I-Share library staff on a first come first served basis while our supply lasts.

At the time of this writing, the course descriptions have not yet been posted, and the dates have not been set for all sessions, we will update our information as it becomes available from ELUNA. 

To take advantage of the CARLI purchase, please register through CARLI and not on the ELUNA website. 

CARLI will process your registration with ELUNA. ELUNA will follow up with two emails to you. The first email will be a registration confirmation (you may ignore the text about how to pay for your registration). You will receive a second email from ELUNA with the webinar access credentials (these will be sent approximately 1 day before sessions in the future). Please note that ELUNA's policy is that these registrations are for one individual only and are not for group use.

To register: complete this form, attach to email, and send to , with “ELUNA learns” in the subject line.  Please complete a separate form for each person registering.

Upcoming Events from the Professional Development Alliance

The following programs from the Professional Development Alliance are currently on the calendar. Programs are offered on a wide variety of subjects. Check out everything the alliance is making available to our libraries!

September 15: Getting Started with OCLC's Worldshare Records Manager
September 21: TikTok on the Clock: Teaching Digital Media Literacy Skills on TikTok
September 22:  Sprouting Talent: Growing Library Leadership at Every Level
September 23: Elevating and Celebrating Black Men:  The Black Male Archives Project
October 6: Save the Date: The Application of 3D Printing Services in the Academic Library - Part 1
October 20: Save the Date: The Application of 3D Printing Services in the Academic Library - Part 2

To register visit the CARLI Event Calendar. Recordings of past CARLI-sponsored PDA events are available, where permitted by the presenter.

We want to hear from you! If you have a topic you would like to see as a continuing education program, send your idea to .

Alma Primo VE Update 

CARLI's Alma license currently allows us 2162 named users (Alma staff logins) to be used among the 89 I-Share libraries and the CARLI Office staff. That is a consortium-wide number; there are not specific user limits per I-Share institution. Currently, we have 4322 named users in Alma, i.e., double our licensed amount. While Alma does not functionally prevent us from adding more users or titles than we have licensed, Ex Libris monitors these numbers as part of managing their cloud environment, and Alma pricing is based on a metric that counts titles, e-journals, and named users. As these numbers can directly impact our Alma costs, it is in our shared best interest to not store duplicate bib records or to keep Alma staff-role user records for individuals that do not need them. 

Working within these license numbers is new to all of us in Alma. With Voyager, we hosted our software and data on our own servers, and it was our own expense and responsibility to augment our server environment as needed to keep up with our growth. With the cloud environment, we contract with the vendor for costs based on our size. CARLI staff believe that we can implement some reasonable changes to get our consortial Alma staff user numbers down to the contracted number and keep them there. There are a number of staff logins that have never been used in Alma, and others that have not been used in months. There are logins that were created to test things in Alma, and we can now do much of that work in our sandboxes. While we are going to be making a big push on this user reduction over the remainder of the 2021 calendar year, this is going to require all I-Share libraries to adopt workflows for reviewing staff logins and deactivating accounts as they leave your employment on an ongoing basis.

On Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 2 p.m., CARLI's Open Office Hours webinar will focus on best practices for managing Alma staff user records, reports for tracking these numbers and identifying unused staff logins, and procedures for deactivating unneeded staff user records. This session will be recorded. Reports on staff users in each institution will be provided through the Box file system in the coming week, please watch your email for details.

Our six Alma sandboxes (test environments) were refreshed in Ex Libris' semi-annual process on August 8. Sandboxes are copies of six of our I-Share members' data with user information anonymized. Alma Sandbox access URLs, best practices, and login credentials can be found in your library's Box folder. While the sandboxes are copies of six I-Share libraries, they are available for any I-Share library staff member to use for testing and training. 

If your institution has not already done so, be sure that you download your I-Share annual statistics by August 31. See a full description of the annual statistical package, and/or watch the recording of the July 22, 2021 Open Office Hours.

Other Library News

HSLI Call for Lightning Talk and Poster Proposals

HSLI, Health Sciences Librarian of Illinois, are still accepting proposals for lightning talks and posters for their upcoming Annual Conference, which is to be held virtually this year on October 27-29 (Wednesday-Friday). 

The afternoon of Wednesday, October 27, has been set aside for sharing experiences, best practices, or how lemonade was made out of lemons! Each presenter will be allotted 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of abstracts that are accepted. There will be ample time afterward for Q&A and lively discussion.

Ideas for your lightning talk can include, but are not limited to, any area of librarianship, such as instruction, leadership, program development, communication, collection development, outreach, and evaluation.

If you have presented, or plan to present, a poster at another meeting this year (such as MLA or Midwest Chapter/MLA), please consider also submitting it for HSLI. Since it is virtual, let our members who can't travel have the opportunity to see the work you've been doing! The posters will be virtual with a Q&A for presenters immediately following the lighting talks on October 27.

Please visit the HSLI web site for more information on how to submit a proposal. Submissions will be accepted accepted through Friday, August 27.

For either submission type, it is expected that presenting author(s) must register for, and plan on attending, the conference.  Any questions or concerns can be directed to .

Upcoming CARLI Events and Meetings

Important Dates

The CARLI Office Staff will remain in remote work status until further notice.

September 6     CARLI Office Closed for Labor Day                

September 12   Alma Monthly Release

October 3        Alma Monthly Release
October 10       Alma Monthly Release Update


September 2     Governing Directors Check-in
September 8     Executive Committee
September 8     Discovery PrimoVE Task Force
September 17    Board of Directors

October 13       Discover PrimoVE Task Force Meeting

Webinars, Forums, Workshops and Training

September 9     CARLI Alma & Primo VE Open Office Hours
September 15    Getting Started with OCLC's Worldshare Records Manager
September 23    CARLI Alma & Primo VE Open Office Hours
September 21    TikTok on the Clock: Teaching Digital Media Literacy Skills on TikTok
September 22    Sprouting Talent: Growing Library Leadership at Every Level
September 23    Elevating and Celebrating Black Men:  The Black Male Archives Project

October 6     Save the Date – PDA Series Application of 3D Printing Services in the Academic Library
Octobery 14   CARLI Alma & Primo VE Open Office Hours
October 20    Save the Date: The Application of 3D Printing Services in the Academic Library - Part 2

Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.

Contact Us

Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to . Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.