CARLI Annual Meeting

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - 10:00am to 3:00pm


Chancellor Ballroom
I Hotel and Conference Center
1900 South First Street, Champaign


To register for the in-person meeting, please click on the "Register" tab above. The registration deadline is Monday, October 14.

We are also providing a virtual option for those who wish to attend online. To attend virtually, register here.

If you need to cancel your in-person registration, please email .

CARLI COUNTS Cohort 5 Posters—all day


9:00 – 10:15 a.m. Continental Breakfast
10:15 – 10:25 a.m. Welcome, Introduction of the Governance Board
Pattie Piotrowski, Chair, CARLI Governance Board Dean, University of Illinois Springfield Library

 Recording, Part 1

10:25 – 10:35 a.m. Remarks
Sarah M. Zehr Gantz, Senior Assistant Vice President for Academic Initiatives and Policies, Office of the Executive Vice President/Vice President for Academic Affairs University of Illinois System
10:35 – 11:00 a.m.

CARLI Update

Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director

Recipients of the CARLI Scholarships

  • Amanda Helm, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
  • Grace Kraus, Prairie State College
  • Quinn Sluzenski, Newberry Library
  • Michelle Thole, Greenville University
  • Alexandria Vlahos, Lewis & Clark Community College
11:00 – 11:15 a.m.

CARLI Resolution in Recognition of University of Illinois System and System President Timothy Killeen
accepted by Dr. Paul Ellinger, Chief Financial Officer, and Comptroller of the University of Illinois System

CARLI Resolution in Recognition of Illinois Secretary of State and State Librarian Alexi Giannoulias
accepted by Greg McCormick, Director, Illinois State Library

Recording, Part 2

11:15 – Noon Keynote Address: Critically Optimistic: Agency and thriving in digital life
Beck Tench

Technology is both. It's helpful and harmful. Exhausting and energizing. Connecting and dividing. Through a mix of interactive activities and short lectures, we'll explore our personal values and digital habits, learn about the design tricks and thinking traps of the attention economy, and apply evidence-based strategies from Attention Restoration Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to support digital agency as individuals, in our communities, and through our institutions.
Beck Tench has deep and abiding curiosities about how to live well in a radically connected world. She is a designer and researcher at The Center for Digital Thriving at Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her research focuses on developing skills and a greater capacity for accessing personal wisdom, connecting with others through compassion and friendship, improving the quality of our lives through awareness of life as we’re living it, and mitigating or minimizing the harms of attention-driven digital culture. Beck graduated with her Ph.D. in Information Science at the University of Washington. Before returning to school, she was an exhibit designer in science museums.
She was formally trained as a designer at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She spent her career before returning to academia helping museums, libraries, and non-profits embrace risk-taking, creativity, and change through technology and personal space-making. Her work from that time was mentioned in the New York Times, National Public Radio, Scientific American, and several books and blogs

Noon – 12:30 p.m. CARLI Update (continued)
Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director
CARLI e-resources
Jenny Taylor, Associate Director, Electronic Resources
EBooks and Shared Serials Storage Update
Elizabeth Clarage, Director, Collection Services

I-Share Update
Jen Masciadrelli, Assistant Director, User Services

Illinois SCOERs
Michele Leigh, Senior Coordinator, Open Illinois
OER Petting zoo of printed books and 3D items

12:30 – 1:15 p.m. Buffet Lunch
1:15 – 1:30 p.m. CARLI Counts Poster Discussion
1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Topical Table Talks
  1. Generative AI hosted by Amy Maroso
  2. Campus Engagement and Collaboration with Other Units Outside the Library hosted by Matt Ostercamp
  3. Consortial E-books, hosted by Elizabeth Clarage
  4. Discovery Primo VE Committee: hosted by Andrew Belongea
  5. Collection Management Committee: Weeding, hosted by Carl Lehnen
  6. Commercial Products Committee: Implementing New E-resources in Your Library hosted by Ann Johnston
  7. DEI Committee: Are DEI Efforts Still Happening on Your Campus? hosted by Shekinah Lawrence, Leora Siegel, and Mitchell Haas
  8. ERM Committee: E-Resources: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly hosted by Robin Hofstetter and Jacob Del Rio
  9. Instruction Committee: Culturally Responsive Library Instruction hosted by Claire Reinert
  10. Preservation Committee: Share your Biggest Preservation Challenges hosted by Shelby Strommer
  11. OER Committee: OER & Affordability: Engaging Your Institution, hosted by Dee Anna Phares and Zachariah Claybaugh

Recording, Part 3

2:30 – 2:45 p.m. Wrap Up

Event Sponsorship: 

Event sponsorships are welcomed. The sponsorships fund the CARLI Scholarship! The CARLI Scholarship provides financial assistance to current employees of CARLI Governing Member Libraries pursuing graduate studies leading to a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

If you have any questions about this program, please contact the .

Event Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Clarivate logo and linkEBSCO Logo and Link

LexisNexis logo and link  

Silver Sponsors

Adam Matthews logo and link  American Psychological Association logo and link

Bronze Sponsors

OCLCThird Iron logo

WileyMidwest Library Service logo and link

GALE logo and link   Wolters Kluwer logo and link

ACS Publications logo and link

pixo tech logo and link