Technical Services Q&A: Searching and Cataloging in the New Titles UI

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Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

In December 2024, Ex Libris released the "New Titles Search" experience for libraries. Aside from the sliding panels and stacked information, the new user interface streamlines some access to metadata and resource management functionality that should benefit catalogers. In this month's Q&A session, CARLI Senior Library Services Coordinator Ted Schwitzner will review how to setup and customize the UI, how to take advantage of changes to the search options and results, and changes in the UI that improve the ability to work records in fewer clicks.

Other possible topics (time permitting) may include searching and importing records from WorldCat and setting up templates for MARC records and item records. Your questions and tips are also welcome.

The CARLI Technical Services Q&A Webinar Series offers an opportunity to gather with CARLI staff and your technical services colleagues across the consortium to discuss technical services topics and services, including the use of Alma, OCLC services, and other library tech services platforms that affect acquisitions and cataloging workflows for physical and electronic resources. Sessions may include how-to presentations, discussions of consortial practices, and opportunities for everyone to ask and answer questions on different issues. Each session is recorded and archived.

Please register for this event in advance. Zoom connection details will be sent to registrants one day in advance of the session.