During the 2018-2019 committee year, the CARLI Instruction Committee hosted two a Twitter Chats that was open to all, using the hashtag #InclusiveInfoLit.
Two conversations were held, December 7, 2018 and April 19, 2019.
As part of the conversations, attendees recommended resources for those who would like to investigate the topic further. The recommended resources are listed below.
- Books:
- Accardi, Maria T. Feminist Pedagogy for Library Instruction. Sacramento, CA, Library Juice Press, 2013.
- Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Fiftieth anniversary ed., New York, Bloomsbury, 2018.
- hooks, bell. Teaching to transgress : education as the practice of freedom. New York, Routledge, 1994.
- McElroy, Kelly and Nicole Pagowsky, editors. Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook. Volume 1, Essays and Workbook Activities. Chicago, Illinois, Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016.
- McElroy, Kelly and Nicole Pagowsky, editors. Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook. Volume 2, Lesson Plans. Chicago, Illinois, Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016.
- Morris, Sean Michael and Jesse Stommel. An Urgency of Teachers: The Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy. Madison, Wisconsin, Hybrid Pedagogy Inc., 2018.
- Articles:
- Maybee, Clarence, Tomalee Doan, and Michael Flierl. “Information Literacy in the Active Learning Classroom.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 6.42 (2016): 705-711.
- Shared Links: