Related product I-Share

Local Resource Types in Primo VE for I-Share

Revised: January 17, 2025

Table of Contents

CARLI Recommendation on Local Resource Types

I-Share institutions should not create any Local Resources Types in their Institution Zones (IZs) without consulting .

If you would like to recommend a Local Resource Type that can be established at the consortial level for all I-Share institutions to use, please contact .

Consortial Local Resource Types for I-Share

I-Share libraries do not need to do anything to use these types; they will appear in Primo VE automatically based on the coding in a bibliographic record. The CARLI Discovery Primo VE Committee has identified several Resource Types for I-Share and will consider any others suggested by member libraries.

The following Local Resource Types have been established at the consortial level for all I-Share libraries:

I-Share Local Resource Type Bibliographic Definition Status
Model LDR/06 = r and 008/33 = q Implemented in NZ 8/16/2024.
Implemented in IZs  9/5/2024.
Audio CD LDR/06 = i or j and (007=sd.f or 007=sd...[a or g]) Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Audio LP LDR/06 = i or j and (007=sd.[a through e] or 007=sd...[b through f]) Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Audio cassette LDR/06 = i or j and 007=ss Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Audiotape reel LDR/06= i or j and 007=st Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
DVD LDR/06 = g and 007=vd.v and 008/33=v Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Blu-ray LDR/06 = g and 007=vd.s and 008/33=v Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Videocassette LDR/06 = g and 007=vf and 008/33=v Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Film reel LDR/06 = g and 007 = mr Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
LaserDisc LDR/06 = g and 007=vd..g and 008/33=v Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.

The following Secondary Local Resource Types have been established at the consortial level for all I-Share Libraries:

New Secondary Local Resource Type Description Status
Government documents LDR/06 is not i,j,c, or d and 008/28 = a,c,f,i,l,m,o,s,z Implemented in NZ 8/22/2024. Implemented in IZs 9/5/2024.
Sound Recordings When Audio CD, Audio LP, Audiocassette, or Audiotape reel Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Video/Film When Blu-ray, DVD, Videocassette, LaserDisc, or Film reel Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Audio CD When Audio LP but 007 also has data for a CD in the same bib record. Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Audio LP When Audio CD but 007 also has data for a LP in the same bib record. Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
DVD When Blu-ray but 007 also has data for a DVD in the same bib record. Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.
Blu-ray When DVD but 007 also has data for a Blu-ray in the same bib record. Implemented in NZ 12/9/2024.
Implemented in IZs 1/13/2025.

The CARLI Discovery Primo VE Committee held a webinar on Dec. 10, 2024 called Making Primo VE More Resourceful: New Audio and Visual Resource Types for I-Share Libraries to describe the new consortial types and provide I-Share libraries with information on how to identify incorrectly coded bibliographic records in their Institution Zones (IZs).
Webinar Recording (37 mins.)
Slides (updated 12/13/2024)

What do I do if I find a record displaying the wrong Resource Type in Primo VE?

If you find records in Primo VE that do not seem to be displaying the correct type, please check the bibliographic record coding against the definitions for the consortial types listed above as well as the default Primo VE Resource Type Mappings. In many cases, bib records have outdated or incorrect coding that can be fixed by catalogers in Alma.  If you have any questions, please contact for assistance.

What is the Resource Type in Primo VE?

The Resource Type in Primo VE comes from an item's bibliographic record. Resource Types are assigned based on fields such as the Leader, 007, and 008 for MARC records, or the discovery:resourceType, dcterms:type, and dc:type fields for Dublin Core records. In the Primo VE discovery interface, the Resource Type displays in small, gray text at the top of the Brief Record display, as in these examples:


It also display as one of the default Facets in Primo VE, as in this example:


The Resource Type field is constructed based on existing bibliographic fields such as the LDR, 007, and 008 for MARC records, or the discovery:resourceType, dcterms:type, and dc:type fields for Dublin Core records.

Default Resource Types

Ex Libris documentation on Primo VE Resource Type Mapping describes the default, out-of-the-box resource types that are available and will display in Primo VE on bibliographic record results from your Institution Zone (IZ) and the Network Zone (NZ).

Ex Libris documentation on Resource Types in CDI describes which resource types will display by default in Primo VE on results from the Central Discovery Index (CDI).

Local Resource Types allow libraries to create resource types that are configured locally and are not included using the out-of-the-box rules cited above. However, Ex Libris documentation on Configuring Local Resource Types in Primo VE states:

"For consortia, local resource types must be defined in both the IZ and NZ when IZ records are linked to the NZ."

Therefore, CARLI and the CARLI Discovery Primo VE Committee are managing Local Resource Types in our shared network environment as noted in the charts above.

Sometimes, Local Resource Types can be defined in individual IZs only for truly local collections that are not linked to the NZ. Contact for assistance to determine if a Local Resource Type should be established at the IZ or the NZ level.

Please contact if you have any questions.