CARLI has an agreement with the Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) for a distributed shared print journal storage program.
Interested CARLI member libraries will be able to opt into WEST participation through CARLI’s Selection System through May 17, 2024. Please ask for your institutional pricing by May 10, 2024. The first available start date of the service is July 1, 2024. All CARLI members may participate. Participation is a 3-year commitment for institutions.
Founded in 2010, WEST is hosted by the California Digital Library at the University of California. Participating libraries consolidate and validate print journal backfiles at major library storage facilities and at selected campus locations. The resulting shared print archives ensure access to the scholarly print record and allow member institutions to optimize campus library space. Currently, WEST Archive Holders agree to retain volumes through December 31, 2035 (25 years from the beginning of WEST).
Archived materials are disclosed in OCLC and in the Center for Research Library’s Print Archive and Preservation Registry (PAPR) to make these commitments public to the wider scholarly community.
On March 21, 2024, Alison Wohlers, Manager Shared Print Programs, California Digital Library, presented this overview webinar of WEST membership for CARLI Members.
WEST’s Vision, Mission, and Guiding Principles