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How-To: Delete a Location

I-Share institutions may occasionally wish to remove obsolete locations that no longer contain any items or holdings records.

  1. Go into Alma Configuration, clicking the gear icon in the lower left corner of the Alma menu, or type Ctrl+Alt+C.
  2. At the top of the Configuration screen, click in the Configuring box, then select the library that has the obsolete locations. 
    An image of the Alma configuration screen, with the Configuring menu opened to display the institution name (Elmhurst University (ELM)) and its libraries (A.C. Buehler Library and Resource Sharing Library).
  3. With the library selected, go to Fulfillment > Locations > Physical Locations.
    An image of the top portion of the Alma Configuration menu for Fulfillment, showing the Library Management, Locations, and Physical Fulfillment submenus. Physical Locations is the only item under Locations.
  4. In the Physical Locations List, locate the row for the location you wish to delete. Click the actions menu [...], then select Delete.
    • If any items or holdings are still associated with this location, Alma will alert you that the location cannot be deleted.
  5. Alma will ask for confirmation. Click Confirm to complete the deletion.