Related product I-Share

How-To: Create a Desktop Shortcut for Your Alma Login URL

When you go to login to Alma, you should always start by connecting to your Alma login URL. There are two different forms for this URL:

  • https://i-share-??? (??? = your institution's three-letter CARLI code)
    This is the default URL for access to Alma. Staff who login with internal passwords will use this login. Users with internal passwords may include student workers using generic accounts, staff who have separate internal and external accounts, staff at institutions not using a single sign-on service, and CARLI staff.
  • https://i-share-??? or https://i-share-???
    When institutions use single sign-on, the Alma login URL includes a code that redirects Alma to the login service for the institution.
    • CAS is used for institutions using the CAS (Central Authentication Service) method of single sign-on
    • SAML is used for most other single sign-on methods, including Shibboleth, Azure, and OpenAthens.

To make sure that you are able to login successfully according to the method of login your institution uses, you may want to create a desktop shortcut.

In Windows:

  1. Right click on the desktop.
  2. Select New > Shortcut.
  3. Where it says "Type in the location of the item," paste the Alma login URL as above; make sure to include your institution's three letter code. Click Next.
  4. Where it says "Type a name for this shortcut," type in "XXU Alma SAML Login" or "ABC Alma Internal Login". Click Finish.