If you'd like to talk with CARLI staff and your CARLI library colleagues about Alma Fulfillment and Automated Fulfillment Network workflows, known issues, and Q & A, join us online for fall sessions of “Let’s talk about Fulfillment (I mean Alma, not life’s purpose).”
Sessions are scheduled for every other week on Fridays at 2:00pm.
CARLI Office Staff will be online for each session to work with your questions and to facilitate the discussion in these sessions.
This fall, we are planning that each session will begin with a presentation on a planned topic, followed by open Q & A with attendees as time allows.
The initial presentation will be recorded for posting to the CARLI website.
Attendees will be able to unmute their microphones and/or utilize the chat for participation.
To register:
If, as the semester passes, the date needs to change for a proposed topic, we will notify session registrants of the change.
Please send any questions to CARLI Support, support@carli.illinois.edu