Let's Talk about Fulfillment (I mean Alma, not life's purpose) 10/19/2021

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Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 10:30am to 12:00pm

During this session held on Tuesday, October 19 from 10:30am-noon central, topics of discussion included:

  • How loan renewals work in Alma
  • Should we rename our Fulfillment Unit's Rules according to the loan period of the materials?
  • Review how to retrieve the user record for a patron from another I-Share library who has arrived in person to check out an item.
  • Is there a way to get the expired hold shelf to show as a task in Alma? 
  • Can we add permissions to a specific user role in Alma?
  • Can you add a user record for an I-Share patron if they walk-in to check out an item without requesting it first?
  • The Process date is printing on our staff-use Hold Slip for our patrons and I-Share instead of the Hold Expired date. Do we have a setting incorrect?
  • Is there a certain number of physical items that a library must own/make available in its collection for lending via I-Share to maintain eligibility as an I-Share member library?
  • Need to monitor items that goes in to Missing status. Is there a best way to clear these items when you find the item?
  • If you add the AFN Rota twice for borrowing requests library staff create for a patron in Alma will it add the libraries to the lender string twice?