I-Share Resource Sharing over Winter Break

The CARLI Board approved a winter break recommendation by the Resource Sharing Committee to turn off the ability to place new I-Share requests through Primo VE between 5pm on Thursday, December 23, 2021 and 8am on Sunday, January 2, 2022.

(I-Share requests are requests placed by patrons of one I-Share institution for physical materials owned by another I-Share institution).


  • The “Request from I-Share” link will be hidden in Primo VE for all I-Share libraries between 5pm on Thursday, December 23, 2021 and 8am on Sunday, January 2, 2022.
  • Any requests placed before 5 p.m., December 23, but unprocessed by library staff before the winter break, will be held in the queue for later processing.
  • I-Share libraries may determine whether to hide or modify their own local requesting link. (Contact CARLI support for assistance.)

CARLI staff will perform the tasks to:

  • Turn off I-Share Requesting during the break by hiding the I-Share request link in Primo VE.
  • Extend the request queue (pick from shelf list) expire period to hold unprocessed requests placed before December 23.

Optional tasks for your library:

  • Local Requests:
    Whether to allow local requests (requests placed for your library’s materials by your library’s patrons) to be placed during winter break is at your library’s discretion.
    •  Please email CARLI Support if you would like to turn off or modify local requesting during winter break.
  • Options for notifying patrons from within Primo VE:
    • Adding an alert banner to the top bar:  https://www.carli.illinois.edu/products-services/i-share/discovery-interface/custom_package_topbanner
    • Adding a descriptive message to the Primo VE main page HTML cards: https://www.carli.illinois.edu/products-services/i-share/alma/primo-ve/viewconfigs#pvecustcustpackage
    • Please email CARLI Support if you need any assistance with customizing the alert banner or HTML cards in your Primo VE.

Please send any questions to CARLI Support- support@carli.illinois.edu.