CARLI Board Minutes: March 6, 2020

CARLI Office Champaign

Members attending: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Anne Craig (CARLI), Rebecca Donald (Trinity International University), Jeff Douglas (Knox College), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Karen Janke (Erickson Institute)(by phone), Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine), Greg McCormick (Illinois State Library)(by phone), Pattie Piotrowski (University of Illinois at Springfield), John Small (North Central College)(by phone), Frances Whaley (Kishwaukee College)

Guests: Maria Bonn and Michelle Plante, (iSchool, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Sarah Zehr (University of Illinois System)

Staff attending: Margaret Chambers, Elizabeth Clarage (by phone), Diane Day, Gordon Fellows, Kristine Hammerstrand, Jenny Taylor

Absent: Fred Barnhart (Northern Illinois University), John Pollitz (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)


  • Minutes of the December 6, 2019 Board meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
  • The Board approved the timeline for the 2020 Board of Directors election. Current Board members Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Karen Janke (Erickson Institute), and Pattie Piotrowski (University of Illinois at Springfield will serve on the Nominating Committee, with CARLI staff coordinating the process.
  • The Board approved a motion to suspend open calls for committee service for FY21 in order to allow time to evaluate current committee structure and make recommendations for committees that reflect the changing library landscape and the implementation of the new I-Share library management system environment. Current committee members whose terms are expiring will be invited to continue their service for another year to engage in these efforts.
  • Rebecca Donald (Trinity International University) and Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College), will work with CARLI staff to review the FY21 Research Funding Requests. 
  • The Board approved the proposal from the OER Task Force to become a committee. 
  • The Board approved the letter to Ex Libris pending final revisions.
  • Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College) and Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine) will work with CARLI staff to review the applications for the CARLI Scholarship. 
  • The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.


  • CARLI will again sponsor the iSchool at Illinois Career Fair. The Career Fair will be held in Champaign on October 7, 2020.  
  • CARLI is continuing to work closely with I-Share libraries and Ex Libris on the Alma Primo VE Full Test and Implementation Phase. The project is on schedule and we still anticipate meeting our scheduled “go live” date of June 24, 2020. Work completed since the report to the Board in December 2019: 
    • CARLI staff and the Ex Libris project team finalized the last set of project milestone dates relating to suspending work in Voyager and link resolvers, before the final data extracts from those services begin. The Voyager “Tech Freeze” will begin May 1, which means that library staff should stop adding/changing/or deleting cataloging, acquisitions, or serials data in Voyager as of the end of the day, April 30. Changes made in Voyager after the “freeze” begins, will not be included in the data migrated to Alma. Universal Borrowing can continue in Voyager until June 11 (i.e., through June 10). Circulation activity can continue in Voyager until June 19 (i.e., through June 18). All milestone dates are on the CARLI website calendar and CARLI is presenting an Office Hours webinar on March 5 to review these milestones and associated tasks. 
    • Seven more two-day Alma training sessions have been held: at UIC in December, at NIU and Parkland in January, at Monmouth, Harper, Lewis and Clark, and Heartland in February. Two more sessions are planned for March at the Big Ten Center in Rosemont, and one in May at the Big Ten Center. To date, 325 people from 87 I-Share institutions have attended these trainings so far. At this time, only two institutions have neither attended training or gained certification.
    • At least 176 people from 71 I-Share libraries have completed Alma certification training (i.e., the training Ex Libris requires an institution to complete before they can adjust their Alma configuration settings.)
    • Primo VE became available to I-Share libraries the first week of December, and libraries gained access to the new Ex Libris Central Discovery Index (CDI) in late February. On March 4, CARLI shared information to help libraries get started customizing Primo VE (
    • The informal Network Zone advisory group completed their recommendations and released a report, I-Share Network Zone Cataloging Recommendations on February 28. A webinar on their recommendations is being held on March 4. Their report covers recommended best practices for contributing records to the Alma Network Zone and workflows for maintaining institution-specific data for materials such as special collections.
    • CARLI staff are continuing to work with institutions that want to use the process of synchronizing user information between campus student information systems and Alma. This process is referred to as “SIS” (student information systems). To be ready to use this process when we go live, libraries should have this integration work done by May 1.
    • CARLI continues to have scheduled open “office hours” calls to discuss Alma and Primo VE topics and take questions about the products and the migration process. These are usually held on Thursday afternoons at 2pm and recordings of the sessions are made available on the CARLI website. CARLI staff also have a weekly planning call with Ex Libris staff each Tuesday.
  • CARLI has completed a contract with EBSCO for OpenAthens, an access management system that facilitates single sign-on access to content and services like Alma and Primo VE. CARLI has purchased OpenAthens through EBSCO (the American distributor of OA) for all CARLI governing members for three years. As of this writing, a total of 65 CARLI members, 53 I-Share libraries and 12 CARLI libraries that do not participate in I-Share, have opted to use OpenAthens in some fashion. 
  • CARLI staff are preparing for the FY21 e-resources selection cycle. We anticipate opening the system for libraries to make subscription commitments from the end of March through mid-May. Vendors will be offering 53 new products in this cycle. 
  • CARLI has finalized an agreement with Sage Databases/CQ for products starting with the FY21 selection cycle. These products will have prorated pricing with the goal of having all Sage products on a calendar year cycle in the future.  
  • The Commercial Products Committee is planning to hold a series of webinars later this spring dedicated to e-resources topics and Alma. 
  • CARLI will hold a ticketed reception to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of resource sharing among Illinois academic libraries. The reception will be held on June 28, at the Art Institute of Chicago, during the ALA Conference in Chicago.
  • CARLI has received commitments from eight sponsors for the anniversary reception. We continue to seek sponsors for the event, including in-kind donations for the event.
  • CARLI is working with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign library on a possible consortial offering for a shared institutional repository. 
  • CARLI is working through the contract process with Oxford University Press and Wiley to provide access to consortially funded e-books for one year, beginning July 1, 2020.
  • CARLI is finalizing plans for a Mobile Digitization Service that will travel to CARLI libraries to provide on-site digitization and to help train library staff to do this work. 
  • CARLI is working with the iSchool at Illinois on a graduate student practicum with the CARLI Mobile Digitization Lab.
  • The first in-person session for CARLI Counts Cohort Two was held February 18-20 at the I-Hotel in Champaign. A separate day-long training session for CARLI Counts mentors was held at the CARLI Office. 
  • CARLI is accepting applications for the CARLI Research Funding Program. Applications for the FY 2021 program are due by May 15, 2020. 
  • CARLI is accepting applications for the Fiscal Year 2021 CARLI Professional Development Reimbursement Program. Applications are due a minimum of 5 working days prior to the event. 
  • Applications for the CARLI Scholarship are due May 1. The scholarship will provide financial assistance to current employees of CARLI Governing Member libraries pursuing graduate studies leading to a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  • CARLI is working with Ex Libris to get pricing for the Leganto resource list management product. Leganto would be available for libraries to purchase through CARLI. 
  • CARLI will send out the final letter to EBSCO and Ex Libris and post to the CARLI website seeking additional signators for the letter.
  • CARLI staff worked with CARLI Board members Jeff Douglas (Knox College), Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), and Frances Whaley (Kishwaukee College) to draft a statement regarding the critical role of the Library Director in CARLI member libraries. The statement will be reviewed by the Board ahead of a discussion at the June 2020 Board meeting.
  • CARLI has submitted their documents for the FY 2021 budget process for the University of Illinois System. CARLI will make their presentation to the Budget Review Committee later this spring.
  • The ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Statistical Survey and the Illinois State Library Annual Certification are due March 31. Completion of these annual processes are required for all CARLI member libraries.

Tasks Assigned

  • The Board directed staff to work with committees to evaluate the current committee structure and make recommendations for committees that reflect the changing library landscape and the implementation of the new I-Share library management system environment. Initial recommendations will be presented to the Board for review at the December 2020 Board meeting, with a final plan presented for approval at the March 2021 Board meeting.
  • CARLI will draft a charge for a Shared Distributed Storage Investigative Task Force. The charge will be submitted to the Board via email for review and approval. 
  • CARLI will develop an application process and parameters for mobile digitization projects.
  • CARLI will send to the Board the draft of a Statement on the Importance of Deans and Directors for review and comment ahead of the June Board meeting.
  • CARLI will send to the Board the letter to EBSCO and Ex Libris for review and comment ahead of distribution in March 2020.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

  • CARLI 40th Anniversary and Scholarship Kickoff Reception, June 28, Art Institute of Chicago
  • 2020 Board meetings dates (at the CARLI Office, Champaign)
    • Friday, June 12, 2020
  • 2020 Executive Committee meetings (via conference call): 
    • Wednesday, June 3, 2020