Members Attending: Tammie Busch (co-chair) (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Susan Howell (co-chair) (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Jodi Craiglow (Trinity International University), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), George Gottschalk (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Robin Mize (University of Illinois Springfield), Lauren Noel (Columbia College Chicago), Renata Schneider (DePaul University), Jackie Zook (Northeastern Illinois University)
Members Absent:
CARLI Staff Attending: Jessica Gibson, Martin Kong, Jen Masciardrelli, Ted Schwitzner
Minute Taker: George Gottschalk
- TSC Best Practices document is not ready to go.
- CARLI staff need additional time to ensure the best practices align with shared understandings and feasibility of CARLI to support.
- Discussion will be tabled until next meeting and reassess at that time.
- Committee members will continue to review.
- Committee members are also encouraged to review the SUNY and Orbis Cascade policy approaches.
- CARLI Report and Announcements (Jen & Ted)
- CARLI released the October newsletter
- 367,000 records deleted for orphan bibs in IZ
- Targeted records that contain URLS and records having been deleted in IZ
- Register for Annual meeting closes today – Nov 4
- Alma Release Notes – purchase order task list preview
- Possible future office hours discussion on task lists and work assignments
- Discussion of orphan bib records
- Possible to have a policy?
- Workflows vs. projects
- Moved to new business
- Committee Member Announcements
- Re-schedule November meeting –
- Monday, November 28 at 1:30 p.m.
- Jen will send updated calendar invitation
- Confirm Schedule OCLC training
- Oct 26, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Completed
- Module 1: WorldCat, MARC and client basics -- Jodi Craiglow
- Module 2: Basic bibliographic searching -- George Gottschalk
- Nov 9, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
- Module 3: Basic editing and record processing -- Renata Schneider
- Module 4: Save files, file management, and batch processing --Robin Mize
- Susan will monitor chat
- December 14, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- Module 5: Automation and customization -- Tammie Busch
- Module 6: Editing WorldCat records -- Lauren Noel
- Jackie will monitor chat
- January 25, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- Module 7: Advanced bibliographic searching -- Jackie Zook
- Module 8: Original cataloging -- Susan Howell
- Lauren will monitor chat
- February 22, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- Module 9: Authority control -- Brent Eckert
- Tammie will monitor chat
- Discussion of first event
- 25 people registered, so somewhat smaller group
- Informal, interactive
- People enjoyed seeing Connexion in action
- Split between high level of experience and newer individuals
- Possibly present quick overview outline at beginning of each session
- Volunteers for next sessions to monitor chat
- Orphan Bibs in IZ
- Policy on workflows needed?
- Perhaps include in best practices document
Continuing Business
- OCLC’s processes for identifying and merging duplicate records in WorldCat
New business
- Authority Control Resources within CARLI
- Is there a network, opportunities to ask questions
- Brent can send an inquiry to the technical services list
- DEI discussions pursuant to ILA Conference
- Should CARLI have a separate committee to talk about this?
- For example, what to address, not just how.
- Considerations exist beyond technical services
- Leadership may need to respond to complaints or requests for clarificaiton
Assignments for Next Meeting
Upcoming Important Dates
- Next Tech Services Q&A: Wednesday, November 9, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- Next TSC Meeting: Monday, November 28, 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 11:07 AM.