Technical Services Committee Meeting — Feb. 15, 2022

Zoom Meeting

Members attending: Tammie Busch (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Jodi Craiglow (Trinity International University), Kathryn Dauksza (committee co-chair, Illinois State Library), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), Susan Howell (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Megan Kelly (committee co-chair, Newberry Library), Robin Mize (University of Illinois Springfield), Renata Schneider (DePaul University), Christa Strickler (Wheaton College)

Members absent:  None

CARLI Staff attending: Jen Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner, Adrienne Radzvickas

Guests:  None

Tasks Assigned:  Minutes taken by Robin Mize.


CARLI Announcements

  • Jen discussed Alma’s introduction of CZUTL (Community Zone Updates Task List), which was the topic of CARLI’S Office Hours on February 10. She provided a link for more information. The recording of the February CZUTL discussion is published on the CARLI Office Hours website.
  • Jen continued to report that in April the Electronic Resource Management Task Force will again present in CARLI’s Open Office hours. They will present on how to set up SUSHI sets and will provide instruction on how to make gathering statistics easier using the types of reports generated.
  • Ted provided a report on the Title Count Reduction cleanup project. Ted & Jessica are currently working on strategies, procedures, and potential suggestions for workflow processes. New updates will be available by the end of the month.  The Cleanup team is working to identify duplicate records, at this time focusing on duplicates found in the Network Zone. Additional priorities include finding Institution Zone records not linked in the Network Zone, identifying discrepancies, and other records that weren’t merged. 
  • Adrienne reported that access to Alma Sandboxes is currently delayed due to login problems. CARLI staff is working on the problem and is testing logins. The Sandboxes should be accessible soon because the cause of the problem has been discovered and resolved overall. Work is still being done on several individual accounts.

Committee Member Announcements

  • Renata: DePaul University is currently hiring for the position of Metadata Librarian for Digital Resources. She requested that the committee share the information on listservs and/or newsletters.

Task Force Liaisons Reports & Announcements

  • The Primo/Discovery task force will recommend it be transitioned into a standing committee. The Task Force is in search of group members & resources testers. Members of the Discovery Taskforce feel the committee obligations are currently too onerous and will recommend communication and collaboration with the internal Technical Services workgroup. 


Continuing Business

  • Meeting minutes:  Megan requested she be included as co-chair in the last meeting’s minutes and in future minutes.  The last meeting’s minutes were otherwise approved.

Annual projects

  • Ethical Cataloging:  Megan reported that CARLI is testing iterations of references to “illegal aliens” handled in different ways.  Of the options reviewed, two of them are being recommended for a closer look.  Testing will be done when sandboxes become available again.  CARLI will set up options in Sandbox. The group will review records, test the function and appearance of displays, and expect to make recommendations to CARLI at end of the process.
  • Best Practices:  Tammie reported that the group has determined that it has lost its original focus, being influenced by the document depository.  The group decided to return to its initial purpose, which is to create a policy for institutions to follow in selecting and submitting correct Worldcat records to the Network Zone and to provide instruction on what to do if no record can be found.  The document depository will be a place for institutions to submit workflow documentation.  Jodi & Tammie intend to meet on February 16 to plan a more impactful move forward.  Regarding cataloging, the group decided to focus on what new people need to know to work in CARLI/I-Share, especially cataloging for an I-Share library with some consideration for the ways local practices are affected by being part of network.  A survey regarding Alma/Connexion use has been reviewed and is ready to publish.  It will be released at the start of March and end at the start of April.
  • It was reported that some processes have been submitted by UIUC.  They have been shared but not posted.  Another call for workflow documentation will be placed in the newsletter.

Questions or Comments:  Thank you to everyone for doing good work.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm

Next Meeting will be Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 1:00-2:30: Zoom Meeting/Call 

Submitted by Robin Mize