Technical Services Committee Meeting — November 16, 2021

Zoom Meeting

Members attending: Tammie Busch (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Jodi Craiglow (Trinity International University), Kathryn Dauksza (Illinois State Library, co-chair), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), Susan Howell (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Megan Kelly (Newberry Library, co-chair), Robin Mize (University of Illinois at Springfield), Renata Schneider (DePaul University), Christa Strickler (Wheaton College)

Members absent: Sarah Holmes (Northern Illinois University)

CARLI Staff attending: Jen Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner, Adrienne Radzvickas

Guests: Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville—Discovery Primo VE Task Force member liaison) and Cynthia Scott (North Central College—E-Resource Management Task Force member liaison), Taran Ley (SIU School of Medicine--Liaison to CARLI Board)


CARLI Announcements

  • Jen reported on CARLI Annual Meeting last week. There is a grant for OER textbooks. One-on-one sessions regarding the title reduction project are ongoing. Alma/Primo VE Open Office Hours this Thur. at 2:00; topic: related records.

Member Announcements

  • Robin Mize reported that there is an opening for an electronic resources assistant at her library and they are using B&T Sustainable Shelves Program for dealing with withdrawn items.
  • Christa Strickler, editor of Theology Cataloging Bulletin, announced that they are looking for authors to contribute articles.

Task Force Liaisons Reports & Announcements

  • Cynthia reported one group of the E-Resource Management Task Force is working on SUSHI. Jen reported other group is working on methods for reviewing CZTL, roles in Alma for e-resources librarians, when and how to report changes to CZ, and what collections to manage locally versus in CZ to avoid duplicate records.
  • Marlee reported that the Discovery Primo VE Task Force has continued working on hiding the I-Share request link in Primo VE, testing I-Share union view, finished bX Recommender documentation and FAQ. New projects include Primo analytics in the discovery layer, planning a showcase for the spring, and working on and testing local resource types in Alma (both consortially and locally).


Continuing Business

  • October 19, 2021 minutes were not available.
  • Megan discussed her presentation of FY21 TSC accomplishments at CARLI Annual Meeting. Recording of the annual meeting is available online.
  • Annual Projects – Subcommittee Reports
    • Jodi reported for the Best Practices Subcommittee. OCLC Member Merge Program will be placed on back burner as a possible project for future years. There have been several contributions to the documentation repository. The primary goal of the subcommittee is establishing best practices to avoid duplicates. The group plans to review existing cataloging standards for the NZ. Only about half of I-Share libraries use Connexion (which will affect best practices for adding records to Alma). Other project include general best practices for cataloging and a survey of I-Share libraries regarding cataloging practices. Ted discussed cataloging practices that he has encountered while assisting various I-Share libraries.
    • Renata reported for the Authorities Subcommittee. They are doing preliminary testing on normalization rules. There will be a Primo enhancement in December release that will allow libraries to hide certain subject headings. They are testing applying local subject headings for internal users searching in Alma. There was an announcement from LC this week that they are changing the subject heading “illegal aliens” to “noncitizens” (and related headings). The group needs to experiment locally in sandbox for NZ and IZs. For testing they have decided to use twelve subject headings about illegal aliens from OhioLink.

New Business

  • None

Tasks Assigned

  • None

The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 PM.

Next Meeting Tuesday, December 14, 1:00-2:30: Zoom Meeting/Call 

Submitted by Brent Eckert.