Members Attending: Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Audra Deemer (DePaul University), Rosalind Fielder-Giscombe (Chicago State University), Michele Hunt (Northern Illinois University), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Marie Martino (Moraine Valley Community College), Thane Montaner (Prairie State College), Ashtin Trimble (Black Hawk College)
CARLI Staff Attending: Jenny Taylor, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Denise Green, Marisa Tolbert
Members Absent: Scott Thomson (Rush University)
CARLI Updates
- CARLI is retiring the Selecting System and implementing Consortia Manager (CM) for managing the E-Resources brokering program.
- CARLI staff is still being trained on the new system and training will be provided to member libraries
- CARLI anticipates having Calendar Year 2025 selections available in Consortia Manager from October – mid-November
- Library users have already been loaded into CM and once everything is set up and ready to go live, users will be emailed a link to set up their password.
- Users will also be able to set up preferences/notification settings
- Libraries will need to add IP addresses
- CM does not integrate with the IP Registry, but there is an option to email vendors when a library makes updates to their IPs
- Alma CZ E-Collection IDs will be added to CM, but it will be the ID only, and not the additional information currently provided in the system. The IDs and additional information will still be available on the CARLI website:
- The E-Resource Interest Survey that the committee worked on last year is still open and has had 55 responses so far. The survey will close at the beginning of next week and results will be shared with the committee.
- EBSCO collections in the Alma NZ: all CARLI and State provided EBSCO resources that can be activated in the NZ have been activated. Some libraries have asked about an opt-out option, and this is still being discussed and investigated within CARLI.
- Mometrix: The committee previously recommended that CARLI pursue a license with Mometrix. Due to the inclusion of EBSCO’s LearningExpress resources in the state database package, the committee discussed whether pursuing Mometrix was still recommended. There was general agreement among the committee that Mometrix provided access to content not available in LearningExpress and would still be worth pursuing.
- Sociometrics: The committee decided to not recommend Sociometrics.
Committee introductions & logistics
- CARLI staff and committee members introduced themselves
- Jenny introduced the role of the Commercial Products Committee (see the committee charge) and provided links to:
- Nicole discussed committee communication. The committee uses Box for committee documentation, and all members should have access.
- The committee discussed a regular meeting time. Jenny will send out a Doodle poll to try and determine a time that works for everyone
- Minute taking will rotate based on last name.
Annual Project
- The committee began discussing possible ideas for an annual project. Ideas included:
- Discussions about the newly provided EBSCO packages, including with regard to collection development
- OER vs OA
- Quarterly get togethers of e-resource librarians to discuss ER-related topics
- Michele and Thane will be committee co-chairs.
- Minute taking responsibilities will rotate alphabetically by last name
- The committee recommends continuing to pursue a license with Mometrix
- The committee does not recommend pursuing a license with Sociometrics
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 pm.
Tasks Assigned
- Jenny will send out a Doodle poll to try and determine a regular meeting time
- Nicole will add the minute taker schedule to Box
- Jenny/Nicole will send out survey results once it closes.
- Committee members will continue to think of ideas that may be of interest for an annual project
Meeting Dates
- Next Meeting: TBD (minutes: Chad Buckley)