As part of CARLI’s project to seek a replacement for the Voyager software over the next few years, CARLI and the I-Share Next Task Force have invited firms that offer library management software to academic libraries and consortia to conduct an informational webinar about their product for CARLI Governing Member Libraries.
These webinars are open to any staff of CARLI governing member libraries. You may watch the webinar at the time it is presented, or watch a recording of it on your own schedule. Links to webinar recordings will be announced when they become available.
As it is not possible to see every feature of a library management system in a couple hours, we have asked the presenters to focus their webinars on features of their system that address how libraries’ work is changing as we change our focus from print to electronic collections and take advantage of options like purchase on demand. We also have asked them to highlight features that are specifically of interest to consortia such as union catalog views, shared acquisition ownership of materials, and consortial resource sharing.
We are very early in the process to seek a replacement for Voyager. As the project moves on, we will have more opportunities for you to view the products that are under review. To see the latest about I-Share Next, visit the ISN News page.