CARLI News September 15, 2015

Save the Date: CARLI Annual Meeting

The 2015 CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, November 13 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Champaign. Staff at any CARLI member library is invited to attend. Look for registration information later this month.

Dennis Krieb is the Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year

Dennis Krieb, Director of Institutional Research and Library Services at Lewis and Clark Community College in Godfrey, Illinois, and a member of the CARLI Board of Directors since 2011, is the recipient of the Illinois Library Association Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award for 2015.

The award, presented by ILA's Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries Forum, recognizes an Illinois librarian who is making an outstanding statewide contribution to academic or research librarianship and to library development. CARLI provides financial support for the award.

Throughout his career, and regardless of his role, Dennis has striven to create library communities that promote open access for all patrons and provide exceptional levels of service. As stated in his nomination form, “Dennis is a tireless advocate for Illinois academic libraries of all sizes, with a demonstrated deep respect for and commitment to sustaining and enhancing Illinois' rich tradition of cooperation and collaboration.” 

During his tenure on the CARLI Board, Dennis has been involved in launching the search for a next generation library management system for I-Share, as well as a patron-driven acquisition pilot project for e-books that extends participation to non-I-Share libraries. 

The Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award will be presented at the Awards Gala held on Friday, October 23, during the 2015 Illinois Library Conference in Peoria. 

For further information, contact the Illinois Library Association.

CARLI Digital Collections Reaches 200

On August 4, the 200th collection was published in CARLI Digital Collections!  Established in 2006, CARLI Digital Collections is a growing image and special collections research resource for faculty, staff, students, and the public. By combining digital collections from over 35 different CARLI member institutions into one seamless environment, researchers are guaranteed richer search results on a variety of topics. Visit the CARLI Digital Collections web site to find publications, manuscript materials, images, maps, sheet music, and more!

Illinois State Library Selected as DPLA Service Hub

Illinois State Library has been selected as a service hub for the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). The Illinois State Library will share Service Hub responsibilities with the Chicago Public Library, the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI), and the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. 

DPLA is comprised of digitized collections created by libraries, archives and museums across the nation in a single platform and portal, providing open and coherent access to our society’s digitized cultural heritage. Nearly 11 million books, images, historic records and audiovisual materials are accessible through the DPLA platform. Collections from the Illinois Digital Archives and the CARLI Digital Collections will be the first items represented in the DPLA in early 2016. Other collections from around the state will be added afterwards.

E-Resources: Do You Have Usage Statistics Questions?

Are you struggling to make sense of e-resource usage statistics? Are you unsure what statistics are actually counting? Do you feel like you spend too much time searching vendor’s portals for the stats you need?
The CARLI Commercial Products Committee is continuing their series of webinars in which vendors talk about their usage statistics and their usage statistics portal, starting with a presentation from EBSCO this fall. To make this webinar as useful as possible, the committee is gathering questions you have about EBSCO’s usage stats, and will ask EBSCO to address them in the webinar. These may include questions about the stats (i.e. What is this statistic counting?) or about their portal (i.e. Where do I go to get a certain statistic?). To submit a question for EBSCO, please
If you have suggestions for other e-resource vendors that CARLI should invite to participate in a webinar, please submit those ideas as well.

I-Share Next Update

The I-Share Next Task Force continues to draft the RFP for the product that will replace Voyager. Over three two-day meetings in August and September, members organized a large set of technical specifications developed by the Task Force and its functional working groups. These specifications express CARLI’s expectations that I-Share Next will support current services and will be forward-thinking to enable more efficient and intuitive workflows. 

At its September 10 and 11 meeting, the Task Force added cost sheets to the RFP, and members reviewed and revised the draft into the form that will be submitted to the CARLI Board at its September 25 meeting. 

Following the CARLI Board’s acceptance of the RFP, University of Illinois Purchasing and State Purchasing Officers will review it to ensure that it complies with all State policies. This formal review process can take several months or longer and we have allowed a year for this in the project timeline. On that schedule, the RFP would be released in 2016, a system selected in 2017 and implementation in 2018. All dates are subject to change.

I-Share: Register for Voyager Client Training 

CARLI is pleased to announce a series of Voyager client trainings for staff at I-Share libraries. Registration is now open for: 

All training sessions will be held at the CARLI Office in Champaign. Registration is required and attendance is expected for both days of the two-day trainings. Registrations are accepted on a first come-first served basis. Space is limited.

Mel Farrell: April 1, 1951−September 3, 2015

Mary Ellen "Mel" Farrell, who retired from CARLI in 2012, succumbed to terminal brain cancer on September 3, 2015. Mel began work with ILCSO (a predecessor of CARLI) in fall 1988 as the first person hired as an ILCSO employee, joining Bernie Sloan and Kristine Hammerstrand, who were transferred from the University of Illinois' Administrative Information Systems Services unit to ILCSO earlier that same year. She spent much of her first year at ILCSO helping roll out the statewide implementation of the Full Bibliographic Record (FBR) data for 800 Illinois OCLC libraries. FBR enhanced the LCS system that had been supporting resource sharing since 1980 and the two systems were jointly referred to as ILLINET Online. In 1989-90, Mel spent many days traveling around Illinois with Kris, offering workshops on dial access to IO and its use for statewide resource sharing. Mel worked on many implementation projects for libraries joining ILLINET Online (and later I-Share), the migration to DRA and later to Voyager. Mel became CARLI's Universal Borrowing expert and coordinated its implementation and support until her retirement.

Mel also served for over 20 years on the Board of Trustees for the Urbana Free Library. Upon her retirement from CARLI in 2012, Mel took her love of food, wine, and community to the Common Ground Food Co-Op, where she worked part-time. The list of things Mel enjoyed is too long to note, and her life, far more impressive than could possibly be contained in one statement. Mel loved food, music, wine, gardening, travel, reading, and bringing her family and numerous friends together for good times.  Her loss leaves a gap the local community, and in our CARLI family. We will miss her smile, her laugh, and her joie de vivre. 

A celebration of her life will be held at a later date, so the scores of people who were touched by her can all attend. Please express your thoughts on her Facebook page, or join Mel's family in sharing thoughts, memories and video at her Sunset Funeral Home tribute wall.

Coming Soon: Preservation Open Houses

The CARLI Preservation Committee is pleased to sponsor Open Houses at the University of Chicago and the Center for Research Libraries on Friday, October 23, 2015.  Registration will be available soon.

Preservation Tip: 2015 Burn Simulation and Recovery Workshop Revisited

Greg Macayeal, Northwestern University Music Library

On a hot July afternoon, librarians from around the state gathered at the Illinois Fire Service Institute on the UIUC campus. After a morning spent indoors learning about fire prevention and disaster planning, the group eagerly awaited the Institute instructors to set fire to a collection of withdrawn books and media materials. A bit of hay was added to help the fire gain intensity. Librarians looked on as the fire transformed the donated items into black, vaguely identifiable forms. After the fire was extinguished and the materials cooled to a safe temperature, Jennifer Hain Teper (UIUC, Head of Preservation Services) invited the group to remove the materials for relocation to a space where the damage could be assessed. The remainder of the day was spent investigating the charred library materials to learn how fire damage occurs and the steps for possible recovery of those materials.

Ms. Hain Teper was able to demonstrate the range of what may be found in the aftermath of a fire. Many workshop attendees were surprised to learn exactly how fire damages library materials as well as the extent of damage caused by water applied to extinguish the fire. In the hands-on portion of the day, some attendees had the opportunity to clean recoverable materials and set them to dry.

Disaster planning is an important part of collection management. The excellent instructors from the Fire Service Institute and UIUC taught the attendees the importance of including fire prevention and recovery in a disaster plan. The fire demonstration and hands-on activity are sure to remain in everyone's memory for a long time.

To see photos of the day, visit:

Other Library News

Save the Date: Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference

The third annual Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference will be held on June 9-10, 2016 at the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel at Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, IN.  Watch for updates on the conference web site.

Upcoming CARLI Events and Meetings

Forums, Workshops and Training

September 16        SFX Interest Group Open Conference Call

October 6               Voyager Acquisitions and Serials Training, CARLI Office, Champaign
October 7               Voyager Acquisitions and Serials Training, CARLI Office, Champaign
October 8               Voyager Circulation Training, CARLI Office, Champaign
October 15             Voyager Cataloging Training, CARLI Office, Champaign
October 16             Voyager Cataloging Training, CARLI Office, Champaign

September 16        CARLI Executive Committee
September 17        Collection Management Committee
September 17        Resource Sharing Committee
September 21        Preservation Committee
September 22        Created Content Committee
September 25        CARLI Board of Directors, CARLI Office, Champaign

October 6              Commercial Products Committee
October 8              Public Services Committee
October 14            Technical Services Committee
October 14            SFX System Committee
October 15            Collection Management Committee
October 15            Resource Sharing Committee
October 19            Preservation Committee
October 28            Created Content Committee
October 28            Governing Directors Meetings, Illini Center, Chicago
October 29            Governing Directors Meeting, Illinois State Library, Springfield

Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.

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