Read the CARLI News for the latest information on CARLI events, new and ongoing projects, product and service updates and upcoming deadlines. Issues are sent to all subscribers of the “Announce” email list.
On October 11, CARLI staff bid a fond farewell to Tom Dorst, Director of Planning and Administration. Tom retired after a long career in the service of Illinois libraries at theIllinois State Library, the Illinois Digital Academic Library (IDAL), and CARLI. Tom was integral the successful consolidation in 2005 of IDAL with the Illinois Cooperative Collection Management Program (ICCMP) and the Illinois Library Computer Systems Organization (ILCSO) to become the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois.
Tom cares deeply about libraries and higher education, and their accessibility and effectiveness and he deserves credit for being a part of CARLI's success. We're thankful for his years of service, and we wish him many years of happy, healthy retirement.
Carla Tracy, director of the Thomas Tredway Library at Augustana College, was awarded the Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award for 2013.
The award, presented by the Illinois Library Association and the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries Forum and sponsored by CARLI, recognizes an Illinois academic librarian who is making an outstanding statewide contribution to academic or research librarianship and to library development. It was presented at the 2013 Illinois Library Association Annual Conference in Chicago.
Carla Tracy has been director of the library at Augustana since 2003. Under Carla’s leadership, the library staff has played a key role in integrating information literacy into the requirements for the general education program and new college-wide outcomes, increased the number of student instruction sessions, promoted undergraduate research with primary sources in special collections, begun an assessment program to evaluate information literacy instruction, and engaged in a major renovation and expansion project as part of the college’s creation of the Center for Student Life (CSL). In particular, during the CSL process, Carla fostered an environment of respect and open communication and has displayed tremendous grit and patience.
For more information about the award visit the ILA web site.
The password-protected CARLI selection database is now available. The selection period will remain open until November 15. E-Resources Contacts and subscribers to the Collections and Content Group (CCG) email list should already have received a detailed announcement, along with instructions and a complete list of the products available and the vendors providing access.
Previously distributed institutional Login ID’s and passwords remain valid.
A podcast, "Selection System 101: Everything you need to know to work with the CARLI Selection System" is available to assist you. The 14-minute podcast covers the basics of navigating within the system and the e-resources that are available to the libraries there. (The podcast runs best using the Firefox, Chrome or Safari Internet browsers.)
If you did not obtain an ID/password, if you need general assistance, or if you have problems accessing or using the CARLI online selection system, please email the CARLI Office with the subject line: CY2014 selection period.
Register by November 13 to attend the CARLI Usage Statistics forum to be held at the University of Illinois Springfield on Friday, November 22, 10:30 am–3:30 pm. This event will feature a variety of presentations and product demonstrations from CARLI member library personnel that may be of special interest to individuals working with electronic resources and collection development.
This symposium is sponsored by the CARLI Commercial Products Committee, the CARLI Collection Management Committee and the CARLI SFX System Committee and is open to personnel working in CARLI member libraries. Please share this information with anyone at your institution who may be interested in attending.
For more information and to register, visit the event page.
If you have any questions, please email the CARLI Office.
The CARLI Last Copy Project began in 2009 in order to preserve the last copy of monographs within the Illinois academic and research library community. This project allows any CARLI library that seeks to withdraw a "last copy" monograph to donate it to another CARLI library that will retain the title for resource sharing in Illinois.
Since the very first title, Air-guns and Air-pistols, was offered in 2009, 92% of nearly 4400 items have been accepted for the program.
Items that are eligible to be included in the program:
The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) serves as the initial recipient of submissions. Other libraries in the state are offered items that UIUC does not want or cannot house.
To initiate the process, libraries will complete a simple web form that includes information regarding the donor library (library, contact name and email), the item offered (title, author, isbn, holdings information, and marc record).
As previously announced, OCLC has incorporated its Bibliographic Notification Service (BibNote) into WorldShare Metadata Collection Manager and has enhanced its functionality. The current service will be discontinued; BibNote subscribers should migrate to the new platform before November 1st, 2013.
Read the updated documentation by the Technical Services Committee on how to set up and use OCLC's bibliographic record update service in the I-Share environment is available.
Newly available is John Whisler's pre-recorded webinar, OCLC's WorldShare Metadata Collection Manager Service: A New Tool for Shared Bibliographic Maintenance, Or, BibNote on Steroids.
A pdf of the webinar slides is available from the I-Share documentation page.
Submitted by Bonnie Parr, CARLI Preservation Committee
What is it?
The dPlan is an online tool for non-profit cultural institutions to use in writing a disaster plan. Prepared by the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, it is free and uses a fill-in-the-blank format to create a plan as comprehensive as the user requires.
The plan includes sections to fill in about disaster response procedures, salvage priorities, preventive maintenance schedules, contact information for staff and emergency personnel, sources of emergency supplies and services, insurance checklists, and procedures for electronic backup and restoration.
How is it done?
Instructions are provided on how to get started. First, an account must be set up on the dPlan web site by a staff member who will act as the primary contact for the disaster planning project. Though more than one staff member can be signed on to access the account, only one account should be set up for an institution to avoid duplication of effort in creating a disaster plan.
Once an account has been set up with a login and password, the user has access to the different data entry pages of the template. There are two templates to choose from when entering data: “dPLan in Depth” and “dPlan Lite”. Users can switch between the two templates without losing data–any information entered and saved on “dPlan Lite” is automatically entered on “dPlan in Depth”.
The “dPlan in Depth” has seven sections with numerous sub-sections. The sections include: Institutional Information, Prevention, Response and Recovery, Supplies and Services, Scope and Goals, Staff Training, and Distribution/Review/Updating. The ”dPLan Lite” includes all the sections except Staff Training and has fewer sub-sections.
Entering data into the dPlan is not difficult. What will take time is collecting the information to enter on the template.
Describing the contents of “Collections” (a sub-section of the “Response and Recovery” section, under the heading “Salvage Priorities”), will illustrate a typical page of the dPlan template. The text at the top of the page is a short overview of the topic (in this example, the overview contains information about setting priorities and a description of what to include in the fill-in section of the page). Below the overview, there is a link – “Tell Me More” – for more detailed information on the topic.
The fill-in section of the page breaks down the topic into smaller segments for easier data entry (the “Collections” page has two parts– “Department Salvage Priorities” and “Collection Salvage Priorities” – each containing separate spaces to type in information about departments, priority rankings, collections, and locations). To save the entries, click on the “Save Changes” button (located at both the top and bottom of the page).
When all the information has been entered and saved, check the box “I am finished with this page” (at the top of the page). On the Main Menu of the template, there is a link “Check my Progress” to view which pages have been completed.
What are the results?
Once the template has been completed to the satisfaction of the institution, the data entered in dPlan can be made into a disaster plan document, available in either printed or digital form. The digital format can be set to either PDF (which cannot be edited) or RTF (which can be edited).
The disaster plan is also stored on a secure server for future access and updating. Every six months, an automatic reminder to review and update the plan is emailed by the NEDCC to the institution’s account.
Do you have digital pictures and files scattered all over your cell phone, camera, computer or all of the above? Would you like to protect them for the long-term?
Join us for a free informal seminar on how to get started with digital preservation. The seminar will be held on November 15, 1:00–2:00 pm, at the University of St. Francis' Brown Library, 600 Taylor Street, Joliet. Space is limited. For questions and to RSVP, please contact Jennifer Ho.
The presenters, Jennifer Ho and Sarah Wegley, participated in the Digital Preservation Trainers Program, which was developed and taught by professionals from the Library of Congress, Digital Preservation Office of Education. The Digital Preservation Trainers Program was sponsored by CARLI's Digital Collections Users' Group and Preservation Working Groups
During the 2013-2014 academic year, a FREE series of webinars will be presented on the changing world of intellectual property. This series is sponsored by six research library consortia. The first one-hour webinar is on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at noon on the topic of “Copyright and Fair Use 101.” The two presenters are Anne Gilliland, UNC Chapel Hill, and Christine Fruin, University of Florida, (previously at the University of Illinois at Springfield). They will be present the legal and historical background for copyright principles, fair use, and an overview of recent legal decisions that inform current policies and processes for libraries.
The "New Directions in Information Fluency" conference will be held at Augustana College in Rock Island on April 4-5, 2014. This conference is meant to engage both faculty and librarians in a conversation about going beyond "search" to teach students the skills they most need in our present environment: facility with print archives, sorting through sources in a world of information overload, and viewing research as a multi-stage process.
A description of the conference, along with a link to the call for proposals is available on the Augustana web site.
For more information contact co-coordinators Stefanie Bluemle, Margi Rogal or Sarah Horowitz.
IACRL is seeking presentation proposals for our March 20th, 2014 conference in Oak Brook on the theme of "Telling our Story: Impact and Assessment."
With the growing trend in higher education to demonstrate value through student outcomes, it has become more important than ever for librarians to show our institutions what we do to contribute to student and faculty success. How have you and your colleagues innovated your services, and how have you quantified and evaluated the innovations?
Submit your presentation proposals by November 15, using the online proposal submission form.
A call for poster session submissions will follow in the coming weeks; details will be posted on the IACRL web site.
November 28-29 CARLI Office closed
November 1 Governing Directors Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn, Champaign
November 1 CARLI Annual Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn, Champaign
November 18 Instruction Committee Webinar on Assessment
November 22 Usage Statistics Forum, University of Illinois at Springfield
December 3 New Libraries Circulation Client Training, CARLI Office
December 4 New Libraries Universal Borrowing and Call Slip Training, CARLI Office
December 10 Instruction Committee Webinar on Assessment
November 5 Digital Preservation Trainers
November 11 Commercial Products Committee
November 12 Collection Management Committee
November 13 SFX System Committee
November 13 Technical Services Committee
November 18 I-Share Systems Committee
November 21 Public Services Committee
November 26 Created Content Committee
November 27 CARLI Executive Committee
December 5 Preservation Committee
December 6 CARLI Board, Dominican University, River Forest
December 9 Commercial Products Committee
December 10 Collection Management Committee
December 11 SFX System Committee
December 11 Technical Services Committee
December 12 Public Services Committee
December 16 I-Share Systems Committee
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please contact the CARLI Office with any questions or comments. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.