CARLI Resource Sharing Committee Discussion: "I Want My Two Dollars: Handling Lost & Replacement Fees"

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Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Join the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee for a conversation focusing on the handling of lost & replacement fees and on potentially enlisting other institutions in the item recovery process.  

Questions for discussion include:

  • Do you have a replacement cost and how did you determine this cost?
  • Do you accept replacement copies and under what conditions?
  • Do you waive a replacement fee and if so, when and how much?
  • Do you enlist the patron’s home institution for help and if so, when?

Grab a beverage, bring your thoughts and feedback, and join us so we can learn together and support each other!

This discussion will not be recorded to encourage conversation.

Register using the link at the top of this page.