PDA Event: Libraries Engaging and Impacting BIPOC Student Academic Success: Peer Information Counseling Program

Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Presenters: Alexandra Rivera, Student Success and Community Engagement Librarian; Jesus Espinoza, Student Success Librarian; Halima Haque, first year masters student at the School of Information studying User Experience and Human Computer Interaction; Michael Ocasio a senior at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy with a minor in Economics at the University of Michigan.

The UM Library Peer Information Consulting (PIC) Program is a 36 year old peer education program. It comprises a culturally diverse cohort of student employees trained to conduct library research and provide reference assistance and acquire related skills needed to prepare them to assist their peers, to serve as library ambassadors, and as expert resources for the library, campus, and broader community. This program is designed to overcome the affective barriers stemming from the historical lack of diversity/cultural competence within academic libraries.

The presenters will talk about the theoretical foundation for the program, its creation, and evolution to its current service model. Two Peer Information Consultants will describe their participation in the program and its impact on them academically and professionally. This is an opportunity to explore how to implement a similar program in your organization and learn about the impacts of a peer learning model in support of student success.

Register for this event. 

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