PDA Event: The Librarian's Guide to Licensing: How to Start Navigating the Complexities

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:15pm

Join us for an insightful webinar tailored for library staff seeking to enhance their understanding of electronic resources licensing. Our experienced panel will delve into key topics, including the purposes and importance of licensing, sources for information and assistance, key license terms and negotiation strategies, and plenty of positive encouragement for your license negotiation journey. Gain valuable insights, ask questions, and leave with a comprehensive understanding of licensing essentials to empower your library's collection development.

Don't miss this opportunity to navigate this complex landscape with confidence and make informed decisions that positively impact your library's services and resources.

Presenters include Bethany Blankmeyer (Duke), Abigail Wickes (Duke), Tessa Minchew (NC State), Xiaoyan Song (Duke), Beverly Charlot (NC Central)

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