PDA Event: Cultivating Antiracist, Antibias Workplaces through the Development of Cultural Competence

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

While not library-centric, many have seen the potential of developing cultural competence, or the ability to utilize a set of behaviors, attitudes and policies to interact effectively with people of different cultural backgrounds. Specifically, cultural competence has been suggested as an approach to combating issues surrounding racism and bias within library and information organizations. But what does cultural competence look like in the cultivation of antiracist and anti bias workplaces? This session will use the cultural competence continuum to identify specific actions or behaviors that both individuals and organizations can implement in order to both develop cultural competence and combat issues of racism and bias within library workplaces.


  • Understand the concept of cultural competence and how it applies to libraries.
  • Recognize behaviors that align with different levels of cultural competence.
  • Identify culturally competent actions and behaviors to combat antiracism and anti bias.

Presented by Dr. Kawanna Bright from East Carolina University

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