PDA Event: Creating Competitive Grant Application Timelines and Budgets

Thursday, December 7, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:00am

You and your project team are ready to start developing your grant application. However, your team has no idea how to determine how much the project will cost, or what steps would need to be executed to complete the project. Unfortunately, there is no existing formula for creating competitive grant budgets with timelines. Each grant opportunity, applicant organization, partnering organizations, and potential sponsor requirements and guidelines is unique. In order to be competitive, you and your team and partners need to understand their options when it comes to these two important components of every grant proposal. This workshop will help to remove the mysteries of what works and doesn’t work when reasonably budgeting for grant project funding requests, in-kind contributions, overhead expenses, and more. It will help you understand the relationship between the timeline and the budget and how they work together within the proposal. Examples of awarded applications will demonstrate successfully crafted timelines and budgets.


  • Discovering sponsor funding amount trends;
  • Understanding options available to achieve a fundable application budget and timeline;
  • Learning how to develop sub-award budgets for partners that don’t compromise the full budget; and,
  • Knowledge of how to interpret and visualize budgets to understand how the project will be actualized.


Bess de Farber serves as grantseeking and collaboration development consultant at ASK Associates, Inc. She has had four careers: as a musician and arts administrator; as a program officer managing grant awards for arts and cultural, social services, and human and race relations; as a nonprofit management consultant; and as an academic research development professional. She has provided grantseeking training and mentoring to thousands of library staff, nonprofit and academic professionals, artists, and university students in the past 33 years, and has led efforts to secure millions for nonprofits and academic libraries using her collaborative grantseeking strategies that yield an extraordinarily high rate of success. Bess is the author of Collaborative Grant-Seeking: A Practical Guide for Librarians, and Creating Fundable Grant Proposals: Profiles of Innovative Partnerships, and coauthor of Collaborating with Strangers: Facilitating Workshops in Libraries, Classes, and Nonprofits. She holds a Bachelor of Music from the University of Southern California, and a Master of Nonprofit Management from Florida Atlantic University.

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