PDA Event: Affordable Education Resources: The Whole Nine Yards and Then Some

Tuesday, July 27, 2021 - 2:30pm to 4:00pm

LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network coordinates a statewide affordable learning program that reduces costs and ensures students have access to required course materials. In the last session, you learned what all the acronyms AER, CDA, EBA IA…mean. In this session, we are going to fill you in on the ins and outs of implementing AER programs in coordination with our 47 member libraries. Key to the continued success and evolution of AER in Louisiana is recent legislation, ACT 125 Affordable Textbooks and Open Education Resources. Learn more about the goals of the legislation and how it can impact higher education in Louisiana and beyond.

Presenters: Teri Gallaway, Emily Frank, Mike Waugh, Laurie Blandino, Victor Sanchez, Elizabeth Kelly, Darcy Waguespack, LOUIS

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