Technical Services Committee Meeting: September 5, 2018

Conference Call

Members Attending: 

Jessica Grzegorski (co- chair; Newberry Library); Ming Yan Li, University of Illinois at Chicago; Deborah Morris (Roosevelt University); Adrienne Radzvickas (Lincoln College); Cynthia Romanowski (Governors State University); Nicole Ream-Sotomayor (co- chair; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Joan Schuitema (Northeastern Illinois University); Bill Schultz (Eastern Illinois University)
Members Absent: Gayle Porter (Chicago State University)

CARLI staff attending:

Jen Masciadrelli, Nicole Swanson



  • Governors State University has successfully hired one 900-hour person and will be looking for another 900-hour person for the ILL position. They will be posting the full-time cataloging position again in the near future. They are currently conducting interviews for a Health and Human Services Librarian.
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has three Civil Services positions open.
  • Northeastern Illinois University is still looking for a Dean. 
  • University of Illinois Chicago will have two openings posted soon for Acquisitions and a Collection Analysis Librarian.

CARLI reports

  • The Technical Services Committee has been invited to make a high level presentation at the annual meeting on last year’s annual project and submit a one page summary report by Oct. 22. Each presentation will have eight minutes and CARLI will support overnight lodging expenses for one presenter.
  • CARLI will have Voyager skills webinars twice a month. Ted Schwitzner will be conducting a webinar Friday, September 14 entitled “Voyager documentation beyond CARLI.” On September28th, Nicole will be giving a webinar on “Batch deletes.” Jen will be doing an Acquisitions one at the end of October [moved to November]. If anyone has specific topics or workflows they would like covered, please let Jen know so that she can highlight those tasks.  
  • Nicole and Ted will be leading a Voyager Cataloging Training Oct. 18-19.
  • Nicole encouraged members to try out the new features “Request Item” button for local call slips and “Request from I-Share Libraries” button in the union catalog and provide feedback.
  • CARLI was awarded the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant for CARLI Counts. The project begins October1st and was 1 of 14 to receive funding. More information is available on the CARLI homepage. 
  • CARLI received its budget numbers and it is a flat budget. 


  • July minutes approved with a couple of changes. 
  • Calendar of Upcoming RDA Trainings was updated with Fall 2018 offerings. Announcements were sent to the Technical Services Interest Group listserv and shared in the CARLI Newsletter. Currently, the calendar is updated through December. Members can share any trainings not yet on the calendar with Jessica and Nicole Swanson. Analytics from the RDA Training Calendar webpage showed that on August 28-29 the page was viewed 187 times, with 109 unique views. The average time on the page as 4 minutes. We believe this activity demonstrates that it is worth continuing the effort to update the calendar. 
  • Annual Project: Forum on change management
    • Jen reported that she received replies from the Public Services and Collection Management Committees on collaborating on the forum. The Public Services Committee will be meeting Thursday, September 6th at 2 PM; they have not had a chance to discuss this yet. Denise also reached out to early adapters of new VuFind in case they are also interested in contributing. 
    • Ideas on forum structure and content
      • Key points made in determining this were: a.) the structure would be dependent upon the timeframe of the day; b.) discuss the impact of change on the individual person at an institution; and c.) not to be too technical and narrowing down the topic too much when we don’t know the system we will be moving to.
      • Structure ideas included having a keynote speaker talk about change management in general, having CARLI staff do a high level of what’s going to change with a specific system or having a panel with table talks, and/or having breakouts. 
    • Topic ideas:
      • Spend some time on the big concepts; change in your library means there will be change in the institution, the patron, and you. How vast is a system change? How fundamental of a change will this be?
      • CARLI could talk about the big areas that will change and how can you handle the change, how technical services workflows will change.
      • Help people manage stress levels and all aspects of massive change. What issues might occur with how people adapt to the change or approach change and give people the power to be able to handle those issues. 
      • People might appreciate a session where speakers discuss an experience they have had with change in their library (systems, etc.) that could then spur ideas for further discussion in the breakout sessions.
      • Panelists given questions ahead of time that are specific to what worked and what did not, and then take those experiences and bring those into small group discussions. 
    • Speaker Ideas
      • Joan Schuitema was interested in speaking at the forum, potentially with Lynn Gullickson Spencer. If we are able to bring in a speaker, she recommends Kevin O’Connor, a former professor. 
      • CARLI staff
      • Panel could be arrange by kind of change or environment so one person crisis, one new product install, one reorganization change
    • Location: ​Mingyan suggested UIC as a possible location. Cynthia suggested GSU. Our last forum was at GSU so Mingyan will check UIC's availability first.
    • Tentative date: late March

Tabled for next meeting:

  • Review the Suggested Priorities for Bibliographic, Holding, and Item Record Maintenance and reprioritize based on what is most important for data migration:
  • Best Practices document for managing local bibliographic data
  • Regular (quarterly?) review of VuFind issues log on GitHub to recommend which should be prioritized:
  • Emails from Christa Strickler (Wheaton College) and Ted Schwitzner regarding duplicate records in the Universal Catalog (8/1/2018 and 8/13/2018)


•    Minutes of the July 23, 2018 meeting approved. 
•    The meeting was adjourned 12:02 PM.

Tasks assigned: 

•    Everyone review the secretary schedule and see if there are any conflicts with their scheduled time. 
•    Everyone review the one page summary report on the annual project that Nicole Swanson drafted.
•    Cynthia will put together an 8-minute presentation for the annual meeting and will create the corresponding documentation or PowerPoints slides. 
•    Joan will reach out to Kevin O’Connor and Lynn Gullickson Spencer to see if they might be interested in being a potential keynote speaker for our forum. 
•    Mingyan will check on the availability of UIC for hosting the forum. 

Meeting dates and deadlines:

  • Deadline to submit topic to CARLI October 15.
  • The next meeting will be Wednesday, October 3, 10:30am-12:00pm, via conference call

Respectfully submitted by,
Cynthia A. Romanowski