Network Zone Cataloging Advisory Group

Monday, December 16, 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Network Zone Cataloging Advisory Group Meeting #2

This group will help CARLI staff to identify and transition to workflows in Alma that best meet existing CARLI policy and practice for cooperative cataloging. Members of the group will test Alma’s cataloging functionality related to local data retention, cataloging permission levels, record import practices including record match points, and NZ linking and unlinking. CARLI expects that these tests will help identify workflows for institutions to begin cataloging their resources in both their IZ and the NZ, and to identify conditions when records should be merged, replaced, or kept as is.

The group will be meeting by web conference between December 9, 2019 and January 31, 2020. CARLI staff will take the results to draft and communicate recommendations for member library cataloging practices that could be used on Day One in Alma.