Members present: Andrew Belongea (COL), Marlee Graser (SIE), Aimee Walker (JOL), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Allan Berry (UIC), Rachelle Stivers (HRT), Matt Short (NIU)
Members absent: Colin Koteles (COD)
CARLI Staff Present: Jessica Gibson
1. Review and approve previous minutes
2. Sub-Committees
- Next steps?
- Dedup/FRBR
- Not much to update; diving back into the literature
- Testing rules in network zone, to suppress FRBR dedup
- Hard to configure what subfields
- In progress
- Waiting for work from CARLI
- Testing will occur in sandbox before prod
- Local fields
- Scheduled sub-group meeting.
- Local resource types
- Attended Technical Services committee
- Showed indication rules for finding records incorrectly coded for nominal resource type
- May tweak some rules, e.g. DVD
- a. Problem with DVD check: nothing in the record: needs 300 or 500 (538?) field
- b. Ambiguous re: Blu-Ray causing false positives. Not the end of the world. Looking for a cleaner method
- Ted spearheading cleanup rules
- Definitions ready to go live, just doing cleanup
- Ted did some training for Tech Services committee
- A bit overwhelming
- Working to integrate task into shared environment
- Follow up meeting occurred
- Usability best practices
- Laura Spradlin usability
- Potentially pulling together Primo VE usability testing
- Heartland Community College, Illinois Wesleyan, SIU
- Laura testing was on website, not on Primo, so not a good fit
- Original concept may not work
- Amy checked with ListServ, but not any response
- Another meeting on the horizon.
- June webinar still a possibility?
- Target date for follow up - early June?
- Reevaluate what part two is going to be? Not much discussion thus far.
- Look for other institutions or consortiums outside of CARLI/I-share doing usability testing.
- 3/6 sent information to Primo VE interest group.
- Consider if other institution is part of a consortium environment.
- Potential other institutions to reach out to?
- a. Ask through ExLibris Alma listserv
- b. Code4Lib lists (Midwest and National)
- If we can’t get someone to speak, look for other freely available presentations.
- At Ontorio webinar on accessibility, NYU group shared a lot of changes they made due to accessibility concerns. Lindsey can share the information.
- Sounds like a literature review for a research group. Show changes people have made at our individual institutions. What it looks like for each institution.
- Allan and Lindsey putting out a call for other institutions sharing information on their accessibility changes.
- ELUNA Learns webinar on accessibility has good content on this issue.
3. Ex Libris Idea Exchange
- Idea list in our Drive folder
- Lindsey has updated her graphic on instructions on how to register and vote.
- Sent out to her colleagues.
- Go same route with PrimoVE listserv would probably be next step.
- Please send out to your own institution.
- Alma Staff Consortial Group meeting
- Washington Resource Library Consortium, a consortium like ours.
- They do a PrimoVE idea of the month and focus on one issue.
- i. Send Lindsey’s graphic every time with an “idea of the month”?
- ii. Allan gets a good response from colleagues when he passes along changes made to Primo.
- iii. How many and how often?
- Start with focusing on the top idea(s), library card issue?
- Way of tracking CARLI impact on voting? Snapshotting?
- Next steps - share the graphic at your own institution.
- a. Lindsey is going to send graphic out to PrimoVE interest group.
- b. Encourage issues #1,2,3
4. New Business
- Aimee raised the terrible issue with linking in the CDI. Libkey as a potential solution to improve linking.
- Do we want to take a look at this?
- Libkey - like a link resolver, supposed to have improved linking.
- Libkey Nomad - direct users to library access from other platforms like Google Scholar
- Does direct linking very well
- UIC - have had Libkey for a while. Positive feedback on it.
- Cost. Joliet Junior College - cost was under $5,000.
- Have to send holdings file monthly
- Cleaner linking to open access material
- Helpful with hybrid journals where only some content is open access